Chapter 37

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"Hey Rach?" Leanne said as she sat on her phone eating chocolate
"Do you think before I leave we could meet up with the boys again..?" She asked nervously
"Well I'm sure we could."
Leanne's face lit up as she start getting all giddy and started to text someone
"Who you texting?" I asked nosily
A smirk played on her lips that faded into a smile
" come on" she announced standing up brushing her clothes down
I knitted my brows together confusingly as I watched her put on her shoes
"Are you just going to stand there or get ready?" She chuckled
"Where we going?" I asked
" to meet the boys" she exclaimed excitedly.
We were in a taxi going to an address the boys had sent us, I've no clue who's address it is but that's where they informed us to go.
We pulled up to a very modern looking apartment, it looked to staggering to even exist in and around where I live.
The taxi driver was charging us £70, 70 fricking pound charge for that journey.!
Me and Leanne dug through our purses but we had a good £50 put together,
"This is all we have..?" I handed him me and Leanne's money and he took it
"But that's not correct fair, I need another 20 to let you leave other whys I'm calling the police for wasting my time and not paying"
Me and Leanne looked towards eachother not knowing what we are going to do we can't afford that fair and I hadn't of thought the  taxi ride would of came to that amount the journey didn't seem that far.
"Girls can you afford the fair or not cause I'm not wasting my time here with two delinquents" he said clearly agitated by us standing around contemplating on what we are going to do.
I was about to answer a shameful "no" when Brad came out a smile on his face but quickly faded when he saw the expression that sat on me and Leanne's .
"What's going on?" Brad asked oblivious
I didn't get a chance to explain before the taxi driver piped up
"These two can't pay the right amount of taxi fair there for they have an option of paying or I'll call the police choice is theirs"
Brad shook his head and took out his wallet
"How much?" He asked
" they owe £20"
Brad took a £50 note out of his wallet and handed it to the taxi driver
"Keep the change" Brad smiled sarcastically and the taxi soon left the property
I let out An exasperated sigh of relief as Brad put his hand on my shoulder
"Are you alright you look very flustered" he chuckled
" piss off" I mumbled in annoyance
He'd be embarrassed too if he was in mine and Leanne's shoes where you can't afford taxi fair so the taxi won't leave,
That incident had put a downer on my day the way the taxi driver called us 'delinquents' as if we were these two criminals that get up to no good all the time and all for the sake of £20!!
Brad motioned for us to follow him into the house and we followed his instructions.
Walking in my mouth dropped in awe as I looked around at the very modern interior.
Brad brought us up a flight of spiral stairs which led to another small set of stairs.
We were in an attic room but it was not small, it was a mini studio with all the equipment a regular recording studio would have.
I looked around at the momentous area.
James and Connor was outside of the booth and Tristan was inside recording a drum solo which sounded amazing!
"We are just working on tristans solo and then we'll be ready" Brad said loudly over the sound of Tristan playing his drums. We took a seat on the small couch and I tapped my foot to the beat of the drums.
"He actually stayed outside that long" James laughed
"No joke, all for £20 and all it was ridiculous " I laughed along
"Just aswell Brad came to the rescue" Leanne motioned her head to Brad
" meh it's no big deal" he said flexing his "muscles" causing me to giggle.
"So what do you guys want to do?" Connor asked
I shrugged not really caring what we do I just love being in their company. And of course being around Brad.
" well we can't drink cause your only 16, we can't play truth or dare cause there's only two of you, we can't play never have I ever cause again your underage.."
James rambled on about how we couldn't do a lot of things cause we were "too young" and it's actually really pissing me off!
"So yeah what can we do?" He said after he stopped his blabbering on
"Well we may aswell go seems as we are too young to be with you!" I was only supposed to say that in my head but I couldn't help but say it aloud
"It's not like that" Brad tried to assure me
"Oh really then what is it like? If we were 18 we'd be having a great laugh but because we're 16 we'll be left playing monopoly or scrabble!" I snapped
"Rach calm down" Leanne whispered
"No I won't calm down! Why are we being treated like kids that you guys are babysitting! "
"Rachel it's not that but we can't exactly get you girls pissed drunk and something happens to you cause we'll get in trouble, we don't mean to treat you differently but yous aren't like regular girls we've hung out with" James interpreted
It fell silent after that because reality is really starting to hit me in the face, how could I be so foolish to think me and Brad could ever have something,
Like James said they'll get in trouble.
I just hated the feeling of being babysitted by my favourite band.
" we should go" I said breaking the awkward silence that filled the room
" do we have to?" Leanne asked looking at me sadly
I nodded and I asked one of the boys to ring a taxi
" here's £80 for the taxi" Brad smiled
"Thanks but I'll ask my mum to pay " I declined
"No, Rach please take it it's the least I can do"
I didn't want to take his money besides I hate feeling like someone's charity case, but I've a feeling I won't be leaving until I take it so i did.
"Thanks Brad"
Brad suddenly pulled me into a hug,
The random gesture made me feel all bubbly inside, the noise in the room happened to just fade away I felt safe and comfortable in brads arms and it was like a perfect dream It's like all my worries and fears just slipped away like they wear leaves falling off a tree in autumn.
When we pulled away from our embrace he kissed the top of my head softly
"I'll see you soon" he smiled
I nodded
"See you soon"

Excuse the shit chapter, sorry I didn't update Friday I had my exams.

Can anyone help me pls BC I've no idea on where this story is headed 😂😭 just comment what you would like to see happen in this book🙏🏼

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