" Chapter 33 "

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"SO BABY CAN WE DANCE.." We all screamed the lyrics to the final song as the concert came to an end, I looked around and saw loads of teenagers like myself cry and it reminded me of the first ever time I saw them live.
It's times like this that make me realise I'm just like them all I'm just a regular fan, I'm just delusional cause I'm only 16 and brads just been kind to me.
Brad doesn't like me the way I want him to his kindness to me is making me think he has some feelings towards me but like I said I'm just a fangirl like everyone else.
As they left the stage I was high on adrenaline from the buzz I've had for the past 2 hours.
"Are we meeting them again?" Leanne asked out of breath from all the singing and dancing.
"I actually don't know Brad asked me was I meeting him after but I never gave him an answer..."
The lights of the arena came on and I saw how sweaty both me and Leanne were, I can hear my shower call from here.
As we start making our way towards the exit I got a DM from Brad telling me to wait here so I stopped Leanne and stood back were we previously stood.
" that was such a fun concert " Leanne exclaimed
I agreed it was actually really fun and there wasn't a moment that i thought was boring.
The arena was practically empty now and the security guard came over to us
"Girls you have to leave now." He said gripping onto my arm slightly dragging me towards the exit
I yanked my arm numerous of times to try release from his grip but he had none of it
"Let go of me you fucker!!"
"You have to leave!" He shouted
"Who the fuck do you think you are let go!" I shouted
"What's going on?"
I whipped my head around to see who it was and was amazed when I saw
Joe come to the rescue and I mentally prayed Brad told him about me and Leanne
"These girls need to leave" the tall security guard with the name tag travis said
"Rachel.?" Joe questioned
"Yes!!! and that's Leanne" I nodded my head to Leanne who was in the grip of the other security guard that had accompanied travis to rid of us.
"They're with me" Joe said
travis released his hold of me and I immediately rubbed my arm and gave him a dirty look
"Prick" I muttered walking away following Joe.
"Rachel!" Brad jumped off the sofa in the dressing room to hug me
"Ew your sweaty" I said
Brad then rubbed his arms all over me in a jokingly way spreading his sweat everywhere
"Brad your gross stop" I laughed
"I don't know what your saying you are as sweaty as us and we were the ones performing" he joked
I felt embarrassed as the other boys looked at me and laughed at brads comment
"Ha ha so funny" I rolled my eyes
I went over to sit on the small black couch
"Anyways why'd you want to see us after the show?" I asked
" 'cause the M&G was only brief and I wanted to see you" Brad said a small smile visible on his lips
I put my head down to try hide the smile that came onto my lips but Brad noticed and sat beside me
"I'm so glad you came tonight "
"Me too" I bit my lip and looked away at Leanne who was blabbering on to a very interested Connor.
"Where'd  the others go?" I asked
"James and tris left with their birds"
"Don't refer girls to 'birds' they are woman" I swatted his shoulder
"Sorry they left with their 'woman' " he said emphasising on the word woman
It stayed silent for a while, well on me and brads part of the room Leanne and Connor was deep in conversation to even take notice of their surroundings and I hope to god they don't start making out on the chair.
I could tell Brad was as nervous as I was right now because he didn't know what position to sit in it's like he thought I'd kill him if he sat too close but if he sat to far away I'd be upset? The boy can't make up his mind so I laughed
" what?" He asked smiling
" you are so awkward right now"
"So are you though"
"Am not"
"Are too"
"Am not"
"Are too"
"Right Brad how old are you?" I laughed at how childish both of us are being.
Being right here in brads company laughing and acting childish is really what I needed, thoughts of me being a 16 year old fangirl completely left my mind and I actually felt like Brad felt more than just my idol right now.
I'm not sure whether that's my childish mind playing tricks on me or whether what I'm feeling is actually real but I'm going to go with the second thought and feel happy to even be sat on the same couch as Bradley Simpson.
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