⊙﹏⊙ 11

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White ceiling, beeping sounds and hospital clothes. What did i do? How i ended it up here?

Baekhyun is on my side. Sleeping peacefully. And have bandage in his right arm. And have few scars. I tried to get up but it makes Baekhyun wake up.

"How are you feeling now?" Baekhyun asked worriedly.
"Fine but still feel dizzy" Taeyeon said weakly.

"Your eomma will coming today" Baekhyun said. "Eo-eom-ma? But how did you-" Before Taeyeon could finish Baekhyun stop her. "The doctor said don't stress yourself and i charged your phone and i texted your eomma" Baekhyun said.

"I'll be going now, since your eomma is here already" Baekhyun said standing up and fix his hair and yawn.

"Don't go!" Taeyeon said loudly. "Why?Your eomma is here" Baekhyun said but inside of him telling him that he didn't want to go.

"Honey! How did this happen?!" Mrs.Kim enters the room. "I leave you two now, bye Taeyeon and Mrs.Kim" Baekhyun said bidding a farewell.

"You young man, what's your name again? Um..." Mrs.Kim said and thinking to remember Baekhyun's name. Baekhyun interruped while Mrs.Kim thinking deeply. "Its Byun Baekhyun"

"Yes Baekhyun, thank you for taking care of my daughter. And you can leave now" Mrs.Kim said. Baekhyun bowed.

"Baekhyun tell all about what happened to you" Mrs.Kim said. "Eomma can you tell about what he said to you?" Taeyeon asked.

"He call me 7:35 in the evening he said you collapsed because of shock. Because you see a couple who had fight and he added that before you collapsed you said that you don't want to happen that scene to me and your father and you can't stand it anymore and that's why you ended up here" Mrs.Kim said and some tears escaped from her eyes.

"Thank you honey you always worried about us" Mrs.Kim said. Taeyeon didn't notice that her tears are falling too.

But eomma,that is not the true reason. And yes i didn't tell about Jonghyun to our family because he might go crazy. There's a time or day i will tell you about it someday.

"Of course eomma. Im always worried of our family. Thats why i keep cheering up you and appa because i don't want to see your angry faces" Taeyeon said calming her mother. "Thank you really honey" Mrs.Kim said.

"Honey i know that you are not ready about this.You are getting-" Mrs.Kim got cut off by her words because Heechul suddenly come in. And causing Taeyeon not to hear her eomma because of her noisy oppa.

"Little sis, how are you feeling?" Heechul asked worriedly. Mrs.Kim wiped her tears. "Fine" Taeyeon answered simple but it makes Heechul better.

"Next time you come home by 5" Heechul warned Taeyeon.

"Eh? 5m?" Taeyeon asked. Making Heechul confused.  "Why?"Heechul asked.

"Make it 5:30, please...." Taeyeon beg like a puppy.

"Fine" Heechul said giving up. "But next time i will not falling with your act" Heechul said.

Mrs.Kim is smiling of what she see in her sight. But she doesn't tell it to Taeyeon yet. "Eomma, what time will i be discharged in this boring room?" Taeyeon said snapping her thoughts.

"Oh! After lunch" Mrs.Kim said without noticing her voice raise. "Eomma whats wrong?" Heechul asked.

"Is something bothering you?" Taeyeon asked. "Nothing its just.. um... business" Mrs.Kim said.

"Is there a problem again?" Taeyeon asked.

"Don't stress yourself sis" Heechul said warning her.

"I think oppa is the nagging one not me" Taeyeon joked. The three of them laughed.

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