I want him to be happy

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{So I told my crush I need to speak to him and it never ended up happening so right now I am feeling depressed because I'm too much of a chicken shit to speak up. I'm sorry of the chapters aren't really good at the moment, it's just love is not going so well with me. Thank you guys for reading. Love you guys so much, Jasmine}

{Casandra's POV}

We had now finished our concerts in Australia and were now headed to the Philippines do a concert. We had arrived early in the morning so the rest of the day was ours, we only had to go and do a final rehearsal this afternoon. Myself and Michael hadn't really talked much since last night. It's not that we were avoiding each other or anything, he was just so busy. I was just lounging around the hotel room lazily when a heard a knock. I walked over to the door dusting myself and looking more presentable. "Hey..." his soothing voice says. I walked up to him and embraced him tightly. Even though we saw each other because I followed around everywhere, I never got to see the real him and I missed him. "I've missed you." I whisper into his chest, his scent was calming. "It's only been a couple of day." He chuckled and pulled me back kissing my forehead. He walked further into the hotel room taking me with him. "I know, but still." I giggled giddily. Just being in his presence made me giddy. He placed himself down on the couch and stared at me, looking at my every move. "Uh... Why are you staring?" I asked feeling uncomfortable with my body as it is and he was making it worse. "It's just... You are so beautiful, why wouldn't I wanna look at you." His comment left a blush upon my cheeks. I went over and sat next to him snuggling into his chest. "I'm so tired." He whined to me releasing a deep breathe resting his head on my shoulder. "Yeah,, I bet you are. We only have a month left of tour then you can rest." I told him taking his hand and playing with his fingers.

We stayed like that for a while until it was time for Michael and I to go to his rehearsals. "Babe, I just want to stay here with you. I don't wanna go to work." He whined once again. "Michael, I know its hard for you but just think of how many people's day your gonna make tonight, actaulyy you will make their life. You don't understand how important you are to so many people. You wouldn't want to let them down would you?" I felt like a mother trying to talk some sense into her children. He nodded and got himself off of the couch. We walked out the door and to Bill, of whom would be escorting us to the concert venue. We didn't really speak on the trip there, but it was an awkward silence, it was comfortable. When we arrived I went to the back to go over some paper work for Michael and do the usual. I didn't see Michael for the rest of the afternoon as he was rehearing then he was to get ready for the concert. I was waiting in his dressing room for him to enter. He entered but hadn't noticed me on his couch. I waited for a minute or two before saying something. "You look exhausted." I told him in the nicest way possible. He jumped slightly not expecting me to be in the same room as him. "Oh my, you scared me." He chuckled slightly trying to recover from his fright. "I haven't seen you, were have you been?" He asked coming over to me and kissing my cheek. "I've just been in here doing some paper work for you." I told him I watched him go to his chair next to the dresser. He started to wipe away his makeup from today reading for tonight's face of makeup. Karen always re-did his makeup for the shows. I got along really well with her actually, she was like the only one I really got along well with and understood me. "Is Karen coming soon?" I asked getting up from my position on the couch and going over to Michael rubbing his shoulders, trying to relax him. "Yeah she should be here soon" He let a little groan out if his mouth, not a sexual one though, it was a sound of relaxation. "I'm really dreading today, I just want to get some rest." He groaned and took my hands hugging them around his neck. I really felt sorry for all the stress he gets put under, and the worst part is that its never ending for him. He's always touring, always making new albums. I just wanted to take all his pain away and let him live a normal life, but he would never be granted that privilege. Just as we were having a cuddle someone knocked on the door and came in. "Karen..." Michael smiled getting up and leaving me behind. He hugged her tightly and greeted her. "Hello Casey." She greeted me and walked over embracing me as well. She started right away with Michael's makeup so I went out of the room to o do some extra work. You would think that being Michael's assistant would be easy, just following him around everywhere and doing things but no... it's so much more than that. I am in charge of all the forms and organising his day in advance.

I always liked to watch Michael's concerts. It was just something about him on stage doing what he loved, it was like he turned into a different person, in a good way. He completely lit up with joy and happiness. If only he was like that all the time. Most people don't know but Michael was a tortured soul and for most of his life, all he knew was pain.

I wanted to love him.

I wanted to take all his pain.

I wanted him to be happy.

{Sorry for a shitty chapter, I'm just really having problems with this guy and all I want to do is just curl up in a corner and never talk to anyone or do anything. Thank you for reading, it means a lot. Love you, Jasmine}

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