Chapter Ten.

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I was finally back at work after three weeks.

The first week I'd spent at Lucca's family home where I'd spent time with a psychologist, getting over the initial shock.

The second had been for dad's funeral. The third I had spent with Lucca and his dad figuring things out in terms of dad's company.

We had agreed to merge the two companies for easier supervision. It might take a while getting the paperwork done but all three of us had come to a verbal agreement.

Soon after Alda and her dad left for a vacation of some sort while Lucca adamantly refused to join them.

While I was away Carter Johnson's father had been found in Las Vegas trying to keep a low profile and blending in.

He'd gone missing 24 hours ago.

"Gabby, any chance you'd know where Carter's mom lived?" Paul asked at the on going briefing.

"Working on it boss." I said, scrolling through my short notes on the Johnson case.

"Tell me when you get anything. All of you!" He ordered before he adjourned the meeting.

I slumped down in my seat and clicked on my e-mails.
Subject:Business Merger.

I'll be sending some documents your way for your signature. Please go through them before signing. Feel free to consult with your business executives and lawyers.
Thank you.


I'd have to resend it to my dad's company Vice-president.

The second came from an anonymous account.

Subject:my father

I know you found him but I have him now. If you seek to save his life and the lives of those you love. Meet me at the coffee shop right down the street in an hour.

Come alone.

I checked the time the e-mail was received and I now had twenty minutes to get to the coffee shop. I quickly set a timer for the e-mail to be sent to Paul, Victoria and Lucca. I grabbed my things and left the office.

This might be my only chance to stop this

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"My love, how lovely to see you again." Carter said as he pulled out my chair for me when I walked in.

"Carter." I regarded him as I took the seat. "Why am I here?"

"Straight to the point huh? That's good, that's good. At least the cops your boyfriend called won't have much time to get here." He said, a smug smile on his face.

How's that possible? The timer hasn't stopped yet.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said innocently.

"Ooh.... I'm aware you're clueless of the fact that Lucca tends to stalk you nowadays but that's not why I'm here."

"What do you want? I personally want you to stop all of this. Just give yourself up and let the law work its course. Now tell me how to get you to stop this."

"The only way I'll stop this is if you run away with me. Maybe even marry me some day." He said and I burst out laughing.

The laughter vanished when I realised his dead on look.

He wasn't joking.

"You don't have to give me an answer now...... I'll give you time to think about it. Just remember you could save your boyfriend and his coward of a father." He said as he stood up, grabbed his wallet and tossed two twenty dollar bills on the table. "Get some coffee on me. You look drained."

He left and it didn't take long for Lucca to come to my side.

"Gabby! Gabby, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked as he shook me from my trance.

"I'm...... I'm fine." I replied.

"What did he want? What did he say?"

I looked him in the eye, "He gave me an ultimatum."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"How could you have been so reckless?" Paul yelled at me.

He was pacing up and down the room since before I walked into his office. Victoria was sitted on the couch on one side of the room while I sat on one of the chairs at Paul's desk taking on his wrath.

"I'm sorry boss. I got a chance to try and make things right. I finally know what he wants."

"And you're not seriously considering running away with him just so he can stop killing, are you?"

"Of course not. I'm thinking we could use it. Use it to get to him." I said.

"Gabby, are you forgetting that he has proven to be smarter than us over and over again?" Victoria put in.

"It's worth a shot Paul." I said, ignoring her.

"My answer is no and that is final." Paul said and I stormed out of the room.

I got off work early and went home. I needed time to think.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Long day at work?" Lucca asked when he walked into my apartment and found me in the kitchen, one hand rubbing my temples, the other grasping a glass of wine.

"You should know!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh now you're gonna pretend you don't stalk me for most of our time apart?"

He sighed. "I do. Okay? I'm only trying to look out for you."

"I'm not a child Lucca! I don't need a babysitter!"

"With the way you acted today, I beg to differ." He said shrugging off his coat.

"I was trying to stop all this. I was trying to protect you!"

"Me? Me Gabby? You're trying to protect me? I'm not the one who needs protection!"

"He wouldn't hurt me."

"Yeah and we all know it! But you protecting me? If anything, I'd deserve what he does to me!"

"Even if it means killing you?"

"Yes! Cause without you I'd die anyway!" He yelled.

We were inches away from each other, breathing hard, hands clutched into fists on our sides.

Next thing I know. We're tearing at each other's clothes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hello?" Her voice rang through the phone.

"Hello Lizzy?"

"Gabby? Oh my God! It's so good to hear from you. Are you okay?"

"Uuh..... I'm flying out there tonight. Hope you don't mind."

"No! Not at all. What time does your flight arrive, I'll pick you up?"

I gave her my flight details and hang up.

Its been a while since I'd talked to her let alone visited. I only did when I was stressed up and it had been a while since I have been this stressed up.

I had left the only man I have ever loved asleep, alone in my bed with just a note. I had sent Paul a request for an immediately effective work break and an 'I'll explain later message to the girls.

My flight was called up. I was headed for Florida.

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