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"Bambam and Taengoo?!" Baekhyun half-shouted.

"Why are they here?" Chanyeol asked. "Are they dating?"Suho asked.

"No way Taeyeon would date that guy!" Baekhyun said. He knows that Taeyeon is only his friend but he cares Taeyeon more than his other friends. Because she is something special to him.

"We should get going now" Suho said. "Yeah we should" Chanyeol said. Suho and Chanyeol are standing up. Baekhyun is still frozen in his seat.

"Yah! Baekhyun! Let's go and find the others!" Chanyeol said in annoyed tone. Chanyeol Dragging Baekhyun outside the cafe.

"Baek...hyun?" Taeyeon said. She look at her right side. He saw two guys dragging their friend.

"What did you say?" Bambam asked. "I just hear something and find nothing"Taeyeon said. "That's weird" Bambam said.

"Anyways What would you like to order?" Bambam asked. Taeyeon look at the menu. Her eyes stop at the cake section. "Cheese cake........ and latte will do" Taeyeon said.

I hope what i just heard is true..

"What is your order sir?" The lady asked. "We will order two cheese cake and two latte please" Bambam said. "And one cup of water" Taeyeon said. The lady nodded.

"Its so nice to be with you today" Taeyeon said breaking the akward silence.

"Me too, im glad that you accept my offer yesterday" Bambam said.

"Its for the friendship also. And after this where should we go next?" Taeyeon asked.

"How about we go at the mini fun land?" Bambam said.

"Thats sounds cool. We should finished fast because im so excited" Taeyeon said.

"Here's your order sir and ma'am" The lady said.

"Thank you" Taeyeon said. The lady placed the order and arranging it carefully.

"Its okay now,e njoy the food" The lady said.

Taeyeon take a bite of cheese cake and eating it happily. Bambam just laughed at her childish side. Someone interupped them.

"Sorry to bother the two of you. Can i ask some question?" The lady asked.

"Yes you may" Bambam said.

"The two of you are a couple?" The lady asked.

Taeyeon blushed a little of what the lady have said. "N-no were not. We are just best friends" Taeyeon said.

"Aw shame on me. I thought you two are together .You two look good together at each other" The lady said.

Seriuosly?!Just stop...

Taeyeon blushed more even other person can see it clearly in her cheeks. Bambam looked at Taeyeon's reaction. It makes Bambam smile.

Don't that in front of me Taeyeon. Its making me fall in love with you again.

"Im sorry... i just thought... that you" Taeyeon stop her.

"Its fine, people make mistake, we are not perfect" Taeyeon said trying to get rid off the lady's nervousness. The lady left.

Taeyeon and Bambam continue their business. "Im done" Bambam said. "Me also" Taeyeon said.

The two of them leave the cafe and walk around before they enter the cafe.

Oh i see you are happy with someone else but why you don't feel happy when im with you.I try to make you be mine.That's why i marked my words at your best friend.I'll take what i want first.Prepare Taeyeon~ah.

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