Chapter Seventeen.

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Lucca's POV.

I couldn't just lay here. I couldn't lose her again especially to that monster! I'd pulled myself up and staggered towards the door. Every move, every step, every breathe more painful than the last.

I'd gotten to the road, it was getting dark and I could see the taillights of a car. It was pulled over at a quite a distance and I knew something was wrong.

I continued, with every step close to bringing me to my knees. I heard a shot ring and my heart almost stopped.

"Gabby!" I howled as I finally gave in to the pain and I fell to my knees.

Gabby's POV.

Carter led me to a black SUV and only got into the drivers side once he'd secured me in the passenger seat.

I couldn't believe it.

This was it! I was going to lose everything. It was over. Once I got on that plane I'd lose everything.

I'd already lost dad. Now I was leaving everything behind.

My friends. My family, Lizzy and Lawrence. The man I loved. My career. My house. My whole life. To start anew with a man who was obsessed with me. A man who'd caused me more pain than he could avenge me for and he was not through with me yet.

He'd cost me everything.

"Why?" I questioned fighting back tears.

"Why what?"

"Why me? What do you want with me?"

"Can't you see it?" He said glancing at me. "I'm in love with you."

He started the car and started driving in the direction I'd come from. The other cars which I knew contained his men had driven off in a different direction.

"You mean obsessed?" I countered.

"Call it whatever you want my love."

"But why me? What about me got your interest?"

"You're special. Very special from the other women I'd avenged."

"How so?"

"You're strong, unlike the other women. You didn't rely on the men in your life to feel good about yourself. You might think men don't like you Gabby, its not true."

I could tell there was more so I let him continue.

"Men like you but their respect for you hinders most of them from showing it. They can sense your self respect and can tell from a distance that you're not an easy lay."

"You still haven't answered me."

"You intrigue me. Since I met you during our first session. You're strong, you stand up for yourself. The men in your life hurt you. They betrayed and abandoned you but you got up with your head held high and built something from the broken pieces in your life. That's why I fell for you."

"So now that you've got me. Now that you've got what you wanted, how are you any different from the men you've killed?"

"What?" He yelled.

"How are you any different from the men you avenged those women for?"

"I don't hurt women!"

"What about Gwen?"

"I didn't hurt her!" He hissed. "She told you herself."

"Yes but you said a man should use his strength to protect a woman. You put her in danger!"

"I didn't hurt her!" He yelled. He was getting angry.

"You said a man should not use his strength or power to impose his will on a woman."


"How's that any different from what you're doing now?"


"How is that any different from what you're doing right now? You did it to Gwen and you're doing the same to me know."

"No no no. That's not what I'm doing!" He defends.

"You took Gwen against her will. Now you're using the fact that you have the upper hand to get me to leave with you."

"No. No." He kept repeating shaking his head.

"You're no better than those men who beat up their wives."

"Shut up!" He yelled thumping his fist on the steering wheel.

"You're no different from those men who force themselves on women and young girls." I spat and before I knew it a gun was being pointed to my head.

"I said shut up!" He yelled and I grew silent.

I was losing everything. What was my life worth now?

"Do it!" I yelled at him and a look of surprise crossed his face. His eyes were flickering from the road to me every few seconds. "I said do it!"

"Shut up!"

"You've taken everything from me! Do it! Just end it all!"

He pulled over and one hand racked through his hair while the gun still pointed at my head.

"I said shut up!"

"Go on Carter. Do it. Show me how strong you are. Pull the trigger."

I don't fear dying. Not now. He'd be saving me from unhappiness for the rest of my life spent with him. I only feared if he killed me he'd never stop terrorizing people. Especially Lucca and his family.

"Do it Carter! Pull the trigger!" I yelled and he growled.

I was going to get it now.

"Do it!" I yelled once more as growled again, my eyes sliding shut.

A shot rang out but the pain never came. My eyes fluttered open and that's when I saw it. The blood.

Carter's blood!

It was sputtered everywhere even on me. He lay limp, his eyes beady.

I was frozen. He was gone.

I heard my name from a far and I snapped out of my trance.

I finally scrambled out of the car and I realised we had not gotten far. With one last glance at his lifeless body I turned back to go find Lucca.

I took off running wondering why Paul had not arrived yet. They must have found Gwen hours ago. I checked my watch. It was a few minutes to 7pm.

To think all this had started close to six hours ago.

As I neared the warehouse I saw a figure on the road.


He must have been the one who'd called my name and when he looked up at me, his tear stained face told me he'd heard the shot.

I saw relief flooded his face at my sight and I increased my speed. I couldn't seem to reach him fast enough.

It was then that I saw it. The glint of light shone off an object's surface just as a shadow appeared behind Lucca.

"Lucca no!"

I watched in horror as lucca slumped to the ground after a shot rang out.

I slid to the ground on reaching him.

"Lucca stay with me." I cried as I pulled him onto my lap.

A cackling laugh forced to look up at a highly pleased Quinn.

"You can't seem to catch a break now can you Gabby. Everything isn't so perfect, is it now?"


"I had a feeling Carter's plan wouldn't work so I came up with a back-up plan. Though I have to admit I didn't think it would end this way. Now that you are back in the picture I had to go through with my plan B." She snarled getting closer to my face before continuing. "If I can't have him then neither can you."

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