⊙﹏⊙ 17

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Ring ring

Taeyeon off the alarm and yawn. Taeyeon stand lazily and proceed to the bathroom. She went at the shower. She didn't notice she turned the cold one.

"Ackkk!" Taeyeon shout and she is now full awake. She chuckled since she notice what she do. "Pabo" Taeyeon whispered. And continue bathing.

Taeyeon wiped her hair playfully. She sit and get her blower. "What look should i do today?" Taeyeon asked herself while tapping her chin.

"I should try no hairstyles today. Just normal" Taeyeon said and smile brightly.

"Ma'am can i come in?" Mina said. Taeyeon nods.

"Ma'am what style for today? And you seem have a good day today ma'am" Mina said.

"Just simple. No ponytails for this day" Taeyeon said.

"Yes! The day have finally come... Sorry for my sillyness ma'am... I like you with simple hair more Ma'am" Mina said.

"Really? I should do it everyday" Taeyeon suggest. "And just eoni" Taeyeon added. Mina is shocked.

"Why is there something wrong?" Taeyeon asked.

"No ma'am. But we are not allowed" Mina replied.

"Eh? I tell them im the one who said that you call me eoni" Taeyeon said.

"Thank you ma- i mean eoni" Mina smiled.

"Can i skip breakfast?" Taeyeon asked. "Take some milk instead skipping breakfast" Mina answered. Taeyeon nods.

Mina got out first since Taeyeon have to change in her school uniform first. She look at the mirror. She touch her hair and smiled. 'Im no PonyTae' Taeyeon laughed when she changed the 'tail' into 'tae'.

Taeyeon go downstairs while humming. She go at the dining table and drink her milk.

"Good morning dear. I think someone have a good morning" Mr.Kim said. Taeyeon smiled genuine.

"I gotta go appa and eomma" Taeyeon said. And kiss them both at the cheeks.

"This early in the morning?" Mrs.Kim asked. Taeyeon nodded.
"Okay. I don't want to break your mood" Mrs.Kim said. Taeyeon chuckled.

"By the way... Where's oppa?" Taeyeon asked. "He is on a date" Mr.Kim said.

"Date?!" Taeyeon get shocked. "Woah oppa is really growing up" She added.

Mr and Mrs Kim just laughed. Taeyeon bowed and ready to leave. She got out and smell the air.

"Jisuk oppa let's goooo~" Taeyeon said. Jisuk open the car door and wait for Taeyeon to come in.

And they drove off. Taeyeon look at the window. She look at the sky and closed her eyes. Suddenly an image appeared. 'Baekhyun. I should avoid him first' .

"Ma'am were here" Jisuk said. Taeyeon didn't wait Jisuk to open the door. She opened by herself instead. She wave at Jisuk. He waved back.

Taeyeon enters the school. She see Jessica and run to her. And she place her arm around Jessica. Jessica jumped because someone just place their arms around her. She notice its Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon goood mooorning" Jessica greeted. Taeyeon smiled. "Seems Taeyeon have a good day today huh?" Jessica said. Jessica notice Taeyeon's hair.

"Didn't do some hairstyles today?" Jessica asked. "Because Mina said im better with this style" Taeyeon answered. Jessica raised her two thumbs as an agree.

The two of them stop at Taeyeon's classroom. "Bye Jessica see you later" Taeyeon said and hugged her. "See you later" Jessica said and gently release from the hug. Both of them wave at each other.

Taeyeon enters and walk to her sit. She notice that all of the students look at her. "Good morning Tifanny!" Taeyeon greeted.

"Good morning too. And i notice your style today its so good. And where have you gone yesterday?" Tiffany said.

"Its just simple. Its no big deal also. I tell it all later when its recess time" Taeyeon laughed. And get her sketchpad.

She starting sketching something. Everytime when Tiffany look at her. She cover it. And focus again.

"What are you doing?" Tiffany asked. "Sketching" Taeyeon said.

"Who?" Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon hides her sketchpad and look at Tiffany. "Its something....cute?" Taeyeon said. Tiffany nods. "Or someone special?" Tiffany teased.

The teacher come in. She ordered srudents to stand up and greet at her and to sit down.

"Okay im going to remind all of you. Your activity must be passed on friday" Mrs.Jung said. The students 'argh' in frustation. But Taeyeon it make her heart beats fast. Baekhyun too.

"Your time and chance" Chanyeol whispered. Baekhyun look at Chanyeol and nods. And she look at Taeyeon. "Its going to be fine don't worry much" Chanyeol said calming Baekhyun.

"Omo. The activity...." Taeyeon muttered. Tiffany notice Taeyeon is nervous. She patted Taeyeon's back and rubbed it gently. "Calm down" Tiffany said and smiling with her eyes. Taeyeon smiled also.

"Im giving a time to all of you to able to finished it" Mrs.Jung said. "Go start find your partners" She added.

Its making Taeyeon more nervous. "I'll go and find my partner" Tiffany said and Taeyeon bowed.

'Its time Taeyeon. Just wait him to talk first'

"Can i sit here?" Baekhyun asked. Taeyeon nodded not looking at him. Baekhyun sit and there is an akward silence.

"Oh... Should we start now?" Taeyeon asked akwardly. "Yes we can start now" Baekhyun answered and cleared his throat.

Taeyeon get her pen and struggled to write because of nervousness. The pen falls and both of them get it causing them to touch each others hand. And look each others eyes. Taeyeon instantly get her hands out and tapped it in her table.

Baekhyun smiled and shook his head. "Here" Baekhyun said and handing the pen to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon get it and Baekhyun hold her hand. Taeyeon give her a questioning look. "Taeyeon can we talk normally?" Baekhyun asked. Taeyeon is trying to get her hand out but the grip of Baekhyun become more strong. Taeyeon give up and nod.

"Where should we start?" Baekhyun asked and look at Taeyeon. Taeyeon is holding her hand where Baekhyun holds earlier. "Uh um.." Baekhyun cough.

Taeyeon look and stare at the empty second page notebook. "Ummm...about love right?" Taeyeon asked. Baekhyun nods. "We fi-finished a-about chemistry and w-we proceed about friendsh-ship" Taeyeon stuttered.

"I think about it since you already think about chemistry" Baekhyun said. Taeyeon nodded.

"Do you want my pen?" Taeyeon asked. "No its fine i have already" Baekhyun said.

"Friendship we include this because some of people start as friends first. They always treated by the other people as a couple but they are saying that they are not. Many years past they are now grown up and that time they realized that both of them have feeling each other and then decided to live with each other and live happily ever after" Baekhyun said and proud to himself.

Taeyeon stare at Baekhyun. "Umm if that includes?" Baekhyun asked. Taeyeon nod unknowingly. "Then we are finished" Baekhyun said and getting ready to passed it.

Taeyeon stop him by holding his both hands. Baekhyun look at her. "We don't talk about love yet" Taeyeon said. "Ah yeah... I forgot..." Baekhyun said and look at Taeyeons hand. Taeyeon notice his looks and she immediately release her hands.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to" Taeyeon said. "Its fine Taengoo" Baekhyun said and stand up since its recess time also. Taeyeon left confused.

'He say Taengoo again... And where cold Baekhyun go?' Taeyeon asked herself.

A double update... Yeah many free time this day... Thank you again for the support ㅠ.ㅠ .♡

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