Chapter Four.

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I had made no stops since I left the office. I went straight home, took a long shower and was now sitted on the floor looking through the Johnson case files I had. I knew for a fact that my sessions with him held the clues as to where he would go next if he had the chance.


"I already know what you're gonna ask Miss Giovanni." He'd said at our first session.

"And what is that, Mr. Johnson?" I asked, studying his relaxed body posture as he drummed his fingers on the table, his gaze fixated on me.

"Why I do what I do? What fuels me to do what I do?"

"Do you mind sharing?"

"No. Not at all. It's actually a really sad story."

"I'm listening."

"It's cause of my father." He hesitated. "He was a cruel man. He loved my mother. He accepted me. But he suddenly changed. He started seeing me for what I was. Another man's son. He hated my mother and I cause of it. He'd beat us up every night. I tried everything I could to please him but I was never good enough for him. He wielded his strength over us, having us do his every bidding. My mother paid the most."

He bowed his head in shame. My silence urged him to continue.

"My mother got pregnant but that bastard denied it was his. He called my mother names. Saying the child couldn't be his." He continued, "That he knew she slept around with other men when she could hardly leave the house cause of the amount of bruising she had. He kicked us out on the streets and got himself another wife. My mother died during child birth and I was left with a little sister to take care of."

"So what you do is just an outlet for all the anger and pain your father caused you?" I asked.

"No! It's a way to teach men a lesson."

"What lesson?"

"That their strength is not so they can mistreat the women they have in their lives. It is to protect them. Ensure no harm comes to them in any form or way. Physically or emotionally. They shouldn't wield their strength as a weapon to control, manipulate or harm women." He paused. A heavy pause. "It's...... It's just not right."

I remained silent not knowing how exactly to react. His actions had solid reasons, they had just been executed wrongly.

"And to think," he began with a humourless laugh, "that my sister fell for the same kind of man! Ironic, isn't it?" He asked looking directly at me.

"Mr. Johnson your reasons are credible but you should have let the law take action. Not take it into your own han....."

" No!" He cut me off. "I had to do it my way! I needed it this way! So I can instil fear in that bastard! He'd hear my name and tremble knowing I'm coming for him! Him and that jerk of a brother in law!" 

Present Day.

I scrambled to find my phone under the scattered papers on my coffee table. I finally found it and quickly dialled Paul's number.

"Hallo? Gabby? Are you a...."

"Paul I know where he is going!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Carter Johnson! I know where he is going. We need an emergency meeting now!"

"Gabby, it's three in the morning." He stated and I finally noticed his voice was groggy. "Good job, Gabby. I'll call for a meeting first thing in the morning."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't notice the time." I said mentally slap my forehead after checking the time.

"I know. It's okay. I've been expecting your call. Now go get some rest. We'll talk tomorrow."

"Okay. I will" I said before I hang up.

I cleared up everything and headed to bed. As I stared at the ceiling waiting for sleep to whisk me away, I couldn't help but realise that my fears had not faded. They are still credible.

                                                                                                 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had just finished my presentation on where I thought Carter Johnson was headed next and was taking a seat as Paul took over.

"Good work Gabby. Now that we know who he's going after next, we need to find these two men. I want their locations, addresses and the local police alerted immediately. Let's get to work!" Paul ordered.

"Hold on!" I said just as everyone was about to leave the conference. "I just want to remind you, Mr. Johnson is a...."

I stalled my eyes fixated on the person right outside my office. An anxious smile on her face as she waved at me. I watched her go into my office just as Paul called out my name.

"Sorry. Mr. Johnson is a dangerous man. He might not seem like it at first sight but don't let him fool you. That's where his strength lies. Make sure this bit of information is available to the local authourities when you find him."

"Okay. You heard the lady. Now meeting adjourned!" Paul closed.

I quickly left the room and headed for my office. I locked the door behind me and drew the blinds before turning to face her.

"Hello Gabrielle?" She said.

There before me stood the person (though it wasn't entirely her fault) who destroyed my marriage. The one who'd convinced Lucca of my infidelity. There before me stood my old friend. My sister in law, Alda Giovanni.

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