Chapter Twenty One.

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Dante had been fussy all through the flight. I was headed to Florida yet again but this time I was visiting not running.

I'd just grabbed my luggage with Dante strapped into a carrier on my front when I spotted Lizzy.

She squealed as I neared her and gave me a side hug and she peaked at Dante's sleeping form.

We drove home as Lizzy pestered me about everything back in New York. She seemed more excited for my upcoming wedding than I was. Note the objective word is seemed.

I wasn't to stay long cause my future husband was feeling alittle jealous at the close relationship I have with Lizzy and her husband Lawrence.

"Oh my God! My baby is home!" Lawrence yelled as soon as we entered through the front door.

"But daddy! I thought I'm your baby!" Hailey whined causing Lawrence to cringe.

"Of course you are baby but aunty G is my baby too." He explained as he scooped her up but she didn't seem to understand.

He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Hey?"

"Hi." I smiled back at him.

"Gosh! Is that Dante? He's big!"

"Yap. Just like his dad."

"TMI Gabby." He teased and I knew I was turning red.

"Law stop teasing the poor girl." Lizzy defended me as she laughed.

My time in Florida blurred past especially while learning the managing side of the baking business. Not that I was completely clueless on the topic but I couldn't help feel glad I had a businessman for a husband.

It came time to go and the kids were heartbroken. Hailey and Henry had took quite a great liking to Dante. I right then vowed to keep their connection going. The future might hold similar promise for them as Lizzy and I. Hopefully,  it'll be all good things for them.

I didn't have to look for long once I got back to New York as Lucca was waving at me. Dante was first asleep in the carrier as I grabbed my luggage and walked over to Lucca.

He pulled me to him and kissed me not at all bothered that we were smack in the middle of the busy airport terminal. He missed me, I could tell. I'd missed him too.

                                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Honey, I'm home." Lucca called from the do It and I rushed out of the kitchen to tell him to keep it down.

"Will you shut up? Dante's asleep." I whisper-yelled feigning annoyance but he laughed through it.

"How about you make me?" He said as he pulled me to him, his eyes challenging me.

I smirked at him and tagged at his tie pulling him down. I craved his kisses constantly. Especially during my pregnancy. I couldn't get enough of him which at times always left him at a disadvantage. I smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked when we pulled away and I helped him out of his coat.

"Nothing." I lied and bit my lower lip.

"You're lying and telling by the smile on your face, it's something good. Now spill."

"I was thinking of how I crave your kisses. Especially during my pregnancy."

"Oh that reminds me! You owe me big time!" He said as he reached for me and placed kiss after kiss on my neck to my chest.

"Lucca! If we keep this up you be in for another nine months of suffering." I warned him but didn't want him to stop.

"I don't care! I've missed you." He close to growled in response.

He was right though. I didn't care either. I'd missed him too.

                                 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's six months since Dante was born and the bakery was really taking off while I was getting new clients every other day. It wasn't a surprise how many people in New York needed psychological help.

"Hey Gabby?" Raul, an old friend of Lucca's, calls through the phone.

"Hey you? Wow! It's great to hear from you! Lucca said to expect your call. What's up?"

"Its been too long I know. I'm good. I heard you got a baby?"

"Yeah." I flush. "You'll see him at the wedding. You're coming right?"

"Of course! I get to see my friend get whipped twice." He says with an amused chuckle.

"Good!" I say as I chuckle along with him. "How are you though?"

"I'm good. The gym is doing great. And I just got a new job at a Triple C Motors."

"Nice! You're a driver or something?" He used to race until his accident. He used to love it.

"More or less, I'm the senior executive manager plus the racing trainer."

"Nice though I'm guessing there's more to your call than just catching up."

"Yes. I have a friend who I think could use your help. I know how good you are at your job and that you started your own practice."

"Yeah?" I questioned knowing clearly well he's hiding something. "Is that all?"

"It's a Miss Claire Campbell, Owner and CEO of Triple C Motors and three year NASCAR champion."

"So you want me to keep it on the down low?"


"There's more, isn't it?" I ask and I can almost hear him gulp through the phone.

"Uuh..... no. That's it."

"You like her, don't you?" I ask and he sighs.

"Dont tell your husband." He pleads.

"Okay. I'm not promising anything though."

"Whatever! Just keep it on the down low. She'll be coming over later this month."

"Okay. I have to go. It was great hearing from you. Maybe you can bring her to the wedding. I'd love to meet her. Outside the office that is."

"I'll see. Nice talking to you too Gabby. Bye." He says before he hangs up.

"He found a girl?" Lucca exclaims from behind me and I almost jump out of my seat.

"Oh hush! It's rude to eavesdrop you know?" I scold as I get up and walk towards him.

He pulls me to him and kisses me. A loud wail interrupts the moment and we both groan before he grabs my hand and leads me to Dante's room.

Claire and Raul are characters in another book I hope to start writing soon. It's called Saving Elle. I'll put up the story info after this chapter.

Thanks again for coming this far. Love you guys.

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