" chapter 32"

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"RACHEL WAKE UP ITS TODAY!" Leanne jumped on me
"Ugh give me 5 minutes" i groaned turning around
"Nooooooo please rachhhhh" Leanne moaned
I sighed and sat up looking at the time
"Leanne it's 8 in the morning we don't need to be their until like 3"
"Rachel excuse me but I need plenty of time to look flawless for con okay"
I rolled my eyes and go out of bed
"Well I'm taking a shower you do..whatever" .
"Power banks"
"Do we need anything else?" Leanne asked
"Not that I know of" I shrugged
We got our things and made our way downstairs
"How are you girls getting to the arena?" Tom asked
"We are gonna get the bus?"
"I could-"
"Nope it's fine we'll just take the bus" I said before he could offer us a lift.
Me and Leanne ate a quick breakfast and then decided we'd leave.
"You girls have fun and be safe!" My mum said
"Don't worry mum we'll be fine"
After reassuring my mum that I'll be okay she finally let us go.
"I'm so excited" Leanne exclaimed
"I'm nervous.."
When we arrived we found the VIP line and saw lots of people there, I wasn't worried about our position in the que cause well we paid to meet them.
"How long do we've to wait?" I asked Leanne
"We're going in at 4"
I checked the time and saw it was only 2:30 I sighed
"It'll be fun" Leanne assured
"What? Standing here freezing?"
Leanne then gave me a huge lecture about how she does this all the time for bands she loves and it's normal and I'd get used to it.
"Well I've only been to one concert and that was with my mum and she'd do me one if I had her standing here for hours let me tell you"
Leanne laughed and rolled her eyes.
What are you supposed to do in a line for that long? I know it's only little over an hour but I heard some girls saying they've been here since early hours this morning.? Honestly don't know why they bother I mean if you have meet and greet why bother about how close you are at the concert? That's my opinion anyway.
The line started moving towards inside the arena and I felt my stomach do backflips, I had no idea how I was going to react but at this moment in time I hadn't got a chance to feel anything other than a mountain of butterflies erupt in my stomach and a few girls push me..
We all start walking up a dozen stairs before entering a huge room where the background saying The Vamps all over it was set up.
That was enough to have me almost puke - with nerves-
Me and Leanne was last in line and I couldn't stand still
"Rach stop worrying you'll be fine"
I shook my hands as I got a few weird looks off people but fuck them.
"Leanne I'm so nervous.." I whispered
"I know you are so am I but please calm down you and Brad are friends you have no reason to be so nervous"
I could tell Leanne was getting frustrated with the way I was going on but I'm nervous for a lot of reasons one being the fact that I'm finally about to meet the vamps and two because me and Brad have actually been through a lot since we start talking.
As the line got smaller and smaller I could see them.
I saw Brad as he smiled a perfect smile flashing his white teeth.
He wore a maroon knitted jumper with his famous black jeans and I couldn't see his shoes but bets there his docs.
"Fuck rach look how hot con is!"
I was too busy staring at the perfect curly haired boy to take any notice in what's been said to me.
It's Leanne's turn and Brad saw me.
His face dropped and his eyes widened I stood there and gave him a small smile which he returned after a few moments of staring.
Leanne got her photo and hugged Connor and then the rest of the boys then it was me.
"Rachel.." Brad said , clearly surprised that I'm here
"Hi Brad" I smiled
Immediately Brad gave me a tight hug and I felt so safe in his arms I took in his scent and I held onto him and I just didn't want to let go,
"Wait is this Rachel?" Tristan asked suddenly causing me and Brad to break away from our hug
Brads face flushed a small shade of pink before answering tristans question
"Err yeah tris this is Rachel.."
"It's about time you met!" He laughed
I stood in the middle of Brad and Tristan to get my photo.
"I can't believe your here" Brad said after
"I thought I'd surprise you" I laughed
"Ehh excuse me I got the tickets Rachel" Leanne said coming over involving herself into the conversation,
I laughed
"Well Leanne got the tickets but look who's keeping you in my house" I joked
" we should all hang out sometime " Connor suddenly suggested  looking at Leanne
A small smirk came onto my face as I saw the flirty look con was flashing towards Leanne who's too busy drooling over him.
"Yeah we actually should, Leanne's here for another 2 weeks or something "
"Where's she from?" Connor asked
"Ireland" she said quickly making him laugh
"Awh your cute" he said causing Leanne to turn a deep shade of pink, con let out a small laugh.
"Anyways we should go and try get a good standing spot for the show" i exclaimed after a few moments of silence
"Yeah of course, will I see you after the show?" Brad asked me hopeful I'll say yes
"Hmmm maybe"
I gave them all hugs but I let mine and Brads linger a tiny bit longer
"You look beautiful " he whispered in my ear making me smile and blush a small bit
" enjoy the show Brad" I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and walked out following Leanne.
I was actually excited writing this chapter lmao,
I actually have noooo idea where I'm going with this book😅
If anyone has an idea on how it could end leave a comment💬

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