⊙﹏⊙ 05

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'Taeyeon walks out of the classroom.I look at the students who were shocked of what i said.I try to find Taeyeon but it was no use because i saw her in the car with Heechul oppa. Suddenly the guard talk to me' - Jessica

"Ma'am are you going out too?" The guard asked.

"Umm, no"Jessica said.

"Are you the best friend of her's?" The guard said talking about Taeyeon.

"I think my answer will be maybe not" Jessica said weakly.

"Because she warned me if i want to be fired at being the guard at this school and asked her who is she to fire me and she said ask to my traitor best friend,she shout the word traitor at me so it give me goosebumps" The guard said. Jessica is just speechless of what the guard said.Jessica starting to run to go back at her classroom.

"Well that was weird,i ask the principal then,her name is Kim Taeyeon,lucky i saw her nametag" The guard said.

Jessica is trying to find Jonghyun. She went at the rooftop because that is Jonghyun's favorite place. Lucky she see Jonghyun there who was busy looking at his phone. Im guessing that is the video he record earlier. Jessica walk at the front of Jonghyun.

"That was daebak! Hahaha" Jonghyun said it loud.

"HAPPY NOW!" Jessica shouted.

"Not really" Jonghyun said.

"What do you mean by that?!" Jessica said.

"I have to take what i want first" Jonghyun said which made Jessica more angry.

"Seriously?! I just do what you want and that is not enough,get tired you bastard,you don't even worth Taeyeon!" Jessica said.

Jonghyun holds Jessica's chin tightly making Jessica cry and scared. "You know what,when your friendship is now over she didn't want to trust you any more and i have a plan to her so don't say that again to me or i will kill you!" Jonghyun said.

Jonghyun let go off Jessica and leaving her in the rooftop.

I want to jump before its getting too late. Jessica try to stand at the edge of the rooftop and slowly walk at the center before she could jump some one put her down.

"Yah! Eoni! What do you think you doing right now?!" Krystal said.

"I hate my life Krystal" Jessica said.

"Eoni, what you say earlier is it true?" Krystal said.

"Yes, but we keep it a secret" Jessica said softly.

"Then why did you say it? If that is a promise?" Krystal asked.

"If i didn't do it something bad will happen Krystal~ah" Jessica said.

"Is it that bastard again?!" Krystal said. Jessica nod.

When Krystal is going to leave to find Jonghyun. Jessica stop her. "Don't do it we leave him alone,we are in danger if you do it,and comfort me here" Jessica said.

"Yes eoni, sorry" Krystal said.

At the mall

"Heechul oppa, let's try not to talk it first,we go at the fun world first to forget about it first then we talk after" Taeyeon said.

"Okay everything to my sister" Heechul broke into smile. Taeyeon smiled too because her brother smiled because when they are in the car Heechul have a serious face.

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