Ch. 9

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*the next day*

I woke up to leala getting around early. "What are you doing?" I asked sleepily. "Hmm oh me? Nothing! Nothing at all." Leala said trying to look innocent. "Yea right. Your the late sleeper remember? So tell me what's up?" I said sitting up and facing her. "I wanted to make breakfast today. Mikey normally does but I want to surprise him." Leala said blushing slightly. "Oh I see now! Need any help? im not going back to sleep." I said leaping out of bed. "No I think I've got it. You can be lookout." Leala said as she left closing the door behind her. I stuck out my tongue at her. I got dressed then I grabbed a book, my favorite blanket, and my iPod. I sat on the couch and turned my iPod on. I then started to sing along softly as I read my book. "If I save my heart for you

Will I ever have your love?

I know that some dreams don't come true

Only fools won't give their mind

Could I feel this touch so strong without?

If we really don't belong in love

Will you ever feel it too?

If I save my heart for you.

There are games that I could play

I could act like I don't care

Seems the times I go away

Well its then you want me there

Still I cannot get you close enough

The shades go down the walls go up

Will you ever let me through?

If I save my heart for you.

I wanna love that knows no boundaries

I wanna love that wears no mask

And when I feel those arms around me

That's when I won't have to ask

I won't have to ask.

Love is such a fragile gift

When it's someone you feel magic with

Will you ever say you do?

If I save my heart for you,

If I save my heart for you." I sang to myself. I glanced up and realized that splinter and Leo were staring at me. I blushed and tried to hide behind my book. "You are a wonderful singer lily." Splinter said before he turned and went to meditate. Leo sat next to me so I turned off my music. "Morning Leo." I said turning towards him. "Hi. So what was the song you were singing. There has to be a meaning behind it." Leo said. I quickly glanced around looking for the others especially Donnie. "I kinda like one of your brothers but I don't think he realizes it. So I'm saving my heart for him." I said blushing deeply. "Haha lily I know which one you like. I'm not one to go to about it but I can talk to him if you want me to." Leo said. "Really?" I said looking at him. "Yup. I think you two are a better couple then him and the other girl." Leo said standing. "What's up dude and dudette?" Mikey said walking from his room. "Nothing much. I was reading." I said closing my book and standing. I walked into the kitchen where leala had made waffles. "Looks amazing sis!" I said sitting at the table. "I hope it tastes as good as it looks. Mind waking the boys?" Leala said. "Sure but if raph hurts me your stopping him!" I said running out the door. "Mikey, Leo cover me! I'm off to wake the sleeping creatures!" I said racing through the living room. I then ran into Donnie's room. I silently walked up beside him and looked down. 'Aww he's so adorable!' I thought to myself. "Donnie wake up sleepy head." I said loudly pulling the end of his blanket so it fell off. "Five more minutes!" Donnie mumbled curling into a ball. "No! It's time for breakfast! So get up!" I said as I started to jump on his bed. Donnie then stood up and placed a hand on my head. I stopped jumping and looked at him. "Good alarm clock!" He said getting off his bed. "Time to wake up raph!" I sang skipping away. "Wait what!" All three boys said as they followed me down the hall. "You heard me!" I said skipping along. I finally reached Raphael's door. I opened it slowly. I walked in silently and looked at the sleeping figure. I then looked at the boys whose shaking heads told me that they sensed what I was going to do. I then smiled widely and nodded. Before any of them could stop me I let out an earsplitting screech. Raphael leapt up and stood ready to attack. I then laughed and raced out the door passed the other boys. "I'm going to get you little girl!" I heard Raphael yell. I laughed to myself and ran into the kitchen. "I was never here!" I said to leala as I closed the pantry door. I curled up into a ball and hid in the farthest corner. I was only there for a few minutes before the door opened. It was Mikey. He saw me in the corner but did not say anything. When he went out I heard Raphael yelling for me. "Come out come out where ever you are!" He said. "She's not in here raph." Leala said coolly "yea and she's totally not in the pantry!" Mikey said. I mentally slapped my head knowing my cover was blown. "Oh really?" Raphael said. "Ow!" Mikey said loudly. I prepared myself as the door opened. I tried to leap past him but he caught me. "Gotcha!" Raphael said pinning me to the wall. I squirmed around trying to get free. "Oh no you don't! Haven't I taught you that you never wake me up." He said sternly. I nodded the best I could. I was starting to get scared as no one was helping me. I then started crying because I was getting in trouble for listening to my older twin. "Let her down Raphael!" Splinter said tapping his cane on the ground sharply. I fell to the floor. I then ran to my room and locked the door, flinging myself onto my bed I curled up in a ball.

I heard someone knock on the bedroom door. "Lily it's me let me in." Leala said softly. "No!" I said sternly. "Why not?" She said sounding hurt. "Because you told me to wake raph up! Then I got the full force of the blame! And you did not stop him!" I said throwing a pillow at the door. "I'm sorry lily. I really am. I thought that he would be calmer about it. Plus you did scream." Leala said softly. "It's the only way to wake him up. He sleeps like a rock." I said softly laughing a bit. "Haha yea. Can I come in now?" Leala asked hopefully. "Nope! Not till you tell raph who was the one to tell me to wake him and it wasn't my whim." I said sternly. "Fine I will then!" Leala said. I heard her footsteps fad as she walked away. I then grabbed the stereo and turned it on. I finally found the song I wanted and turned it up just a bit.

"So now sing to me about a time in life.

A brighter time.

Where magic comes, from deep inside

Our hearts and flows to shape the world .

We can't explain why

This happened to us

Our trusted friends now hiding from the truth.

We all owe it to

You must grow and change,

The better days are here.

For the time has come for

You to bring us hope" I sang softly. Then I heard knocking. "I'm sorry for holding you like that lily. For give me?" Raphael said loudly over the music. I opened the door and looked at him. "I forgive you." I said giving him a hug. I then turned off my music and joined the others. Soon enough we were making plans to look for mutagen containers.

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