Ch. 20

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•authors note•

Donnie's song I wrote myself so please don't criticize too harshly. It's the first song I tried to write. Anyways please enjoy!

*lily pov*

I woke to soft humming and a warm body hugging me. I struggled out of the arms and stood. I went to run but the person grabbed my arm. Then I heard him singing. "It doesn't matter if your the weakest,

It doesn't matter if your slow to learn,

It doesn't matter if you lead the way,

It doesn't matter if your smart,

As long as your you.

I will stand by your side,

And protect you from harm,

And when you push away,

I will pull you back into my arms

I have seen you at your strongest,

I have seen you at your weakest,

As you have seen me at mine.

And I will stand by your side

And protect you from harm

And if you push away,

I will pull you back into my arms

Other girls may be pretty,

Other girls may be strong,

But to me your the perfect one,

The perfect one for me.

And I will stand by your side,

And protect you from harm,

And if you push away,

I will pull you back into my arms." The voice sang softly. I recognized the voice and I relaxed a bit. "Donnie, I thought I said for you all to NOT follow me." I said softly. "You may have but would that stop your sister? Would that stop me?" Donnie said pulling me closer. "Don't tease me! You love April." I said pulling away and turning away wiping tears away. "Did you not listen to my song? I created it special for you." Donnie said making me face him and he wiped my tears away. "I..... You made a song for me?" I said curiously. "Yes. I have been blind my flower. I have always loved you but was blinded by April's humanness. I was curious and did not realize that I had the most perfect girl already." Donnie said. "But that does not help my fighting weakness." I said. "I'm sure if you ask raph he could help you. Besides your the only one who knows flight on the dragon. And I will protect you. Now will you come back?" Donnie said. "Yes I will come back." I said. "Good otherwise I would have had to force you." Donnie said pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him close then glanced up into his eyes. We started to lean in when I heard the others coming. "LILY! DON'T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" Leala said pulling me into a hug. "Don't worry I won't. I was wrong." I said. "Good. Now lets get home!" Mikey said. "Haha ok."I said heading home with them. "Hey raph?" I asked as we walked the sewers. "Yea?" Raph said slowing his walk to match mine. "Could you train me to be stronger?" I asked shyly. "Of course!" Raph said before walking his normal pace again. When we got to the lair we were all hyped up still so we put in a movie. I snuggled into Donnie and shyly glanced up at him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer. I sighed realizing this was where I was meant to be and my eyes closed.

*donnie's pov*

I felt lily snuggle into my side and I let her. I wrapped my arm around her pulling her close like my song said I would do. Soon I felt her drift off but I did not move. I loved having her snuggled into my side. I looked down at her sleeping form then glanced around. The others had either fallen asleep where they were or had gone to their own beds. I then leaned down and gently kissed lily's forehead before I moved to a more comfortable position. I then drifted off with lily in my arms. 'My flower.' I thought as I fell asleep

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