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It was a busy morning especially when Lucca and I overslept. I close to chased him out as I knew the girls were on their way and we weren't supposed to spend the night together. He'd snuck back from his family's apartment at midnight. We just couldn't stay away from each other.

Thoughts of what Lucca shared with me were still fresh in my mind but I trusted him. He'd never let anything happen to Dante or I.

I'd jumped into bed and acted startled when the girls barged into the room. I was dragged out of bed and into the shower where I had a long soak in my vanilla scented bath.

I washed my hair not sparing any effort, it after all was my big day.

There after I was primped and pampered by Gwen's best hair stylist, Jay and make up artist, Chloe. I was getting anxious as time for the wedding neared. The girls came back to my room all dressed up just as Jay and Chloe helped me into my shoes.

I was in a long bottom tiered ivory coloured gown, a Chinese style lace top with a slightly bare back, silver crystal embedded heels and a high chignon.

"Jay and Chloe thank you for a job well done. She looks divine! Now off you go. See you at the wedding!" Gwen dismissed them leaving only the four of us.

"You look amazing Gabby." Reece said as we huddled up and Victoria was already tearing up.

"Let's get going or I'll ruin my make up before we even leave." She said and we laughed as tears filled our eyes too.

"Come on girls, lets do this!" I said and they helped me out onto the waiting car.

"Oh will you come down!" Victoria yelled at me as we headed for the church.

"I will, once he's mine again." I said.

Lucca's POV.

"I know you snuck off to see Gabby last night!" My sister whispers in my ear and I freeze up.

It was finally the day of the wedding and I was more than excited. My second wedding  to the same woman who stole my heart at sixteen.

Like every other wedding, we were separated the night before, Dante and I were to stay at my family's penthouse while Gabby was left behind in mine.

It nearly killed her to say goodbye even just for the night. I had at some point sneaked out and headed over to see her knowing all to well what an angel Dante was when asleep. He hardly ever woke up at night.

"Did.... did Dante wake you?" I asked her.

"No. He was an angel as always. I woke up to check on him and you weren't there." She said wiggling her eyes at me.

"Your secret is safe with me big brother." She added when she noticed my anxiety.

"Thanks Alda." I sighed and hugged her.

"You look a lot more anxious though. You okay?"

"I will be when she's mine again."

"We better get you to that church then." She said just as their father joined them, a bubbly Dante in his hands.

                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*the night before*

"Have you found her yet!" I whisper yelled through the phone.

A satisfied Gabby was fast asleep in our room when the call came in.

"Yes. We've tracked her down but she's proving hard to follow. We'll have her  before the end of the day tomorrow."

"You'd better! I can't have the crazy witch texting my wife and I anymore! Get it done!" My tone was menacing as I barked the orders. A tone Gabby had never heard from me before.

"Lucca?" Her voice nearly choked the life out of me.

I quickly hang up and turned to look at her, a smile on my face. "Why are you up my love?"

"Is everything okay?" She asked warily as she watched me move towards her.

"Everything's okay baby." I lied as I rubbed her arms but avoiding her gaze.

"It didn't sound like it." She paused and I finally looked up at her to see her slightly quivering lower lip. "It's Quinn, isn't it?"

I was silent knowing all to well that from looking in my eyes she'd find the answer.  "Let's sit down baby." I led her back to our room and had her sit on the bed with my kneeling form between her legs.

"I got some P.Is looking for her ever since......"

"Ever since what?"

"Ever since the first set of threats."


"Yes. I received it first then your phone rang with a notification. It was the same message."

"How come I never saw it?"

"I've been deleting them. For a month or so now. I always received them first, I'd then grab your phone and delete it. I got a P.I and the police involved immediately. You were not to find out until she was found."

"Was she threatening Dante?" She whispered in fear.

"Yes but they've found her. She'll be caught soon enough." I said hoping to reassure her and she pulled me into hugging her.

She was scared. I could tell. "Don't let that worry you. Everything's going to be just fine." I soothed as I rubbed her back and I felt her nod her head at my words.

"Let's get some sleep." I finally said as I helped her back into bed and we fell fast asleep.

*Present day.*

I was still waiting for an update on Quinn and had left the situation in my father's hands. He'd walked out a few minutes ago and when he walked back in he had a smile on his face. He gave me a slight nod and I was assured all was well.

Now all I needed was my bride.

I was waving excitedly at a grinning Dante in my Lizzy's hands when she walked in. It wasn't until my best man, Raul tapped my shoulder did I notice my mouth was ajar and I was flat out staring.

She was a vision as she came down the aisle in the caring hands of her closest father figures, Lawrence and Victoria's dad, Victor. She looked more beautiful every moment I saw her. She smiled at me as she walked towards me. I was grinning like a fool.

"We are gathered here today....." the priest began as soon as she stood before me. The service passed by in a blur and my smile spread even further when we said our vows and finally pronounced husband and wife.

I hadn't realised I was tearing up till our tear streaked faces touched when we kissed. A tug on the bottom of my pants caused me to pull away and turn my attention to a crawling Dante. I picked him up and he excitedly bubbled between us. We both kissed his head to which he closed his eyes in delight and let out a series of happy giggles causing Gabby and I to tear up even more.

Don't let the tears fool you though. I am the happiest man in the world.

                                 THE END.

I didn't want a cliche wedding, just simple and sweet. Hope I achieved that.
Thanks for sharing this story with me. I pray the rest of the books in the series are much better.

Thanks again for coming this far. You've earned yourself a new cover!

Please feel free to tell me what you think. About the book and the new cover.

And if you haven't checked out my other on going book please do. It's called My Cinderella Story. It's in the historical fiction category.

Thanks again. Love you guys a whole lot!

Till next time!

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