Chapter 55

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I'm starting to learn that if I was ever to date Brad this is what it will be like, articles, posts, paps, hate. That's just the way it's going to be, but I'm not letting these articles get in between us again not this time I'm just going to have to live with it.

I was going around the local shopping centre in town with my mum, well we were shopping for school supplies.
Yes I know I'm only on my summer holidays but my mum is weird she likes to be prepared for when September comes she hates worrying she missed something. I don't know I'm guessing it's just a parent thing..
"Mum can I just pop into primark or something and I'll call you in about 20 minutes?" I asked
"Well how will I know what stationary you want or what pencil case?" She fussed
"Mum just pick up anything" I rolled my eyes
"Fine" she sighed "but I want you back here in 20"
"Yeah yeah"
I walked away glad to be away from
"You need this and you need that"
Nagging from my mum.
I sat on a bench across from nandos trying to ring Brad but his phone was off, which it has been since yesterday..
What if this time it's him ignoring me? What if he's blocked me from calling him?!?
I text him on Twitter and let out a sigh of relief when I saw he didn't block me.
"Oh my god are you Rachel?" I looked up to see a stunning girl quite small and slim standing infront of me
"Umm yeah?"
"Oh my god you're brads girlfriend aren't you?!?" She exclaimed excitedly clutching her phone in her hand
"Well..I-um not really ?" I stuttered not knowing how to reply to her
She looked a bit old to be a fan? Older than me even..
"It's okay to admit it to me" she smiled
She's odd?
"Well there's nothing to admit now" I smiled falsely
"Oh stop that" she fake laughed
"It's so obvious you two are fucking"
Almost choking on the air that I breathe at this random strangers words
"Excuse me!" I half yelled causing a bit of a scene for the people around me, flashing them an apologetic smile which they tutted and walked off
"I'm sorry I don't know who you are but you've no right to stagger up to me and make accusations, False accusations!" I say lowly Putting my point across standing up
"I'm saying it how I see it" she shrugged
"You see nothing!" I said through gritted teeth "you know nothing"
"Try me" she smirked walking away from me
What the actual fuck just happened?
"Rachel there you are I've been looking for you" my mum approached from God knows where
"Okay so I got 3 pencil cases in which I'd think you'd like so you can have a look when we go home" she rambled but all I could think about was maybe I'd had an encounter with the girl writing those articles. But who was she?

I'm so sorry about not updating , for ages I deleted this app and I forgot about it and nearly died when I saw all the messages and notifications I had when I reinstalled like wtf this has almost 90K reads WTF!!! and sorry for not replying to ANYONES messages honestly there's so many I never even knew I'd get any!😂

Anyways I'm back now and leave a comment if you have been following this book from the start!

Ly all x

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