My sweet angel

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{Casandra's POV}

I was completely shocked. Was I hearing him correctly? He said he likes me, but he acted so mean. I don't understand if he means it as a friend or in the other way. I'm so confused. I continued to look at him confused until he said something. "I know how I acted was unacceptable but it was a way of hiding my feelings. I was confused myself and I didn't realise that what I was feeling was love, not hatred." My heart stopped when he said love. I knew my feelings for him were the same but I just couldn't get the words out so I continued to just look at him star struck. "I completely understand if you don't feel the same way, I just only hope that you do." I told myself that, that was my queue to admit, to tell him. "Michael," I muttered out. "I-I feel the same way. I really like you." I told him before my mind had a chance to chicken out. He stared at me for a minute or two. He looked like he thought I would've rejected him because his facial expression was stunned. My embraced my into a tight hug. I returned the hug and in that moment I didn't want anything else. It was perfect. Just me and him and no one else. I wish we could stay like this forever but we had to go into the hotel.
"Common" Michael pulled away and led me out of the car. Once again there were some fans and paparazzi waiting for us so Michael pulled his hand out of mine. I didn't want him to. His hands were so warm and soft but I wasn't ready for the world to know. Its not like we were a couple any way. Just two people that like each other.

As we walked to the back I started to get scared again. I felt so bad for Michael. I don't understand how he could go through this everyday. It's only been like a day for me and I'm already scared. Michael had doubled security since the incident so he had put some more body guards on so nothing can happen to me. I thought the gesture was sweet, he obviously cared for my safety. We managed to get through the back way and we went up our floor. "Are you alright?" Michael questioned. "Yeah I'm okay now. I don't understand how you can go through this everyday." I gave him a sympathetic look. "It gets easier, I guess it doesn't bother me because its all I've ever known." A look of sadness flashed across his face. I know that he never had a childhood and that truly broke my heart. Childhood is a wonderful thing of kindness and innocence. I know that he never had a good family relationship but I didn't know to what extent. I sympathised every child whose childhood was taken too soon and Michael was one of them. We arrived at my door and I went to go in and Michael followed. "Michael, I can go in by myself, its not like anything is going to happen to me." I told him pushing him back out. "But..." He started to say. "You have to get ready for your concert" I told him. He sighed. "Okay, but I'm going to check up on you when I come back." And with that he walked away. I sighed and shut the door. I was finally alone and my emotions became too much for me to bare. I fell to the floor and let out a sob. I don't know why I was really crying, I mean I guess it was just a mixture of lots of things but all I know is that I felt alone, empty.

{Michael's POV}

"I love you Sydney!!!!" I announced before exiting the stage. This was honestly one of the most stressful concerts in a long time. I couldn't concentrate because my mind was somewhere else. It was on Casey. She seemed really shaken up when we got to the hotel, I mean I would as well if I was experiencing something that I've never experienced before. She must be so scared of what might happen to her if she goes out now. Yes she has been exposed to it before but she wasn't really noticed. She was just known as the assistant but now that she got hurt, it's like everyone is noticing her now it she is scared. I know how she feels because I was exposed to it a such a young age. No one really expected the songs from The Jackson 5 to be so popular so quick so none of us really knew how to cope with all the fame, but we did. We learnt fast and we just had to suck it up and deal with it, especially since Joseph wouldn't allow us to be babies about it.

I walked into my dressing room and cleaned up. I didn't want to have to stay back any longer than needed tonight. I wanted to go back to the hotel and check up on Casey. As I was cleaning up I got a nock on my door. "Come in" I answered and put the swear soaked towel in the dirty pile of clothes. Bill emerged from behind the door and came in. "You have someone wanting to meet you about a movie roll here." He said. "No, tell them another time. I want to go home." I told him gathering my things. He gave me a stern look. "You know these things don't come around very often." He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "I'm Michael Jackson, they will always come around." I didn't realise how cocky that sounded until it came out my mouth, but it was true. I always had people wanting me to do documentaries and movies, I just always said no because they never felt like the right one. I'm just waiting for a good one to come around. "Can w go now?" I asked standing in front of Bill. He unfolded his arms realising how desperate I was to get home. He knows about my feelings for Casey as he hears most of what happens in the car. I didn't really mind though because I knew that he wasn't going to like tell the whole world. I trusted him and he trusted me. "Okay, lets go." he announced before escorting me back to the hotel.

I walked to Casey's door. I was about to knock but it was late, and I didn't want to wake her so I used the spare key to enter her room. I tried to be extra quiet considering all the lights were off, so she was probably asleep. I walked to her bedroom and the door was slightly ajar so I entered. As I expected she was sound asleep facing towards me. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep but I noticed that around her eyes looked red and puffy and her nose was also red. She must've been crying. That absolutely broke my heart. I didn't want her to be so afraid that she cries herself to sleep. I couldn't live with knowing that I put her in that situation. I just couldn't. I walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. I moved a piece of her away from her face and sighed. How could someone so beautiful be so broken?

I don't know what compelled me to do so but I leant down and kissed her forehead. I stroked her face and sighed once more.

"Good night my sweet angel." and with that I left.

I'll Be Your Forever Lover (Michael Jackson fan fiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now