A day to remember forever

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{I'm so sorry I missed a day. I have to go back to school  in two days and I have so much homework I haven't done. it doesn't help when my stupid partner is not helping me with it. Anyway thank you for reading my story, I appreciate it.                                                                               Love you, Jasmine}

{Casandra's POV}

I jolted upright abruptly from my sleep, well I wouldn't really call it sleep. I had a terrible sleep. I was up all night tossing and turning just stressing about multiple things. The biggest thing on my mind was that I was scared. I was scared to go out, I was scared something would happen to  me. I know that there is a small chance since Michael had double security but I still was. I guess I would just have to get over it as it's something I cant avoid. Michael was also on my mind all night. I was awake when he came in. I was so embarrassed about crying so I pretended to be asleep. My heart really warmed at the fact that he actually came to check up on me. Like, he would've been so tired after his concert, he didn't have to check up on me but he did. I still wasn't sure of my feelings towards him. I liked him, very much so but I don't know if it' love. Well I wouldn't really know what love feels like. The last time I thought I had love I ended up getting beaten up. I felt like I was just so broken inside that I didn't know how to love.

I glanced at the clock after lying in bed for what seemed like ages contemplating life. It was only jut six o'clock. I reviewed Michael's schedule last night and we were leaving today to Brisbane for a show. The plane ride wouldn't take too long so once we got their Michael had an interview for a magazine. I go up slowly from the warm bed and made it neatly. I knew the cleaners were just going to take them off anyway but I wanted to at least make the room neat. I put on some comfortable clothes for he plane ride and packed my things. Although I hated travelling around, I just reminded myself that with every state we go to, its one less to see my family. I still haven't told anyone that they are here and thy haven't contacted me so I'm not sure if they know I'm here, I think I'm just going to turn up to their door and surprise them.

I had packed up all my things within about 20 minutes and I tucked the suitcase to the door. I was actually struggling so much until Bill knocked on the door. I invited him inside and he helped me with my bags. "Is that everything?" he asked as he gave the last of my luggage to a hotel staff. "Yeah, that's all."  I nodded as I made sure everything was there. "Well, I'm going to go tell Michael  that we need to go." I informed Bill as I walked down the hallway. I knocked on his door and awaited for him to open it. I waited for a second until I heard the door unlock and I saw Michael emerge from behind the door. "Morning." he smiled and opened the door inviting me in. I walked in and saw his luggage at the door. "Oh... I guess I don't have to tell you to hurry up then." I looked at his luggage and then back up at him. I never really noticed how much taller he was to me. I mean he was probably average height and I was just really short. "Yeah, I didn't want you stressing this morning so I got up early and packed." He smiled. I could tell that he was referring to myself crying last. The truth is, I did stress. I broke down quiet often but I just hid it from everyone else. I wasn't vey good at hiding my emotions but I have been doing a pretty good job the past year. "Okay, well lets get going then. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can rest." I told him giving a half hearted smile. The look in his eyes screamed sympathy. Ever since he told me he liked me, its like I notice all these things I never noticed before and I was getting weirded out. It's not that I didn't like it, it's just I wasn't used to it.  

We were now settling down on the plane waiting for take off. As per usual I sat next to the window but this time Michael decided to sit next to me. I glanced over at him as he sat down and he smiled. "Hey." he said in a hushed tone. I smile up at him and watch as he sits. It was quiet for a while until he spoke. "Casandra... Are you alright?" He asked sighing. I was not expecting him to be so serious. I chuckled concealing the obvious. "I'm fine. The question is are you alright?" I laughed but his expression was dead serious. I stopped laughing and sunk into my seat. "Casey... I know your not. Man I took on look at you last night and I could tell. It's okay if you need a break." He took one of my hands squeezing it. "No! I love this job. I'll be fine. It's okay." I gave a shaky breathe. I really did need a break but I couldn't let him down.

{Michael's POV}

I sat down and answered questions for a magazine. We were now in Brisbane and Casey was pretty quiet the whole flight. She looked drained, mentally and physically. I really did feel sorry for her but I know it wasn't easy for her to open up to people, so until then all I could do is just give her moral support. I really wanted this interview to finish. I didn't really like doing them because they just asked the same question over and over in every interview. "Thank you for coming today Mr Jackson. We know your a very busy man." The interviewer says as he shakes my hand. I saw my goodbyes and then go over to Casey. "Do  I have anything else today?" I asked. I already knew I didn't but I just wanted her to not suspect anything. She looked through my schedule as we walked to the car. "Ah, no. You are all good. You should get some rest while you can." She told me. She told me to rest but I had other plans. We were now seated in the car headed to our destination. You see, Casey thinks that we are just going back to the hotel but I had organised with Bill before hand to take us to this really nice restaurant. "Uh, Bill. You missed the turn off." She said looking out the window following the road we were supposed to turn down. "I Know." he chuckled to himself. "What? Where are we going?" It was so adorable when she was confused. "I'm taking you out." I replied to her question. She looked over at me. "Why?" She further questioned. "because I wanna take you out on a date" I beamed at her. 'A date?" She muttered. I smiled and nodded. "Yup." I told her and then she smiled. Her smile was beautiful and her teeth were perfect. I wish she smiled more.

"I am so full. Thanks to you I now have a food baby." Casey whined rubbing her belly.  I chuckled sightly. "Casandra. I have something to ask you." I told her nervously whilst scratching the back of my neck. "Yeah." She breathed looking me in the eye. I suddenly felt nervous. I took a deep breathe and asked her. "Casandra. I know I haven't been very nice to you the past year but, I really like you and I just want o be with you. You make me happy, and I love it, so will you please do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" I felt relieved that I had asked her but I couldn't tell what she was feeling. Her expression was unreadable. I really hope she doesn't reject me, I wouldn't be able to deal with it. I would be so embarrassed. I awaited her response anxiously."Michael..." Started.

"I would love to be your girlfriend." She smile and came over and hugged me.

Today was a day that I was going to remember forever.

I'll Be Your Forever Lover (Michael Jackson fan fiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now