⊙﹏⊙ 18

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'Jonghyun is absent again... Why?... He just transferred and didn't attend class?' Taeyeon said.

"Taeyeon come on" Tiffany said. Taeyeon look at her and smiled. She stand up and Tiffany linked her arms to Taeyeon.

They went at the cafeteria together and go to their favorite table. And greeted the girls.

"Taeyeon eoni where are you yesterday?" Yoona asked. Taeyeon looked at Jessica if she have to say it. Jessica nodded.

Taeyeon let out a sweet smile. And sit at her favorite chair. "Im in the nurse office yesterday" Taeyeon said.

"Why eoni?" Seohyun asked. "Someone do wrong to eoni yesterday" Taeyeon answered.

"Eoni is it a girl, isn't it?" Yuri asked. "Its a girl" Jessica answered.

"Its that Nauen, eoni? The girl who is a kind of 'psycho'?" Yuri asked and finger quote the psycho.

"Maybe...." Taeyeon answered weakly. Taeyeon remembers what Naeun do to her.

Tiffany noticed that Taeyeon wants to change the topic. "Lets eat! We don't want to change the good mood today right?" Tiffany asked changing the topic.They all nodded.

"Baekhyun how's Taeyeon?" Chanyeol blurted out. Baekhyun sipped his milk. "Fine... But she is still confused" Baekhyun said and throw his milk.

"What's your plan?" Lay asked. Baekhyun sighed.

"Later if we do our activity" Baekhyun said and bowed his head. Taking a short nap.

"Well..." Kris said. All of them direct their attention towards Kris. Kris cleared his throat.

"What do you want to say Kris?" Suho asked. "I don't know how to say this...." Kris said weakly.

All of them get confused. "This is my last day... Together with you guys..." Kris said and he placed his hands in his face and sobbed quitely.

"What do you mean last day?" Tao asked looking up not trying to cry.

"My father have a problem in China and he want me to do something in the company..." Kris said trying to explain. "But how about us?" Chen asked.

Kris sighed deeply. "I don't know. But im still in the group... I try my best to go in here..." Kris said weakly.

"I know how you feel hyung... Take care at there okay?" Luhan said and wiping his dried tears.

"I will Luhan" Kris said and try to smile. "Still contact us okay?" Suho said. Kris nodded.

"Enough of this drama. And spend our time to Kris hyung" Baekhyun said. Standing up and walk to Kris and hugged him. All of them joined the two.

"Just don't forget us okay? And come back" Chanyeol asked. Kris nodded and patted Chanyeol's hair. All of them get back to their own chairs.

"When the school ends. We go at the place where we started" Suho said. "Yehet!" Sehun shout.

"We go home 9pm" Kai suggest. "How about 9:30pm?" Sehun suggest.

"We go home at 10" Suho said. All of them agreed. "This day i title it as Kris big day with us" Chen said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Im going to miss all of you guys" Kris said. "Us too hyung" Sehun said. All of them agreed.

Bell ring

"Class i changed the deadline" Mrs.Jung said. "The deadline is tomorrow" Mrs.Jung added. The students have the same expression.

"Why ma'am?"

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