Ch 14 part 2

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*later that night*

"So are you mad at us Leo?" Leala asked. "I'm not mad you guys should listen more." Leo said. "Stop the shellraiser!" Donnie said holding his mutagen tracker. We got out and looked about. "It's coming from the basement!" Donnie said. "Hold on guys we should wait and make a plan!" Leo said but the others ha went ahead. I shrugged and patted his shoulder before following the others. "I found one!" Mikey said running toward the canister. "Nooooo!" Leo shouted but it was too late and Mikey had grabbed it. All the doors closed and foot soldiers came out of no where. "Well well well! Looks like my trap worked!" Kari said. "Looks like your lady friend is up to something!" Donnie said. We then launched into attack mode. I fought my best but was starting to become overwhelmed. "Fall back!" Leo said over the sounds of our fights. "No way Leo!" Raph said. We eventually did fall back and started to clime the elevator shaft. I was farther behind then the boys a d my sister as I'm not a big climer. On of the foot grabbed me. "Ekkkk!" I screamed as I tried to get them off. "Lily!" I heard leala scream from the exit. "Leo hold on!" I heard raph say. I looked up and Leo was like I was. Covered in foot soldiers. "Lily!" Donnie an leala said as I started to fall. "Leo!" Raph said as Leo's rope broke and he too fell.

I woke up in a cage, Leo in the one next to me. "Isn't this wonderful Leo? These are kraang robots, they only do as I command. Foot bots! Deshell him!" Kari said then left. We fell to the floor and our weapons were given to us. We tried to fight them but they started to learn our moves. Then they tied us up.

After about an hour I heard noises on the rafters. I looked up and it was the boys and leala. I shook my head no and nudged Leo who tried to warn them. "It's a trap!" Leo said but it was too late and we were surrounded by foot bots. "Now all we have to do is wait for splinter!" Kari said. We managed to get out of the building and onto the streets. "Remember king of the mountain!" Leo said as we raced across the rooftops. "Yea! What about it?" Leala said. "Oh I see! We have to do our own thing!" Donnie said. Donnie threw some stars and killed a few of the robots. Mikey was break dancing, and raph was plowing through them. Leala and I worked together always switching it up. We looked up and saw Leo fighting Kari. I went closer to see if he needed help. But he then knocked her to the ground. "Splinter would never hurt an innocent! Believe me on that! Your grudge is with me, so leave my brothers, the girls, and my sensi out of it!" Leo said angrily. He then climbed the fire escape to a building. "Our crazy has become normal!" Mikey said waving his nunchucs in the air. We then raced across rooftops away from the foot soldiers and back to the lair. Leo went to talk with splinter. "Hey lily?" Donnie called from his lab when I passed it on my way to bed. "Yea?" I said walking in. "Can you finish your dream?" He said softly. "Sorry Donnie not tonight. I'm ready to fall over I'm that tired." I said with a yawn. "Oh ok lily." Donnie said looking a bit down cast. I went to give him a hug but fell asleep while doing so I felt so safe. I was hardly aware that Donnie had picked me up and carried me to my bed. "Night lily." Donnie whispered softly turning away. "Night." I whispered back before falling into oblivion.

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