Chapter 49

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1 month later...

"Rachel get up for school please" my mum sighed , this is probably her 10th time this morning calling me but I couldn't give a shit I really don't want to go into school today.
I groaned and rolled over digging my face into the pillows
"Rachel I mean it! You've missed half the week now get up you're exams are starting next week!"
"I don't wanna, if I've missed half the week let me just miss the rest what's the point" I moaned
"The point is your future!!" She half yelled
Ugh here we go with the whole "no education , no future" lecture
"Rachel please don't start this can you just go into school catch up on what you've missed and then I'm making sure you study when you get home"
I rolled my eyes at her and sat up
"Fine" I huffed throwing the covers off of me going over to retrieve my uniform that was hanging over my wardrobe door
"Don't be long it's already 7:30" mum reminded me and walked out.

Lately I just haven't been in the mood for doing anything, I feel like I've nothing , like I've no one.
Leanne left last month and Brad well I haven't talked to him.
I thought blocking him and ignoring him I'd forget him easily I thought that it would be as simple as that. It wasn't.
I still think about him all the time and I know he wouldn't have time to think about me because well he has a life, and a good life at that. Besides he's probably at the 'Rachel who?' Stage .
He doesn't need me and he never did.
"Rach hurry up"
"Give me a sec I'm coming" I yelled

The past month in school have just been nothing but sniggers and whispers everytime I walk into a class or walk through the corridors.
I'm just glad next week I have my exams and then I'm free for the summer.
"Rachel" my form tutor Ms.Maye called
"Here" I answered
"Can I have a quick word before you leave ?" She asked politely , I nodded and chewed on the inside of my cheek nervously.

When the class had fled to first period I stayed behind so Ms.Maye could talk with me. I know it's going to be about me missing school and how I'll fall behind on my exams just the usual lectures.
"You've missed most of the school week? Wanna tell me why?" She asked
Well I'm just really not feeling coming in
"I've been quite ill so I thought I'd stay home until I felt better" I lied
"Oh well it's nice to have you back" she smiled "before you go some of your teachers gave me revision sheets and work sheets for you to do before the exams" she dug into her drawer and pulled out a blue folder holding sheets  and flash cards Inside, I retrieved the folder and thanked her.
"You've been such a good student since you started I'd hate for you to do bad in your first year"
"I'll study as much as I can" I assured her so she'd let me go
"Well I was thinking you should stay behind after school so I could help you catch up? I know it sounds boring and lame but I'd love if you agreed so you don't stress too much about the exams" she smiled
I contemplated and well maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing, besides what else have I to do?
"Yeah that'd be nice thank you" I agreed
"Great! Meet me here at 4:05"
"Okay, thanks again"
"It's not a problem"
I gave a small smile and exited the classroom going to my first class.
As I was walking through the courtyard I got a text from an unknown number

'We need to talk rach ASAP!
Brad X'
Boring asf chapter I'm sorry ://

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