⊙﹏⊙ 14

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Baekhyun fetch a cab. And tell the driver to go at the nearest hospital. "You are going to be fine Taengoo" Baekhyun whispered.

"Were here" The driver said. Bekhyun paid the driver and he carefully hold Taeyeon in his arms. Baekhyun enters the hospital. He call a nurse to help Taeyeon.

"Place her in here sir" The nurse said. Baekhyun carefully placed Taeyeon. "You can wait here sir" The nurse said. Baekhyun sit at the couch. And thinking about Taeyeon.

"I should have not letting you go without someone. And where is Bambam that time?" Baekhyun thought to himself. "I'll call him"

Ring ring

Bambam picked up. "Hello?" Bambam answered. "Why do you left Taeyeon without saying a word?" Baekhyun said in angry tone. "Someone call me and its urgent and when i came back i didn't see Taeyeon....and...hold on...how do you know were together?" Bambam asked.

"You should have find Taeyeon and thinking that she have gone already!" Baekhyun scold Bambam. "Why are you calling me? Are you with Taeyeon now? Is something happened to her? " Bambam asked worriedly. "You found out someday...and i hope you learned your lesson that don't leave someone important behind" After Baekhyun said that he end the call.

Baekhyun stand up when the doctor comes out. "How is she?" Baekhyun asked. "She's fine. She just got shocked" The doctor said. "Can i come in?" Baekhyun said. The doctor nods.

Baekhyun open the door. He walk slowly inside and see Taeyeon sleeping peacefully. He asked the nurse, where is Taeyeon's phone. And the nurse said in the small cabinet. Baekhyun thanked the nurse.

Baekhyun open the cabinet and take Taeyeon's phone. He try to open it but the phone battery is dead. He asked the nurse if he could borrow some charger. The nurse let Baekhyun borrow her charger. And Baekhyun thank her a lot.

He try to open the phone again. And it works. He see the lockscreen wallpaper it reveals Jack. Taeyeon's favorite. He sighed when Taeyeon's have no password. When he unlocked it. The wallpaper screen reveals a breath taking picture of Taeyeon.

Baekhyun stare at the phone about 10 minutes. He shook his head. "You have to find Taeyeon's mother number first" Baekhyun whispered. He pressed the phonebook. And it only reveals 11 numbers. "11? I add my number here" Baekhyun said and adding his number.

He pressed the Eomma and dialed it. It picked up immediately. "Hello honey? Why are you not home yet?" Mrs.Kim asked worriedly. "Hello, my name is Byun Baekhyun and im one of your daughter's friend" Baekhyun said trying to explain. "Byun Baekhyun? I thought she is going out with the name Bambam...and why Taeyeon's phone is with you?" Mrs.Kim asked.

"Your daughter is currently in the hospital. And i try to explain" Baekhyun said. "What?! Hospital?" Mrs.Kim asked in worried tone. "Yes. She said this to me before she passed out. She saw a two couple fighting each other and she didn't want to happen that to you and your husband. She cannot take it anymore so she collapsed" Baekhyun lied.

"Really?... What hospital are you in?" Mrs.Kim asked. "Cheonju Hospital" Baekhyun said and touching his bruise in his lips. Baekhyun whisper-shout of the pain. "I'll be there tomorrow" Mrs.Kim said. And hung-up the call.

Baekhyun sighed. She look at Taeyeon. "Everything is going to be fine" He whispered. Baekhyun stare at her face. He look at the eyes. Nose that are perfect. He stop when he realize what he was doing. "Baekhyun what do you think are you doing right now?!" Baekhyun said in whisper.

Baekhyun shook his head multiple times. He look at his watch
And its 3 in the morning but he couldn't sleep comfortable. He try to place his head in the bed slowly to not wake Taeyeon up. And the door opens it makes Baekhyun startled.

"Im sorry if i wake you but sir you need to be fixed up. You have many bruise and scars on your face and hand" The nurse said. "No its okay. It doesn't hurt" Baekhyun said. "But my answer still a no sir. Your scars have to be clean and your bruise also" The nurse said. Baekhyun don't have a choice.

Everytime the nurse clean his scars he screamed in pain but no sound. He doesn't want to wake Taeyeon up just because screaming in pain. "And its done" the nurse said. "Thank you" Baekhyun said. The nurse bowed and exit.

"Its already 4 in the morning" Baekhyun said. Baekhyun take a short nap. 1 hour passed someone enter the room. Its Mrs.Kim. Baekhyun immediately bowed at Mrs.Kim.

"So you know me?" Mrs.Kim said. Baekhyun bowed again. "Can we talk outside?" Mrs.Kim asked. Baekhyun bowed again. And leaving the room.

"So when i entered the room. You didn't get surprised...Did Taeyeon tell it to you?" Mrs.Kim raised her eyebrows. "Taeyeon told me about her family background and i promised not to tell it since she is my friend" Baekhyun said. "Why would Taeyeon talk about that to a kind of person like you?" Mrs.Kim asked. Baekhyun get suddenly angry.

"I know we are not in the same level but you must have some respect to a kind of person like us" Baekhyun didn't hesitate to say it. Mrs.Kim taken a back. "Well i respect you and im just saying that. Why would Taeyeon picked a friend like you?" Mrs.Kim asked. "Because im a kind of friend that who is trustworthy and he is always there to support whatever she do" Baekhyun answered. Baekhyun realized what he saying.

Mrs.Kim smirked. "Then stay away from my daughter" Mrs.Kim said. Baekhyun didn't know what to say. "Stay away from her. I think you are the one kind of the person that he will hurt my daughter someday" Mrs.Kim added.

Baekhyun is fuming in anger. "I don't want to stay away from my friend" Baekhyun said in cold tone. "Calm down young man. You don't want to stay away from her? Then avoid her" Mrs.Kim said. "But that two is almost the same" Baekhyun said. "I know. Just stay away from my daughter" Mrs.Kim said.

"Who are you to do me what you want me to do?" Baekhyun said. "Because im her eomma. The most important thing in her life. And you are just a friend like a shadow who appears in her brightest time and disappears in her darkest time" Mrs.Kim quoted.

Baekhyun cannot take it anymore. "Can you let me talk or look at your daughter first?" Baekhyun said. "Okay but i come in when she is awake" Mrs.Kim said. Baekhyun nodded.

He enter the room quietly. He sit at the chair that beside Taeyeon's bed. He placed his head on the bed. And sobbed quitely. "Taengoo im going to avoid you. And im not able to tell the truth even to Chanyeol or my other members. Im sorry Taengoo. Even you cannot hear it" Baekhyun said and fell asleep.


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