Chapter Eleven.

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I dragged my suitcase on the paved path and up the front porch and stopped at the door.

I composed myself, wiping away my tears and mustering up a smile before I knocked on the door.

It swang open almost immediately and there stood Elizabeth McCarthy, my close friend and cousin.

The look on her face broke me and she gathered my sobbing form into her arms.

"Shh.... it's okay. It'll all be okay." She whispered into my ear.

I was jetlagged and soon cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of spicy chicken. I closed my eyes in an attempt to keep myself from crying. Mom loved cooking. I missed her.

I got up, washed my face to freshen up and headed downstairs, directly into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie. Had a good nap?" Lizzy asked.

"Yeah..... where's Law?"

"In here." I heard him shout.

I headed into the living room where Lawrence, Lizzy's husband was watching a game.

"Hey sweetie? How are you?" He said as he pulled me into a hug. He was tall and built, I felt safe. Like a child in her father's arms.

"I'm holding up okay, I guess." I said letting myself savour the comfort.

"How about we eat first then we'll talk?" Lizzy cut in and we headed for the kitchen. After dinner, we cleaned up then sat in the living room, glasses of wine in hand.

"What happened Gabby?" Lizzy asked.

"Let me start from the beginning." I said with a defeated sigh.

*the present.*

"Ma'am?" A flight attendant called to me and I snapped out of my thoughts.


"We've landed. Do you need any assistance getting out of the plane?"

"No. I'm fine thank you." I replied with a smile as I got to my feet.

I grabbed my luggage and hurried out to meet Lizzy.

"Oh Gabby it's so good to see you." She said as she pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Lizzy. Sorry for the time." I said checking my watch. It was going to 4am in the morning.

"Oh don't worry about it!" She said with a convincing smile. "Now come on! Let's get you home."

At her words, I relaxed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lizzy's two children are bigger than I remember. Henry is now 7 years old while her younger sister Hailey is five.

When I last saw them Henry was still a baby and Hailey was yet to be born.

"Aunty G?"

"Yes Hailey?"

"Are you in twouble?"she asks innocently.

"No sweetie. Why would you think that?"

"Cause mommy says you wan away fwom home."

"Hailey stop lying. I didn't say that." Her mom scolds from the kitchen door.

"Yes you did."

"No I did not. Nap time for you young lady." Lizzy called as she scooped the little girl up and headed for her bedroom.

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