You Look Beautiful

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{Song of the day is Man In Mirror and PYT.}

{Casandra's POV}

"Faith come one. Please be a good girl for mummy. Don't make it hard for the both of us." I was trying to plead with an infant. I was trying to dress her into some new clothes since I just gave her a bath. It's been a couple of weeks since we took Faith home so we were pretty okay with routines and everything. She was the best baby I could ever ask for. She sleeps during the night, only wakes up for feeds. She isn't fussy, she is adorable. She is however being fussy today, I think she just wants her daddy. She is after all a daddy's girl. He spoils her rotten.

I jumped in my skin when I heard Michael chuxkle from the door. "Is my baby girl giving you trouble?" He asks coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, snuggling his head in my neck. "I think she wants you to do it." I smiled and moved out of the way for Michael to move in. "Did you miss daddy? I missed you!" His baby voice was hilarious but also very cute. I watched him dress our baby with ease and I was astonished. "What? Are you seriously that much of a daddy's girl?" I asked Faith which earned a little smirk from her. "Is some one jelous?" Michael teased me and I pushed him. "Dont be silly Mike." I laughed. "Don't worry. There is enough of daddy to go around." He winked at me and I scoffed. He was such a flirt.
"Well we better give this little angel to her Grandma and her favorite Aunty." Michael told Faith starting to take her out of her room. "What? When did they get here?" I never remember Michael saying that Katherine and Janet were coming over. Something was starting to get a little fishy around here.
"Oh didn't I tell you? They wanted to come see our beautiful little girl." He tried to play it cool and keep the growing smirk off of his face. "Okay." I said skeptically still not trusting him fully.

"How's my best little granddaughter?" I walked behind Michael as he gave Faith to Kate. I smiled at how happy Kate was. I was glad that her and Joseph accepted and loved me. "Casey!!!" I was attacked and fell to the side when Janet attacked me with a hug. Me and Janet were very close with eachother. I wouldn't say as close as her and Michael, but I would say pretty damn close. "I've missed you." Janet let go and looked at me. "Your looking good. I hope my favorite niece hasn't been keeping her mummy up at night?" She went over to Kate anz looked over her shoulder at Faith. "No, she's been a good girl for us." I smile as Michael comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

We sat and talked for a while until Faith started getting hungry. "Will you excuse me? I am going to go feed Faith." I stood up and excused myself before heading upstairs. "Shhh.Mummy is getting there." I hushed her as she started to fuss. This was one of my favorite things as a mum. Feeding her was such a beautiful experience. It was a time to bond with eachother and even though it annoys the hell outta me during the night, I do look foward to it. "You're getting so good." I praised her for her latching on skills. She was improving every day. We were having trouble with her latching on at first, but she has now got the hang of it. I sat in her rocking chair, rocking slowly, stroking her head gently. It was silent and beautiful. As we stare into each other's eyes it was perfect. I could ask for nothing more. "May I come in?" There was a knock at the nursery door and I recognized it to be Janet's. "Yeah I don't mind." She hesitated at first because I had my breast out but I honestly didn't mind, I felt comfortable. After all, we both were women. "How is she doing? Better?" Janet asked as she made her way towards me and stood next to me looking down at the infant in my arms. "Yeah she has gotten mych better. There usually is no problems." Janet has been a gift from God since Faith was born. She was constantly over, helping me, talking to me. She was the best Aunty that anyone could ask for and I felt as though we have gotten much closer during the time that Faith has been here.
Faith finished feeding and I held her in my arms talking to Janet for a while. "Do you mind?" She asked holding out her arms for me to give Faith to her. I gladly handed her over and watched in confusion as she hurried out of the room leaving me there by myself. "Janet!? Where is Faith?" I asked as she returned without a baby in her arms. "Mother has her. Now hurry. We need to get you... situated for this occasion." She said whilst pushing me out of the nursery and to my bedroom, a smile growing on her face. "Janet what are you talking about?" I was in sheer confusion and had no idea what she was talking about. She plopped me down on the bed and went over to the closet. "Hmmm. What to wear, what to wear?" She was talking to herself, shuffling through my clothes. "Aha!! I have it!" She sounded so dramatic as she pulled a dress of its hanger and handed it to me. "Put this on." She smiled and I gave her a skeptical look. "What for?" I asked smirking thinking that she would tell me, but I was wrong. "It's a surprise. Applehead made me promise not to tell." I smiled at her comment. Michael is going to surprise me? I wonder what he could have planned for me?

"Are you sure I look okay?" I asked as I looked at the completed look in the mirror. I was wearing a white and blue floral dress, paired with blue heels. I haven't felt the same about my body since giving birth, so being in a dress felt uncomfortable for me. "Wow! You look stunning. Michael wont be able to keep his hands off of you." She gave me a sly smirk and giggled. "Janet!!" I wacked her arm and scolded her for her naughty thinking.
"Wow... you look beautiful." I turned to the door where Michael was standing in a fancy suit. I blushed at his compliment.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked me as I made my way over to him. "Yeah." I sighed as he took my hand in his.

"Don't get too wild. As much as I would love another neice or nephew, not right now." I laughed at Janet's comment and we Michael led to to the car.

{Well I said I wanted to finish it but I still have so much I want to write about so I guess it will go on for a while longer.

I hope you liked this chapter.

I love you guys, Jasmine♡}

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