Welcome To The World

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{Sone of the day is whatever happens♡
So this guy at school was bagging about how MJ "bleached" his skin and I glared at him so hard. He saw and started apologizing. I hope he knows I was upset}

{Casandra's POV}

"Michael... Michael it's happening!" I roughly shake Michael awake as I look down at the wet patch I have created on the bed. "Mmhhmm... What?" He groaned. He was a deep sleeper but now was not the time. "Michael my water broke!" I was beyond afraid. I was having sore stomachs earlier but they were never close enough for me to consider that it might be contractions.

The past couple of months have been easy. Our relationship has only flourished since we made up, with no hiccups within the relationship. We finished the tour and we have just been taking it easy, staying at the ranch and resting. We were ready to be parents and we could not be more excited .

"Oh my God!! I'll call the hospital!" Michael was wide awake now and raced out of bed to call the midwife and hospital.  Its funny how it works. I was paying no attention to the pain before but as soon as I realized my water broke it was instant pain and I was well aware of every contraction I was having.  They were the most intense pain I have ever experienced. A bit like cramps... x100000. "Oh my." I breathed heavily, trying to remember breathing techniques I had learnt while Michael showed up behind me and rubbed my lower back. The contraction didn't last very long and I was up and back to normal. "What did they say?" I asked but Michael started pushing me outside. "Michael be careful!" I scolded him. "I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to meet my precious angel. I've been waiting so long." His comment left a smile on my face. "What did they say though?" I asked again and he cane to realise that he never answered my question. "Oh. They want us to come in right away!" He continued to lead me outside to the car. We had already put my hospital bag in the car a couple of weeks ago, just to be safe.

It was only 2 in the morning so the roads where quiet, giving Michael access to speed. "Michael slow done!" I told him then rephrased my sentence when I got a contraction. "Never mind... just get me to the damn hospital!" I whinced out in pain. This child better be worth the pain. I swear. "It's okay honey. Take deep breathes. We are nearly there." Michael took my hand in his and allowed me to squeeze it. I was so nervous to meet our baby girl. I had been waiting 9 months to meet her and now the time is finally here. I couldn't wait for Katherine and Joseph to meet there new granddaughter. I couldn't wait for all the years to come. Her first smile, first laugh, first crawl, first step, first tooth. I could go on for days.
"Michael. It hurts." I whimpered at him. He must feel so hopeless. There wasn't anything he could possibly do to ease my pain. At least I still had breaks in between my contractions.


"You 8cm dilated Miss Hyden. Your baby should be on its way very shortly. Just hang in there okay?" I love my midwife. We had seemed to click instantly. She was more of like a friend to me with the added bonus of being able to deliver my baby. "Okay. I'll try." I had opted to not have an epidural because I beliebed that I should go through all this pain because it's something I will never experience again... unless I have another child which will probably be the case.
"Your doing great honey." Michael was sitting next to my bed stroking my head and trying to distract me from everything and he was doing a good job at it. Actually I was really comfortable in between contractions. Michael had forced me to go to a private hospital.  Honestly I would've been fine at any but he wanted me to have the best of the best. This hospital was like mega fancy. I mean even the delivery suite was fancy.

{Michael's POV}

"Michael. I'm scared." She had tears in her eyes. It hadn't taken very long after we got to the hospital before she was 10cm dilated and was allowed to start pushing. I think she was very overwhelmed because she didn't have very much time to think about what was happening. It has all gone very quick and I don't think she has processed that she is going to be a mother very soon. "It's okay Casey. You can do this I believe in you. Think about the outcome." I tried to encourage her. "Just push when your ready." Susan, the midwife encourage Casey. We were just all waiting for Casey to push. The baby was coming and she was coming now. "No! I dont want to. I am not ready!" My poor baby. I didn't know what to do. "There's no backing out now sweety. Come one give us one big push." Susan definitely knew what she was doing. Well she had to because she was one of the best in the area, I made sure of it. "Okay" Thats my girl. I know she can do it.
"Ahhh!" Man I was glad I was not a female. This sounded like torture.
"Thats it go go go!!" Susan told her. I looked down to see how far along we were and I nearly screamed like a little girl. "Casey!! She is right there!! Come on!" She was crowning and I couldn't be happier. "I can't do this. It hurts so bad." Casandra dropped her head back in exhaustion. "It's gonna hurt baby girl but one more push and she will be out!" I told her kissing her sweaty forhead. She nodded and the next couple of seconds went by so quick I didn't know what was happening. 

"Ahaha! You've done it! Happy birthday little one!" Susan congratulated us but all I could here was the angelic cries of our beautiful daughter. She was on Casandra's chest getting wiped down. I wanted to cry. I had been waiting for this moment all my life and it's finally here. "She's beautiful. You did so well." I kissed Casey and we both looked down at our beautiful angel. "What's her name?" Susan asked.
"Faith. Faith Katherine Jackson." I looked at Casey as she told Susan her name. It fit her so perfectly.

I never realized it but I was crying. Crying tears of joy. I was so happy. Nothing would ever compare to this moment right her. With the two people I love most.

I felt complete.

{Omg... finally. I was so happy writing this... until my mum came in and started being a bitch and making me want to die. I hate when she does that.

I was hoping to finish this story in the next chapter or so. Its been a nice time but I am time to move on. I feel like this story has done well.

I love you guys, Jasmine♡}

I'll Be Your Forever Lover (Michael Jackson fan fiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now