Chapter Twelve.

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It was three days since I left New York. Since I left Lucca all alone in my bed with no explanation.

I am to fly back this Friday evening and Lizzy had planned out a farewell lunch with the family after working in the bakery for most of the morning.

The last time I had been here, Lucca and I had gotten divorced, Lucca's father had brought my family's business to its knees, my mother had passed away soon after and my father blamed me for everything. So much so that he had kicked me out and had hindered me from attending my own mother's funeral.

It was more than I could bear. I had come to Lizzy and Law who had gotten married. They took me in and together with Victoria's family had helped me complete college. 

I was indebted to them so much so now that they'd been there for me again.

We'd spent the afternoon at the beach with the kids but soon had to go home so I could get to the airport.

Lizzy and Lawrence smiled at me when we got to the airport. We'd gone home, had dinner and gotten the children to bed before leaving.

"Thanks guys. You don't understand how much this means to me. Really! I can't say how much." I said trying hard to keep the tears back.

"You're family dear..... it's what we do." Lizzy said, tears in her eyes.

"We miss you. Please visit more often okay?" Law added as he hugged me.

"Okay." I sniffled, hugging him back my face buried in his chest.

I finally pulled away and turned to Lizzy. She hugged me fiercely letting her tears flow. "Take care of yourself okay?"

"I will." My reply muffled by her embrace. Check in for my flight was called out and I had to leave. I waved goodbye and disappeared into the crowd.

                                 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey?" I called through the phone.

"Don't 'hey' me!" Victoria yelled. Thank God I had her on speaker.

"I was wondering if I could come over for lunch tomorrow." I said knowing all to well that an explanation is what she wants.

"Sure but my mother in law is here." She said, not sounding too pleased.

"What? Since when?" I asked, worried.

Victoria hardly ever got along well with any Mother Figure in her life. Including her own mother. She tried but her relationship with her mother in law just never seemed to work.

"I'd say close to three weeks now."

"Three? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Uhh..... you've been pre-occupied lately."

"Oh Vic, I'm so sorry." I apologized as I sat down next to where my phone lay.  I haven't been there much for my friends. I needed to change that.

"Don't fret. Things are going better than I expected." She consoled.

"Good. So how about that lunch tomorrow?"

"Sounds good." She said and I could almost hear the slight excitement in her voice.

"I just flew in. I should sleep. Goodnight sweetie. I'll see you tomorrow."


I hang up and flopped down on the bed. I had a lot of making up to do. Especially to my silver eyed devil.

                                 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I strode into Victoria's apartment and was met by her mother in law's condescending stare.

"Hello Gabrielle?" She said, pure loathe dripping from her greeting.

"Hello Mrs. Blake. It's nice to see you again." I said and she snickered and went back to reading her magazine.

I headed to the kitchen where Victoria was busy making lunch.

"Need some help?" I asked.

"No. I'm almost done." She said with a smile on her face.

I slipped onto the high chairs at the kitchen island and watched as she poured out the food into the serving dishes. She grabbed some plates, utensils and glasses.

I slipped out of my seat when her eyes requested I help set up the table. It wasn't long before we were all sitted awkwardly at the dining table.

"So Gabrielle, you're still single?" Mrs Blake asked and I suppressed a cringe.

"Uhh..... yes." I replied simply which was followed by a long stretch of uncomfortable silence.

"You know it's not quite alright for a lady your age to still be unmarried." She said.

"Please Julia don't start." Victoria intervened causing a glare to be thrown her way.

"Don't what Victoria? Are you defending her or yourself?" She questioned, eyeing Victoria triumphantly.

"Mother that's enough!" A voice called from the entrance to the dining room and all our heads snapped to him.

The shocked expression on Mrs. Blake morphed into one of jest when her eyes landed on her son.

"Oh loosen up Michael. I was only messing with them." She added as she got to her feet, walking over to hug him. "How was your trip? I wasn't expecting you until later."

"I had to come early for a business meeting." He said, smiling at Victoria who couldn't help but smile back.

"Does that mean you won't be joining us for lunch?" His mother questioned sounding alittle disappointed.

"No but why don't you finish up while I go change then we can go out for a while." He said as he ushered her back to her seat. "I'm sure, Gabby and Tori have some catching up to do."

He walked over to my side and I stood up.

"It's good to see you Gabby." He said as he hugged me.

"You too Michael." I pulled away and as I sat down he kissed Victoria on the cheek then whispered something in her ear causing her ears and cheeks to turn a slight red much to his mother's disapproval.

Victoria and I both let out an audible breath when they finally left.

We cleared the table and did the dishes before slumping down on the couch with wine glasses and a wine bottle.

"She's never changed, has she?"

"Not in the least. It's been torture especially without Michael around."

"I can imagine but with what I saw earlier, I'm guessing you and Michael are okay?"

"Uhh..... yeah. Yeah we are." She replied nervously.

"You're hiding something." I said deadpan.

"We're just struggling with decisions about the wedding." She replied while wringing her hand.

I placed my hand on hers and squeezed. "Tell me when you're ready."

"Enough about me. What's up with you?"

I smiled politely and told her everything.  She was happy to hear about Lizzy and Lawrence. She hoped we'd visit them soon. I apologized for pushing her and the girls away which she forgave me for. I told her about all that was bugging me. Everything expect Lucca. He's still my little secret.

                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for reading this far! You make me happy. :)
Anyway, I've mentioned the title to the last book in the My Weakness series. It's Victoria's story and her issues with her mother. Keep reading and you'll know all the titles too.
Thanks again. Love you lots.



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