Home at last

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{Casandra's POV }

Finally... home at last. I fell back on my bed and let out a sigh of relief. I was glad to be back home at Neverland. Honestly, this is really the only place I've ever felt at home. I wasn't planning on doing much today. It was already about mid day-ish so I was thinking of just having a little nanna nap. I went over to my chest of drawers and pulled out an oversised t-shirt and some cotton shorts. I had so much laundrey and unpacking to do but I decided to just leave it for another day, right now I needed my beauty sleep.

I was frightened awake by a sound. I looked around cautiously until I realised that it was something I was dreaming. I groaned not wanting to get up. I reached for my phone and checked the time. It was only 7:30, not too late so I got myself up. I travelled down the hall ways, down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw Kai there reading something so I approached her. "Hey honey. How was tour?" I always liked Kai. She was so nice to me. "Yeah it was okay... tiring though." I took a seat at the bench and looked at her. "Yeah it would get tiring. You hungry?" She ssked putting down her book and going to the pantry. "Yeah actually, I havent eaten since this morning." I never really realised how hungry I was. I guess I was just used to hunger. "I'll cook you something. Would you mind going and asking Michael if he would like anything?" She asked me politely. She knew I didn't like him, but obviously hadn't know how much things have changed. I could never say that I didn't like him now, he was everything I needed. I wondered back up the stairs and to Michaels bedroom door. I knocked lightly wsiting gor a response, but I never got one. "Michael?" I enetered cautiously, not wanting to invade his privacy. There was no sound so I peaked around the corner and there he was, sound asleep in bed. My presence must've startled him because he woke with a jump. "I'm so sorry." I muttered before turning to leave. "No, its fine." He said in a groggy voice. It was really sexy, that voice. It kinda actually turned me on a bit. "Oh well Kai wanted to know if you wanted anything for dinner?" I asked him trying to stiffle a laugh. His appearance brought me to laughter. His hair was everywhere and his left over makeup smudged. "Yeah. I will come down in a second." And with that he got out of breath. My breathe was taken away. He was topless, his body was toned and firm. A blush rose to my cheeks and I walked away slightly flustered. I raised my cold hands to my burning cheeks. I've seen him topless before so why now did I h a ve this type of reaction? Was it because now I actually cared about those things? "Did he want dinner?" Kai asked when I was in the kitchen. "Yeah he did. He'll be down in a bit." I replied taking a seat at the table. I flipped through a book to pass time before dinner. It wasn't long before Michael had come down stairs and joined me at the table. He had groomed himself slightly, pulling his hair into a pony tail and cleaning his face of makeup. "What time is it?" He asked me. "Uh... quarter to 8" I told him looking at the clock. "Oh, did you sleep well?" He asked. I was a little confused that he knew I fell asleep, I hadn't seen him since I got home. "I came and checked on you and you were asleep." I hope I wasn't like drooling or snoring, how embarrassing.

{Michael's POV}

Kai placed a plate of food in front of myself and Casey. I licked my lips from the hunger that I felt. I took the honour of saying grace before digging in. It was a pretty silent dinner apart from a little conversation. Kai kept looking with a funny expression on her face but I couldn't pin point what it was. She would often smile when I was making conversation with Casey. We had finished eating and I was so stuffed I could barely move so I sat in my chair for a while more. Casey had already gotten up left to go upstairs to most likely get ready for bed. "So what's going on with you and Casey?" Kai asked as she collected the plates to wash them.  I would've thought that she would know by now, but I guess it wasn't really announced publically yet so she wouldn't know. "Well, we are kind together." I told her barely above a whisper. I felt like a little boy in love for the first time. Casey is the only one that can make me feel this way, and I have no doubt that it is love that makes me feel this way. "That's adorable. You two make a good couple..." She paused for a minute and she looked like she was thinking. "But didn't you guys not like each other, because last time I checked you were bickering every other second." I laughed a little. Man, I never really realised how much had changed in the pat couple of months. "Well we figured out our difference, so now we re all good." I told her beginning to head off to go see Casey. "Applehead... make sure you take good care of her. Girls are fragile." She warned me the let me leave. I could never think in a million years that I would let Casey hurt. I want to protect her from the cruel world and keep her safe, and I intend on doing just that. I headed up the stairs and travelled past my room and down to Casey's. I wanted to spend at least a little time with her before we settled down for the night. I knocked lightly, she was awake because her light was on so I awaited approval to come in. "Come in." I heard her say so I entered. She was seated on her bed reading some romance novel in her pyjamas. I went over and sat at the edge of her end and she removed her eyes from her book to look me in the eyes. "How are you holding up?'' I asked because I know how draining tour is and I know first hand that you can go a little crazy after tour. She nodded her head and moved over to me more. "What about you?" She asked me. I dint want her t feel bad for me so I kind of lied. I wasn't really fine, I was okay but I defiantly wasn't fine. Hopefully in a couple of days I would be okay though. She left the bed and went over to the balcony door opening it and holding her hand out for me to grab. We sat on the bench outside of her balcony and looked up at the stars. Having her in my arms made my day, I drop everything to be in her arms. Her embrace was strong and she breathed steadily. She looked up at me and looked within my eyes. I bent down and kissed her. Her lips were so soft and the moment was precious. She pulled back and started to say something.

 "Michael, I've known you for a long time now, I know that your not okay. And just know I will try my hardest to bring you joy, once again."

{Hey guys. So I updated. I am going back to school tomorrow and I really don't even want to see my crush. I've made things so awkward but I guess I just have to suck it up. Thank you all for reading and voting, it means a lot. I love you, Jasmine♡}

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