Chapter Fourteen.

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I was pacing back and forth in the hallway waiting for the doctor to finish checking up on Lucca. I was worried out of my mind when a pain shot through my stomach forcing me to stop and take a breathe.

The doctor was by my side, a look of concern on his face.

"Mrs. Giovanni, are you alright?"

"Yes yes." I said through shut eyes, ignoring his choice of title for me before opening them and turning to face him. "I'm fine. Thank you."

"You should probably get checked out...." He began.

"No. No. I'm quite alright. How is he?"

He looked at me reluctantly before turning to his chart. "Most of his injuries are minor, just mostly cuts and bruises. As for the stab, it was deep but it hit no major organs which is good but he did lose a lot of blood."

"But he's alright?"

"Yes. He'll be out of it for a while. We're sedating him to ensure he rests and lets his body heal. And also to keep the pain at bay as the painkillers kick in. He'll be okay. You can go in and see him if you want." He answered reassuringly.

"Thank you doctor."

"Are you sure you don't want to get looked at?"

"No. I'm fine. Thank you."

"Okay. I'll be checking in him quite often but if any of you need anything just ask one of the nurses." He said and I had a feeling the special treatment was cause they recognized Lucca. I thanked him once again and he left.

I took a deep breathe and walked silently to Lucca's room. He lay still tucked in under the sheets looking peaceful and but not rested. I placed my bag on the couch in the room, my eyes not leaving his form.

I walked over to him, taking his hand in mine and kissing his forehead. I pulled a chair up and sat in it, my head resting on his hand slowly drowning in the silence that was only broken by the sound of the machines.

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out, glad I'd removed the sound. I quickly checked the caller ID and I frowned.

I gave Lucca one last kiss and stepped out.

"Hey Michael? What's up?"

"Have you heard from Victoria lately?"

"Yeah. I was with her today at work. Is something wrong? "

"Yeah. I need you to go check up on her at the hospital. I'm on my next flight home."


"Yes. She had an accident."

                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I walked past an anxious Mrs. Blake, something within me telling me she had something to do with this.

"Oh Gabrielle I'm so glad you're here. The doctor won't tell me anything." She said sounding relieved.

"I'm guessing there's a good reason for that." I said eying her keenly.

"How should I know? I called the ambulance."

"Why don't we wait for the doctor and I'll ask." I said just as the doctor walked out of Victoria's room.

"How is she?" Mrs. Blake asked.

"Sorry ma'am, Ms. Bennet said I should speak to only her family, fiance or......." she said checking her chart, " a Miss Giovanni."

"I'm Ms. Giovanni." I put in and she turned towards me.

"Come. She said to let you in once you're here." She said ushering me into her room as Mrs. Blake slipped back onto her seat.


"Victoria. How are you feeling?" I said rushing to her side.

"Okay I guess. The doctor says its nothing serious."

"She's okay. Just a little shaken up and bruising where she hit her head. No signs of a concussion but we'll need to keep her here overnight just to be sure."

"That's okay. She could use the sleep." I teased.

"Good. I'll come by later to check on you again." She replied smiling at both of us.

"Thank you doctor." Victoria said as the doctor left.

"What happened?" I questioned especially after what I heard the doctor say about those who could be given information on her.

"Michael's mom and I were arguing again. You know, same old story." She said and I urged her to continue. "I tried to walk away but she grabbed my shoulder, I slipped and fell down the stairs. Next thing I know I'm at the hospital."

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm okay."

"Do you need anything?"

"No. I'm okay. I just want Michael to get here fast."

"I can imagine. You'll be okay. I can stay with you till he comes."

"Please. I'd love that." She said and I pulled up a chair next to her.

I was just about to sit when my phone began to vibrate. Caller ID: Paul.

"I should take this. It's Paul. Be right back." I said smiling reassuringly at her before stepping out.

Mrs. Blake almost jumped to her feet when I stepped out but I moved right past her as I answered the call.

"Hey Paul?"

"Uuh...... I need you and Victoria at the office immediately. I tried calling her but she wasn't picking up."

"What? why?"

"Carter sent me a video. I'll send it to you but I need you here. Both of you."

"I'll come alone. Victoria's had a bit of an accident. I'm at the hospital with her."

"Oh God! Is she okay?"

"Yeah. She's fine but they're keeping her here overnight."

"Okay. I'll send you the video. If possible we could work over the phone. Keep it near you. This is urgent!"

"Will do. Thanks." I said as I hang up and it didn't take long for a video notification to pop up.

I went over to Lucca's room grabbing my earphones from my bag and sat on the couch at the corner before plugging them in and playing the video.

It was a large dark structure, like an abandoned warehouse. Or safe house. Carter's smiling face came up and he began talking.

"My love. I know you're watching. You like surprises, don't you? And haven't I got one for you." He said and turned the camera.

I gasped.

There tied to a chair sat a passed out Gwen!

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