Chapter Seven.

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*Six years ago.*

It was months after I signed the divorce papers. The photos that proved my supposed infidelity had been leaked to the public and that's how word got to Lucca's dad. Let's just say he wasn't at all pleased.

He knew the best way to hurt me was through my father. He had gone ahead to pull out of a multi billion project he was considering being a part of with my father's company. He then went on to discredit my father's business causing a lot of partners to pull out.

My father's company collapsed and my mother who had gotten terribly ill sometime before had a sort of relapse. Her condition kept getting worse and here we were once again in the hospital.

"Look at what you've done!" Father yelled as I sobbed.

He had blamed me endlessly, not believing me for even a second that I had been framed.

"You're a disgrace to this family! I thought we taught you better than this!"

He was pacing from one point to another as we awaited word from mom's doctors.

"You're a disgrace to your mother! To me! To this family!"

"Dad it wasn't true. I was...." I tried to explain.

"There's proof Gabrielle! Proof! Now look what you've done to your mother!" He yelled just as someone cleared their throat.

We turned towards a grim looking doctor and my heart sunk.

"Mr and Miss Woods, we're really sorry. We did all we could." He informed us softly. My father simply stared unbelieving at him and only snapped out of his state of shock when I let out a wail.

His cold glare said exactly what I was thinking.

I had driven my mother to an early grave.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Angel! Gabrielle!" I heard a voice calling and I groaned.

"Gabrielle wake up!" I stirred and found myself looking into my father's eyes. They held a sad joy.

"What happened?"

"I should never have let you come." He said as he hang his head in shame as I slipped my head away from his lap and sat facing him.

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"That man, Angel, he's obsessed with you. I should've refused to get you to come. I deserve whatever he plans to do with me " I saw his shoulders shake and after quite a few years I saw my father cry.

"Dad," I said as I lifted his head between my hands, "everything will be just fine."

Are you trying to convince him or yourself?

I shook the thought away and focused on dad, "did he say anything to you?"

"Just that I should get you here. That it was time to make things right."

We sat in silence for a while not knowing what to say.

"Angel," he said drawing my attention. "I'm really sorry. For......"

He broke off and I said nothing waiting for him to continue.

"For not believing you. Mr. Giovanni called and apologized and that's when I found out. I'm really sorry and to be completely honest, I didn't expect you to come. I wouldn't have blamed you."

"Dad, its okay." I began but he waved me off.

"No. No it's not. I didn't believe you when you said the allegations were false. I blamed you for the company, for your mother." He said as he shook his head.

"I lost my livelihood in an instant after years of building it. I lost the love of my life. Yet I didn't realise you too lost your mother. I was angry and hurt, disappointed and lost. I kicked you out while you were mourning your mother. I didn't even let you say goodbye." He said as more tears ran down his face. I wrapped my arms around him as my own tears fell at the memory.

"I made a grave mistake, " he continued. Cause I lost my only child. My Angel. Forgive me my child. Forgive me"

I rocked him back and forth as I whispered in his ear that I'd forgiven him.

A voice from the staircase that led to the basement caught our attention. "What a heartfelt moment. Too bad it has to end." Carter said as he walked down the stairs, two burly men behind him.

We were both on our feet just as they neared us. "Tie her up!" He ordered and dad moved to defend me.

One of the men struck him across his face and I let out a gasp as he fell to the floor.

"Please don't hurt him." I begged when he made as if to hit him again.

"Stop!" Carter ordered. "Tie her up and don't hurt her."

One of the men caught me by the arm and dragged me to a chair as the other picked up my dad.

We were sat facing each other but dad was sitted behind a table with some documents on it.

"What are those?" I asked, motioning to the papers.

"This my love," he said lifting up the bundle of documents as I cringed at his pet name for me, "is your father's last will in testament. We had a mutual agreement to make a few changes."

"What changes?"

"That your father would leave his company, all his business and personal assets to you!" He said an excited glint in his eyes.

I turned to my father who six years ago had told me he would leave everything to one of my cousins. One I didn't even get along with.

"Tell her dad. Tell her what you said to me." Carter said.

"It's the least I could do after all I put her through." He said, a sad smile on his face and I knew what was coming next.

Carter handed my dad a pen and he signed it. My dad had just finished the last page when I saw a glint in Carter's hand.

"Now Mr.Woods, you're gonna read every clause out loud to her and by the look on her face I can tell she knows what's coming next."

I watched helplessly as the two burly men shadowed my father. One grabbed his arm and placed it in front of the other.

"Read it!"

My dad stuttered as he read the first clause. When he was done I saw as Carter raised a knife down hard on my father's hand, severing a finger.

I couldn't watch as I heard my father cry out in pain.

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