Chapter Fifteen.

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It was five days since Lucca's attack, Victoria's fall and Gwen's kidnapping. Reece had disappeared soon after heading home to surprise her sister.

Victoria had been discharged from the hospital the day after her fall. Lucca was now home and resting. While we awaited Carter's demands.

My phone rang and I kissed a sleeping Lucca before leaving the room.

"Got anything for me?"

"Yes. We just received a demand from Carter." Paul replied solemnly.

"What is it Paul?"

"Why don't you come by the office and we'll talk then?"

"I can't. I'm looking after Lucca today."

"Oh yeah. How's he doing?"

"He's alright. Just getting back his strength."

"Okay. He'll be okay....."

"Paul ....." I cut him off.


"Quit stalling."

"Okay okay. Carter has two consequent demands. One, to release Gwen he'll need a replacement."

"Someone to hold over my head."


"Did he say who?"

"Yes. He wants Lucca." Paul said and I let out a sigh.

"What's the second demand?"

"For him to leave Lucca or any of his family, who he knows are back in the country, alone his initial offer still stands."

"I run away with him."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lucca was fully recovered but I couldn't tell him anything. I had to figure out another way.

His dad and sister, Alda had flown home when they heard about Lucca being attacked. They'd just left for their hotel after dinner and Lucca had turned to me with concern on his face.


"Something's been bothering you." He pointed out effortlessly.

"I'm fine." I said as kissed his forehead and headed for the kitchen.

"Tell me." He was right behind me.

"It's nothing." I lied.

"Does it have something to do with Gwen?"

I turned to face him, my eyes wide.

"Don't worry. She'll be fine."

"You sound so sure?" Not bothering to ask how he knew about Gwen. He'd probably called Paul.

"I am. Paul already communicated to Carter. I'm being handed over tomorrow. "


"It's already been decided."

"No! No Lucca! You'll do no such thing!"

"It's my choice." He replied calmly.

"No! It's not! I'm not letting you do that!"

"I'm not letting you lose someone else especially not because of me."

"I'll be losing you!" I yelled before my voice lowered. "I can't lose you."

"It's me he wants."

"Cause he knows losing you would destroy me!"


"Can't you see it? Lucca, ain't it obvious enough for you?"

"I can't hide it anymore. I can't pretend I don't feel it anymore. I just can't ." He remained silent. Waiting for me to tell him.

"I love you Lucca! I always have. Isn't it obvious?" I asked as tears rolled down my face as a look of disbelief crossed his face.

"I just found you. I can't lose you again! I can't! I just can't!" I cried.

"Shh! You won't lose me. I'll always be right here with you." He said as he pulled me into him. "We'll work something out."

"I love you G.g. I always have. Always will."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I hated this plan. I would do my part carrying it out but I still hated it.

After Paul talked to Carter he'd demanded I be the one to do the exchange. He'd send me the address once I was alone with Lucca. I'd drop Lucca off and allowed to leave with Gwen. If he so much as caught a whiff that I was not alone, he'd shoot Gwen and he would most definitely come after the Giovanni family.

We were in the car waiting for the address, neither of us saying anything.

My phone vibrated and I checked it. I put the address on the GPS and pulled out of the curb.



"Talk to me."

"I hate this plan." I bit out.

It took us alittle over half an hour before we pulled up to an abandoned warehouse. I checked my phone and just as I'd thought, there was no network. I walked over to lucca's side and helped him out since he was blind folded.

I caught lucca's arm and began walking towards what looked like the entrance. Lucca was also handcuffed at Carter's demands and had no weapon or digital gadget with him either.

The large door was drawn back opening it and we walked inside.

At a distance stood Carter, a menacing smile on his face and behind him was a blind folded Gwen. We walked over to them and I was glad to see Gwen wasn't any worse for wear.

"How lovely to see you my love." He said walking over to me and I felt Lucca tense up. He placed a kiss on my cheek and I suppressed a cringe.

I was just about to speak when I heard a swinging noise. Before I could see what it is, I heard Lucca groan as he was hit from behind forcing him onto his knees causing me to lose my grip on him

I gasped lowly and shut my eyes not wanting to see him in pain.

"I'm fine Gabby. Get Gwen out of here." He replied sensing my hesitation.

Carter made a sweeping gesture towards Gwen and I rushed over to her.

"Gwen? Gwen its me?"


"Yes. I'm here to get you out. Can you stand?"

"Y...yes. I'm fine. They didn't hurt me." She said and I let out a sigh of relief.

I got her on her feet and we began to walk slowly out.

"See you soon my love." Carter said but I ignored him as Gwen and I continued towards the door.

Once we were outside I removed the blindfold and the restraint on her hands just as a blow landed on flesh.

I turned back towards the warehouse to see Lucca fall to the floor just as the door was drawn shut.

Who would you chose? Love of your life or one of your best friends?
More to come.......
Love you all.

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