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{Song of the day is Billie Jean and Tabloid junkie}

{Casandra's Pov}

I groaned as I put my head under my pillow to block the sunlight that was shining through the window. I had taken a nap since I was super tired. Both myself and Michael had been running around like mad men for the past couple of weeks trying to get ready for the upcoming tour. Actually really ever since Michael's release of his Invincible album we have been non-stop busy. I had taken the role of being his assistant again and to be honest, I feel as though I do the same amount of as work as him... and we all know Michael is a perfectionist so I was just sooo tired. Although I had been busy lately, I did however spend some time with my cousins. Both Aleesha and Chris flew over to surprise me. I hadn't seen Chris in years and it was good to see him as we were super close as children. It was like we were one, inseparable. He was my other half and I was his.

I walked around the house for a while in search of Michael. I could only assume that he was in his office sorting out some last minute things before the tour, so I started for his office. I knocked on the door lightly and awaited a response but none came so I cautiously opened the door to reveal Michael. He looked stressed out, his head in his hand rubbing his hands through his matted hair. I walked over quietly and put a hand on his shoulder. His head shot up and he flicked my hand away roughly and looked me in the eyes, the look in his eyes was unreadable. It was like a mixture between anger, hurt and guilt. "Baby? Whats wrong?" I asked with a confused expression as to why he seemed this way. I had no idea why he was upset because he was perfectly happy before I took a nap. What could've happened between a 3-4 hour period?  "How could you do this?!" His sudden outburst frightened me. He sounded angry, his voice raised. I looked at him like a lost puppy dog, which seemed to only anger him more. I haven't done anything wrong, I dont understand. "I thought you loved me!!! How could you just throw away my heart like this?!" He screamed and I flinched away. I had never seen this side of Michael before. I've seen him angry but this is something totally different and to be honest, it was scary because I know that he doesn't control his anger very well, not that he would try to hurt me, but still. My eyes travelled to the desk where I saw a tabloid. Those things are so rotten and so far from the truth that we, Michael, myself and his whole team, try to advoid them as much as possible. Advoid them like they were the plague.

My heart stopped. My chest tightened and my eyes stung of tears about to be set free. I couldn't breathe. I can't believe that they would do this to me.

I looked down and there, on the tabloid was myself and Chris walking together. They caption read: Has Casandra Hyden found another fling? What will this dirty little scandal do to Wacko Jacko and Hyden's realtionship?

I didn't know what to say. Who in their right mind would actually believe this crap? "So it is true?" Michael's voice broke as he saw my shocked expression mistaking it as one of a guilty nature. I cant believe he would believe this!!! Yeah he doesn't know who Chris is but does he really think so low of me? Does he really not trust me? "Michael, I would never do su..."
"Casandra!!! Is this what you've been doing all those days while I worked my ass off, for you?" I looked at him with his tear stained face and dark eyes. By this point he had stood up from his desk and was towering over me.
"Do you honestly think I would do something like this?!" I screamed at him, my anger building up. I was beyound angry and upset, I felt like I was going to die. My emotions were so strong that not only did they cause emotional pain, but now they caused physical pain too.
"How could I not believe this!! I never see you during the day and it was starting to get a little fishy!" He screamed back at me, slamming his hand against the desk making me jump out of fright.
"I cant believe you Michael!!! I love you!!! I would never hurt you! I would never be so disloyal" My comments where not even being heard. He didn't even comprehend what I was saying and just kept going on with his verbal abuse.
"I don't believe you. What did you do? Go sleep around with every other man, you little slut!"
He was cut short from saying anything further with my hand coming at full force down against his cheek. He looked at me shocked and held his cheek where I had hit him. My eyes were crying rivers at the moment and I let out a sob.
"Don't ever call me that! I thought you trusted me. I thought you were better then this. I can't believe that you believe this crap. Don't ever talk to me again!" My heart hurt so bad saying those words. As soon as I said them, I wanted to immediately take them back. My mouth was talking before I was thinking and now my heart was broken. I broke my own heart by saying those words.
"Fine... From now on you will only be my PA and nothing more. Do you understand?" His jaw hardened and his voice was still slightly raised and stern but also cracked mid sentence. I wanted to jump off of a building right now but not even that would take away the pain I felt.
"I understand." My voice cracked and I let out a sob. I feel like they were the hardest worst I had ever said yo anyone.

What have I done? I know deep down he wouldn't EVER believe the crap that was said on those tabloids. So why was he now?
I needed to get out of here. I couldn't bare to be in the presence of Michael at the moment, nor do I think I can ever be in his presence and not break down into tears.
I made my way to my room where I had my bags packed and stood at the door. Once I closed it I slid down the door and let my sobs that I had been holding in, out. My sobs where so hard they hurt my chest and the tears stung my eyes. I struggled for air and yearned for comfort, but nothing in the world could stop me from hurting, not even Michael.

They had ruined me and now we were over.

{How did you like that? I feel like everything is going to get good now. I have so much planned. I am sorry once again for my long time without updating. I have had no motivation.
Thank you for your time and votes.
I love you Jasmine♡}

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