Chapter Five.

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*Twelve Years Ago....*

I was at yet another social event meaning I was here against my will. Yes, my parents forced me. They'd always figure out something I liked and threatened to take it or offer to get it for me if I came to these parties. This time, it was a whole novel series.

It wasn't so bad though. I, after all, was at Lucca Giovanni's sixteenth birthday party and though I hated to admit it, he is gorgeous......

"Hi?" A voice called from behind me breaking my train of thought.

I turned to find a beautiful girl smiling at me. She looked really familiar I just couldn't place it.

"Hi. I dont think we've met. I'm Gabrielle. And you are......?"

"I'm Alda Giovanni. Lucca's little sister."

"Oh! I knew you looked familiar."

And that led to a long night full of laughter. We hit it off so fast I asked my parents if I could sleep over. It didn't matter that I was a year older than Alda, they were just so happy I'd made a new friend.

And so was I.

Present day.

"Alda, what are you doing here?" I asked as walked over to my seat.

"I need to talk to you."

"Here?" I questioned.

"I know it was a bad idea. I just didn't know any other way to reach you. Lucca doesn't know I'm here so i couldn't ask him."

"You came on your own?"

"Yes. I didn't want you to think he sent me. I just really need to talk to you."

"It's okay but I'm busy right now. How about lunch on saturday?"

She looked like she was just about to oppose when the door knob moved. "Gabby? Are you there? And why's your door locked?"

Victoria. I froze.

If she found Alda here she'd freak and probably kill me for not telling her about Lucca which would obviously come up.

I rushed to the door and unlocked it, opening it slightly.

"Uuh.... Sorry. I'm with a former patient of mine. She just stopped by. What do you need?"

"Ooh.... Okay. I just wanted to tell you we found Mr. Johnson's father."

"Oh... I'll come by your office when I'm done." I said then shut the door.

I turned towards Alda as she chuckled to herself. "I take it you haven't told your best friend yet."

"It may have slipped my mind." I said with a nervous smile.

"Lunch sounds great." She said as she grabbed her bag. "I'll leave you to it. It was nice seeing you Gabrielle."

"It was nice seeing you too Alda." I said as she walked out the door.

I let out a sigh of relief before heading towards Victoria's office.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was friday night and I'd usually be out with the girls but we were all busy. Victoria and I had been stuck at work for hours. Way past our usual time.

It turns out Carter's father didn't wanna be found not necessarily by us. As soon as word got around that The Avenger had escaped he'd gone into hiding. His sister's husband had not been found yet. He could already be dead for all we know.

A knock on my office door had us both looking up. "Come in." I called.

"Gabby, Victoria, I think you'll want to see this." Paul said from the door.

We followed him to his office where he sat down and turned our attention to his Ipad. There was a video showing a woman crying over photos of a mutilated dead man's body. It was Carter's little sister. The video suddenly cut off.

"Mr. Jenson, husband to clarissa Johnson, found dead on the outskirts of Austin, Texas." Paul said.

"We're too late." I whispered.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*Saturday afternoon.....*

We sat at our table, a heavy akwardness hovering over us.

"Uuh.... You said you wanna talk to me?" I asked.

"Yeah. I have a lot to say actually. But first, I want to apologise for........ For ruining your marriage. For ruining our friendship. For believing Quinn over you." She said, her eyes downcast.

"Why did you anyway? Why did you believe her over me?"

"Quinn can be quite persuasive when she wants something to go her way." She said a small smile on her face as if remembering something. She then sighed heavily. "She got me to believe that you'd take Lucca away from me. That you'd hinder us from hanging out like we used to."

"You do realise I'd never do that, right?"

"Yes, yes, I know. I was just so jealous. I let myself believe her and she led me on."

"That's why you started avoiding me?"

"Yes." She said as she hang her head in shame. "She later brought me those pictures with you and another man in bed. I had to protect my brother. So I convinced him you had cheated on him and that he should divorce you. He wanted to do it silently. He didn't want a scandal. Even though you had broken his heart he still didn't want to hurt you. But Quinn couldn't have it so she leaked it to the press together with the photos. That's how my father found out. I'm so sorry, Gabby." She explained.

"It's good you told me this Alda. I not only lost my husband after the divorce, I lost my friend too. And as hard as this may be to believe, I've forgiven you."

She closed her eyes momentarily, savouring the relief at my words.

"Thank you so much Gabby. It means a lot to me." She said looking at me with a small smile.

"Don't mention it." I said as I took her hands in mine and smiled at her. "At least now I can have my friend back." She smiled back."

"Gabby, there's more. I need a favour. I've been doing some research and I need your help."

"Uum...... Sure. What's up?"

"I need you to test Quinn for psychopacthic behaviour."

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