Chapter Two.

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I walked into the coffee house, looking around. Lucca stood and waved and I made my way over to him.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show." He said as he pulled out a chair for me.

"I wasn't planning to but the stalking needs to stop." I said with a small smile.

"I'll put that into consideration." He said with a disarming smile. We made our orders and an awkward silence fell over us when the waiter left.

"Lucca, why am i here?"

"Cause we need to talk." He said, cracking his knuckles. He's nervous.

"Talk? But I have nothing to say."

"Then just hear me out."

"Okay, what is it."

"I'm sorry Gabby. I'm really sorry."

"Really? For which part?"

"All of it." He said as he leaned back, running a hand through his hair but I knew he didn't know all of it.

He didn't know everything that happened.

"Why the sudden change of heart close to a more than half a decade down the line?"

"Cause now I know everything. I know you were framed. I..." He hesitated when the waiter brought over our orders.

"Now? Now you believe I'm innocent?" I exclaimed when the waiter left but he turned and looked at us.

"Gabby please!" He said trying to calm me down. "You have to believe me. I knew nothing of Quinn's plan."

"Quinn Decker? Your little sister's best friend?"

"Yes. She gave my sister photos of you in bed with another man. It was our bed, Gabby. It turns out they were photoshopped."

"You really thought I'd bring another man to our bed, Lucca? How low do you think of me?" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm really sorry Gabby. I should have known better. I just...."

"You just what lucca?"

"I guess I chose to believe you cheated on me cause....." He paused releasing a deep sigh. "Cause I always thought you were too good for me."

"But then you found out that I 'cheated on you' and I suddenly wasn't good enough for you?"

"Stupid right?" He said with a nervous smile.

"I don't know what to say Lucca."

"You don't have to say anything."

"Then what do you want?"

"All I want is another chance. Let me win you back Gabrielle." He said looking me right in the eye.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey? What took you so long?" Victoria asked when I showed up at her apartment.

"I uuh..... had a breakfast meeting."

"Hey Gabby?" Victoria's little brother, Vincent called.

"Hey Vic. How's school?"

He groaned before turning to me. "I'm not in school anymore! I'm working now!"

I chuckled as I ruffled his hair, "sorry Vic. I forgot you're all grown up now!"

"V! Get your friend off me!" He yelled at his sister who simply watched, laughing.

"Fine! You don't have to tattle on me!" I said raising my hands in surrender. "You good though?"

"Yeah. I'm great. It's her you should be worried about." He said pointing to his sister.

"What? Now you're tattling on me?" She asked.

"No! Just stating the obvious. Even dad thinks so. Now if you ladies don't mind. I have a lunch date."

"Ooh.... Who's the lucky girl?" I asked mischievously.

"Oh no! I'm not discussing this with you." He said looking at me then his sister. "With any of you!"

"Fine!" Victoria and I exclaimed as he waved and walked away.

"How's dad? Where is he anyway?"

"He's better than ever. He's resting now."

"Good. Now what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong!" She said nervously.

"You're lying! Okay, maybe this will help. Psychologist or friend?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A few days later.....

"Hi girls?" I called as I slid into the booth.

"Gabby! Finally!" The called.

"Where were you?" Gwyneth Gibson asked.

"Uum...... Work." I lied.

"Uuh...... Don't you work with Victoria?" Reece Hale asked sipping her drink.

"Yeah but I had an errand to run on the way here."

"Yeah sure." Victoria said as she waved over a waiter, obviously not believing my lie.

"What's going on with you guys?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well, I'm buried in work. Fashion week is two weeks from now." Gwyneth said draining her glass.

"I'm heading home next week. Family business. Plus its my parents...... Uum funeral anniversary." She said bowing her head.

"Oh Reece, want us to come with?" Victoria asked but I already knew the answer.

"No. Thanks guys but I'll be around family who I haven't seen in years so....."

"You sure?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"Fine! But we will call you constantly! You know, just to check on you." Victoria said and I nodded in approval.

"Thanks guys." Reece said with a small smile.

"Well, you're in luck Gabby. You're stuck with me!" Victoria said.

"Yipee! Lucky me!" I said trying hard to hide my smile.

"Hey!" Victoria yelled as we laughed.

I smirked as I looked up just as a waiter walked over to me and handed me a note. It was weird but I opened it.

You haven't changed at all Gabrielle.

I was hoping to do this face to face but I don't want to cause a scene.

What I wanted to say is simple though.


Love Quinn.B

"What's wrong?" Victoria asked as I looked up in search for her but all I caught was a wisp of blonde hair headed for the door. I had a feeling it wasn't the last I'd seen of her.

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