We are going back home today!

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{Sorry to bother your reading but I absolutely lost it when I saw this photo.  I think it's hilarious to say the least.  Thank you for reading and voting on my story. It really does mean a lot to me. And does anyone else bawl their eyes out when they listen to hold my hand? I cry every time. I love you lots, Jasmine♡}

{Michael's POV }

I felt someone shaking me awake. I groaned trying to push the pression of of me. "Come on sleepy head! ! We are going back home today!" I could never forget that beautiful voice. I permed my eyes slightly looking at Casey. I smiled at her as she stood above of me. "Really... I'm serious now. You have to get up to get ready. " She said sternly. Damn... She was so cute when she wad like that. I pulled her down on top of me. She let out a startled squeal and tried to get away, but I only tightened my grip on her. "Can we just stay like this? Please" I said with pleading eyes. She looked at me for a second then her look softened. "Yeah. Only for a little while then you have to get up." She said whilst getting under the covers and snuggling into me.

We stayed like that for a little while until she started to get up. I pulled her back down and groaned. "No... I'm comfy." I told her. She let out a giggle at my words and tried for her second attempt. "Michael." She warned me but I was just so comfortable, I didnt want to get up. "Alright. You asked for it." I looked at her with a confused look but it was too late. She had me pinned down and was tickling me. Now, anybody that knows me will know that I am extremely ticklish, it was one of my biggest weaknesses. "No!! Ah!! Okay okay!" I screamed, my tummy starting to hurt from laughing. "Are you gonna get up then?" It was quiet funny how she sounded like a mother. Her strict tone was cute though. She stopped tickling me awaiting me response. "Yes yes I promise." I told her finally getting up myself. I had already packed my belongings the night befofe so all that was left to do was get dressed and gather everything. 

"Are you ready?" I asked Casey as I watched her get the last of her things. "Yeah. I think so." She replied with a sigh of relief as she looked down at all of her things. We had the hotel workers to take our bags down to the car so we didnt have to carry anything.  I walked over to Casey and took her hand. We had only been on that one date and I wanted to go on more,  but if yiu haven't realised by now,  being famous takes away that privilege.  I was thinking of taking her out when we get back to the ranch. We were escorted through the back entrance as usual and Bill was driving, as usual. I was so happy to be going back home, I could relax and rest for a little while before I need to work on a new album. That's all I really needed, I just needed to rest. I've been so exhausted with touring I'm just not myself anymore. I turn into person when I'm exhausted. We were headed for the airport at the moment and I was just admiring Casey's beauty, she was truly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I noticed lately she seemed odd, she wasn't acting as usual. She seemed drained and looked like a ghost, she had dark bags under her eyes and she acted sluggishly. I wanted her to rest when we got back, get her strength back, go back to the usual Casandra. We arrived at the airport and were escorted to the plane. It was relatively early in the morning so there weren't too many fans waiting, some slept there though so I couldn't just ignore them. Some where screaming and crying at my presence. It felt so good that I could have that type of reaction on so many people. I mean I was really just like everyone, God just gave me the gift of singing so I used that to bring joy to people's life, to make them happy. I gave them a wave and they were going crazy. I smiled. They are one of the only reason I make music. They are always there for me, even on the darkest of days and I'm thankful for that. If they weren't here for me, I honestly couldn't say I would be here today.

As we got onto the plane everyone took their usual but I decided to go to the back and sit by myself, in quiet. I got my notebook out and started writing. I always liked to write things gown when I had a lot going on in my head. That's how all my songs are made, I have things that bother me on  my mind and I write about them.

{Casandra's POV}

I noticed that Michael wasn't with us on the plane. I saw him go to the back when we entered. We had about 20 minutes left of our flight so I got up and went looking for Michael. I went to the back of the plane and saw him there, sleeping. He had his notebook rested in his lap and it was open. I guess he was writing some things. I went over to him and picked his notebook up. I know I shouldn't be looking but I couldn't help  but read the song he was working on. It was amazing .

Ain't the pictures enough, why do you go through so much

To get the story you need, so you can bury me

You've got the people confused, you tell the stories you choose

You try to get me to lose the man I really am

You keep on stalking me, invading my privacy

won't you just let me be

'cause you cameras can't control, the minds of those who know

That you'll even sell your soul just to get a story sold

I need my privacy, I need my privacy

So paparazzi, get away from me

I loved the way he could just sit down and write down his feeling and it will turn into a song. His words were a little bit upsetting actually. It was true that Michael had no privacy but I didn't know it bothered him so much. He began to stir so I quickly put down the notebook and sat next to him. "Michael, honey. How did you sleep?" I asked putting my hand on his thigh. He yawned and stretched before replying. "Yeah I'm good, I'm just exhausted, that's all." He smiled putting his hand on top of mine rubbing it gently. "We have about 15 minutes then we can go home." I told him.

I was so relieved that I could go home, we could go home.

{I've only been writing this story for like a week but I already have 157  reads, that's more than any of my other stories I've written ever, so thank you very much. I will try to update again tomorrow but for now I love you, Jasmine♡}  

I'll Be Your Forever Lover (Michael Jackson fan fiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now