I'm Pregnant

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{I forgot to do song of the day last chapter!!! Sorry♡ The song of the day is Al Capone and I'm So Blue and another one... All In Your Name}

{Casandra's POV}

"What the hell are you doing!! I told you to have it done!" I flinched as he yelled at me. Its been a couple of weeks since the fight and it hasn't been the same. He has gone back to his old ways of being a... lets be real. He's being a dick. I still haven't told him about the baby but I know that I have to. But I dont even know if he will want it. Of course he will want it, he loves children.

"I am sorry. I just have so much to do I forgot. I will do it right away." I pleaded with him and he gave me a dirty look. I don't understand why he was being so rude. If only he knew he could be hurting our child from all the stress he is putting on me. To be honest I was really scared to loose this baby from all the stress I was under. I have already lost some one I love, I don't want to loose anyone else.
"I don't care just have it done!" And with his nasty remark he was out of the room. My eyes stung from tears about to spill but I could not break... I would be strong!!!


I took a sigh and turned off the computer. I had finished doing what Michael had asked me to do in record time, so I got up to go tell him. I left my hotel room and went down the hall to his room. I greeted his body guards and knocked on the door. "What!?" Jesus. Not only was he rude to me but he was now rude to everyone. I felt bad because this all happened because of our stupid actions. I have never seen him like this before and it scared me.
"Michael, I have finished what you wanted me to do. I am sorry I forgot." I opened the door slightly and walked in. He was sitting on the couch staring at the floor. He looked up at me with a smirk. That couldn't mean anything good. "Oh the files I asked you to do for me? I didn't want them done." I wanted to slap that smug look straight off his face. I was furious. I spent my whole afternoon, in my room on a computer doing shit I didn't need to do!
"Are you kidding me?!" I raised my voice and he stood up. "Do you know how long that took me?!" My voice was raising louder and louder with each word. His expression turned dark and I saw him set his jaw.
"How fucking dare you!! I am here to work not for you to fuck around with!" He began to get closer so I backed up till I hit the wall. I swear to god if he gets any closer.
"Watch your tone with me missy!" His voice was deeper and really intimidating. "Don't tell me what to fucking do!" He was rather close now and I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. "I would watch your mouth if I were you. I can fire you just as easy as I hired you." His smug remark made me loose it. "You wouldn't fucking dare." Anger dripped from my voice and I could feel my face getting warmer from it. "Miss Hyden, are you trying to challenge me?" I swear this little bitch is gonna get it. I went to slap him but he caught my hand with one of his and his other arm trapped me against the wall. "What are you doing...?" My breathe hitched as I felt his lips caress my neck. "Your so sexy when your angry." He groaned. Thats it!!! I roughly pushed him off of me and slapped him,  successfuly this time. "Don't touch me!" I screamed with stray tears running down my face. He clutched his face confused as to what had just happened. He can't boss me around, be a dick to me than just use me when he wants some. Thats not fair on me. "Get out!" He screamed at me. He was enraged and it brought me to tears. I stood there, unable to move. "I said GET OUT!!!" I jumped at his outburst and ran out of his room in tears. His body guards gave me a look of sympathy as I ran to my room.

I can't believe he is acting like this. I wanted Michael back. I wanted MY Michael back. The man that made me happy. Made me feel safe. The Michael that held me close when I was scared and the Michael that would do anything for me.
I wanted him back.
I wanted him to love me again.

{Michael's POV}

As soon as she left I broke down. I hated this. I wanted her back so badly but I was too far gone. I have been in such a bad state. Every night from the day of our fight I have cried myself to sleep. I cant even eat or sleep very well. I just want to feel her, I want her to love me again.

It has taken me all this pain to realise that she was actually telling the truth. I had rung up her cousin in a rare drunken state and was having a go at her until she yelled at me. She talked some sense into me and told me that her brother was with Casey and that they were indeed just cousins. I felt so bad. I couldn't believe that I had not believed her. I can't believe that I did not trust her. She would NEVER do such a thing to me so why didn't I believe her? I don't know. I guess it was just a moment of weakness where I believed the tabloids.

I needed her back but I had no idea how. Most of the time I was with her I was blinded by my own anger.


"Great job tonight Mike!" My manager Frank applauded me for my performance tonight. This was my last concert for the city then we would be leaving for another tomorrow morning. I thanked everyone that complimented my performance as I walked to my dressing room to get changed. I walked in and was surprised to find Casandra sitting there. "What are you doing in here?" I snapped. Jesus way to go Mike. I am doing it again. I can tell that this will end in a fight. "I'm sorry! Is it wrong for me to be doing YOUR work?!" She raised her voice putting her papers down and standing up. "If you hate is so much why don't you fucking quit!!" I shouted at her. Her attitude was really getting on my nerves. "Because I dont have a choice!!!" I knew exactly what she was talking about. Without this job she would have nothing. "Without this job you would have nothing so stop acting like a spoilt brat!!!" I screamed at her and I could tell my comment broke her heart. I saw the tears roll down her face but I did not feel guilty. "Stop doing this to me!!! I can't take it anymore!!! It's not good fo us!" What would she care. She hasn't cared about US since the day the fight happened. "What do you care? There hasn't been an US since that night!" She looked down and sniffled. I was towering over her. I could tell she felt intimidated. "I wasn't talking about you!" She looked at me quickly and moved away from me.
What did she mean she wasn't talking about me? Has she been sleeping around with someone else. Does she not love me anymore?
"What?" My voice had softened and was replaced with a tone of confusion. "I can't take this stress Michael. I don't want to loose it." She was sobbing and not making much sense at the moment. "Casandra I don't fucking understand!" I was getting angry again. She made absolutely no sense what so ever.
"Michael I am pregnant!" She screamed in a sob and took one last look at me before she ran off.

This couldn't be. Could it? Was she just saying that to get back with me? No she wouldn't stoop so low. 

I stood there shocked. I could not move. I could not run after her. I wanted to, but I couldn't. The only thing I managed to spit out was...


{Well she told him. Lets hope they forgive eachother.

I am sick guys. I have a fever and a throat infection. Woohoo!😷

Guys I really wanna finish this book but I don'twanna let it go.

I hope you have a nice day/evening

Love lots, Jasmine♡}

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