Chapter Six.

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Extra long chapter.

"Hey? I didn't think you'd make it." Lucca said as he stood and pulled out my chair for me.

He was in formal wear: a dark suit, a crisp white shirt, a slender navy blue tie and shiny black shoes. Only now his coat was draped on the back of his chair, his tie was loose and his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

I gulped my eyes taking him in slowly. He looked just as he always did when he'd come home from work. I was glad to see some things had not changed.

"I wouldn't miss a free meal." I joked snapping out of my thoughts as I took my seat. "Plus, I needed a break."

"That bad huh?" He asked looking at me sincerely, missing my hesitation.

It had been a busy week. We were too late at locating Carter's brother in law who was found dead on the outskirts of Texas. Everyone was expecting me to figure out his next move and to be honest, it wasn't that easy. Not forgetting Alda's suspicion of Quinn. And the fact that the girls still knew nothing about Lucca.

"Worse." I replied burying my face in my hands.

I heard Lucca order our food then took my hand in his once the waiter left.

"Hey." He said looking me in the eye. "Everything will be okay. "

I sent him a small smile at his reassuring words. His touch only aided in calming me alittle more.

"I'm sorry. I should be better company considering I insisted on us having lunch." I said with a smile.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you still let me see you even when you're....... dishevelled. " he said chuckling.

"Oh no! My hair?" I asked as a pink tint spread across my cheeks.

"You've been running your hand through it too many times." He confirmed and I groaned lowly once again burying my face in my hands in embarrassment.

I heard him chuckle some more and I lifted my head glaring at him.

"What?" He asked innocently. "It's good to know some things never changed."

"Really? Like what?" I questioned amused.

"The most recent one, you still run your hand through your hair a lot when frustrated or worked up. You still hide your face in your hands when embarrassed or frustrated. You tend to bite you lip when nervous. You have this glint in your eyes when amused like right now. Should I keep going?"

I didn't even know how to respond so I just shied away from his gaze and shook my head.

The lunch carried on uneventful with light cheerful banter till we both had to go back to work. He walked me to my building and kissed me softly before leaving, a smirk on his face. I felt like a love sick teenager as I watched him walk away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I couldn't dispute Alda's suspicion anymore especially after seeing it for myself.

I had walked back to my office just as people left for lunch. Lucca and I had opted on an early lunch since he had a lunch meeting soon afterwards. Victoria passed by my office and was a little disappointed when I turned down her lunch offer.

The office had been silent till I heard someone arguing. Before I could move Quinn came bursting through my door.

"I'm sorry Ms Giovanni. She fought her way up here." An anxious guard called from behind her.

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