⊙﹏⊙ 07

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"What should we take?" Taeyeon asked.

"We take a bus" Baekhyun said. "Let's play a game,the last one who make it at the line should treat" After Baekhyun said that he runs fast as he could.

"Yah! Baekhyun that's unfair" Taeyeon shouted.

When Baekhyun almost reach the line he hide at the tree behind. Taeyeon is finding Baekhyun. "That guy seriously" Taeyeon muttered.

When Taeyeon is going in the line someone interruped her its Baekhyun. "I'll get here first than you Taengoo~ah" Baekhyun said in innocent tone.

"Really?!, okay then i treat you" Taeyeon said. "Really? I save that for tomorrow. So we should go together at recess" Baekhyun said.

Before Taeyeon could say anything. The bus came. "Well let's go together at recess tomorrow" Taeyeon said.

'I think Baekhyun didn't heard.So should i tell it again?'

In the bus there only one space left. Baekhyun sit at it when he recognized that there is no other chair for Taeyeon to seat.

He calls Taeyeon. "You sit here ill be standing there, i call you if our stop is already here" Baekhyun said.

"Thank you Baek, i appreciate it" Taeyeon said.

15 minutes passed

Taeyeon taking a glance of Baekhyun, she notice that Baekhyun is not there. The bus stop and Taeyeon try to get off of the bus but someone is holding her she realized that its Baekhyun.

"I-i t-thought you have gone al-already" Taeyeon said stuttering.

"No, there is a couple who got off of the bus earlier, don't be scared im here, the next stop is ours" Baekhyun said. Taeyeon nodded.

Taeyeon sit beside Baekhyun. She notice that Baekhyun is looking at the window peacefully. She stare at his eyes,nose and lips that looks like a puppy lips. Taeyeon realized what she was doing. She fixed her gazed at the other place.

"Are you done to observe my face?" Baekhyun asked. Baekhyun's word make Taeyeon frozed.

"I-i-i wasn't lo-looking at y-you" Taeyeon said stuttering while not to dare look at Baekhyun.

"Then where are you looking at?" Before Taeyeon could say the bus stop.

"Oh its our stop,let's go" Taeyeon said not looking at Baekhyun.

The two of them got off. "So where should we go next?" Taeyeon said while looking at the sky.

"We are going to walk now since my house is near" Baekhyun said. Taeyeon nodded at Baekhyun.

There was an akward silent and Taeyeon broke the silence. "About earlier i didn't mean to,i-i just spacing out" Taeyeon said still not looking at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun let out a chuckle. "You know what just keep doing that you are so cute to not try to look at me" Baekhyun said.

Finally Taeyeon look at Baekhyun. Their eyes met and Taeyeon broke it."Well that's good cause im actually cute" Taeyeon said finally broke in smile. "Oh we are here now" Baekhyun said.

Knock knock

Someone open the door its Jaebum. The both of them hugged each other and fist pumping. "Who is this girl? Is she your girlfriend?" Jaebum asked.

"No hyung its my classmate. We have some activity to finished off for school" Baekhyun said.

"Im sorry girl, but im sad Baekhyun~ah, if you two are a couple you could be the most cutest couple in whole south korea" Jaebum said. Totally make Baekhyun embarrased and red as tomato. Taeyeon is just embarrased of what Baekhyun's brother said.

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