Chapter One.

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I had just finished preparing dinner and Lucca still hadn't arrived yet. I was worried considering he always helped set the table. I checked my phone hoping he was okay just running a little late.

I fiddled with my fingers nervously. It was our first dinner since I'd been given mandatory leave at work and had disappeared for two weeks, ignoring his calls and texts. I knew I couldn't avoid him forever.

I was just about to call him when a small thud came from the door. I hesitated thinking it was just my imagination but it came again, impatiently.

I hurried over and swang it slightly open. I gasped when a bloody and bruised Lucca came into view.

"Gg!" Was all he said before he collapsed on the front porch.

Present day.

I'm pathetic. I thought to myself as the cab sped down the city street. It was Victoria's, one of my best friends, engagement party yet I couldn't bring myself to attend.

I was sure if I stayed I'd break down and ruin my best friend's special evening. So I had just dropped off her gift, excused myself and left. It was harder than it seemed.

The driver pulled up at my stop, I quickly paid and stepped out. I was just about to walk into the club when my phone rang. I breathed a curse when I saw the caller ID. Victoria.

"Hallo." I said nervously.

"Gabby? Where are you? Are you okay? Should I come get you?" She called, panic in her voice.

"Victoria stop! I'm fine! You can't miss your own engagement party. I just........ can't make it to the party. I hope you understand." I said hoping she'll get the hint.

"Okay. Just call me if you need any help, okay?"

"Sure but I'll be fine. Now go have fun. I'll come by your apartment tomorrow morning."

"Okay. Take care. I'll see you tomorrow." She said before she hang up.

I smiled to myself as I walked over to the club's door and the bouncer helped me out of my coat. "All alone Miss Giovanni?"

"Yeah. It's just me tonight. Thanks." I said as he handed me my coat and opened the door for me to walk in.

I took a few seconds to adjust to the lighting before I headed for bar. I took a seat just as the bartender turned towards me.

"Your best champagne please." I said with a smile.

He gave me a charming smile before he turned to get my drink. I checked my phone one last time before turning my attention to the big screen t.v. right above the bar. It was a news report on the lastest, most talked about case in the city.

A thirty year old man, Carter Johnson, commonly known as The Avenger was finally captured after years of going from state to state attacking, mutilating and killing abusive married men then later sending pictures of the men's bodies to the wives. Hence, the name The Avenger being thought to pay back the man for abusing their wives. He was believed to follow the men, watched as they abused their wives and at times their children before he caught up to them and killed them. He'd evaded the authorities for years but had finally been caught in the act, just as he was sending the latest dead man's photos to his wife.

Victoria Bennet, a Forensic Analyst, and myself had been put on the case as soon as he'd been caught. The scene on the news showed as Victoria and I watched him being taken from the court house earlier today after his sentencing.


"Okay, Mr. Johnson, are you ready for today's session?" I asked as I sat down.

"Sure thing Mrs. Giovanni." He said with a smirk as my tongue went dry. "You didn't think I knew, did you?"

"Please let's stick to the topic at hand Mr. Johnson." I pleaded.

"Why? I'm such a boring topic! You on the other hand. Lost your mother to cancer, disowned by your own father over the collapse of the family business, all cause your husband chose to believe some false allegations that you had cheated on him." He said taking me by surprise.

I remained silent.

"Oh don't be so surprised Mrs. Giovanni. I after all go after men like the ones in your life! But I've been seriously considering expanding my territory to, oh I don't know. Neglectful fathers?" He said and I thought of my father.

"Ruthless husbands?" My ex husband.

"Abusive boyfriends?" Gwyneth Gibson's (one of my best friends) boyfriends.

He was messing with my head.

"Mr. Johnson let's focus on you, okay?" I said finally looking up from my session book.

"Sure thing beautiful. What do you wanna know?" He said with an eager smile. "I'm an open book."

Present day.

I sipped at my drink and finally took a look around just in time to lock eyes with the most beautiful grey eyes I'd ever seen. They hadn't changed a bit. He quickly made his way to me, leaving behind a disappointed group of ladies.

"Still stalking me, are we?" I asked.

"I didn't think you'd notice." He said as he leaned on the counter.

"Well I did and I'd prefer you stop."

"Gabby please! Give me a chance."

"And why should I?" I asked turning to face him.


"Don't call me that!" I hissed at the nickname. His nickname for me.

"Please Gabby. How about breakfast tomorrow? Nothing over the top. Just a simple breakfast."

"Fine. I'll see you then." I said as I waved the bartender over. I paid for my drink, grabbed my coat and stood. "Have a lovely night, Mr. Giovanni."

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