chapter six - party time

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"Ow!" A voice followed the noise. Grumbling I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. When my vision cleared I saw a very grumpy Logan on the floor.

"Why you on the floor?" I asked still half asleep.

He scoffed, "Why am I on the floor? Because you pushed me off that's why!" Sheesh someone has something up their arse.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I said lying back down. I felt the warmness being ripped from me and the cold hit me like a thousand knives.

"Get up, fatty." I heard Logan say. That bitch. No one and I mean no one wakes me up because I will murder them. And the idiot called me a fatty.

I leaped up from the bed and charged at Logan. His eyes widened when he saw me and he did a very wise thing, he ran from me. "Come back here arsewipe!" I screamed chasing him down the hall.

"Never!" He hollered from in front of me. I finally caught up with him and jumped on his back making us both fall to the ground. He turned over, how? I have no idea and faced me. Shock and fear flashed through his eyes. That's right, you should be afraid idiot, I thought.

I narrowed my eyes which then widened when I noticed I was straddling him.

"What the hell?! Why did you jump on me?" He yelled, his face inches from mine.

"Because you woke me up and called me a fatty!" I yelled just as high as him.

"Crazy bitch.." He muttered under his breathe.

I narrowed my eyes, "What-

"What is going on here?!" I heard a voice shriek. My head snapped up and I saw my moms panicked face, ugh why didn't she go home with Jim? Wait no that's not his name eh oh well. I leaped up off of Logan who looked confused.

"Nothing." I snapped, why does she even care?

"Don't you use that tone with me. Who is this?" She gestured to Logan but she didn't gave me time to answer she just kept ranting. "For gods sake Haydee. Did you sleep with him? You probably did-

That's when I zoned out. I looked around the room and looked at Logan who was already looking at me, we held eye contact until my mom's voice raised catching both of our attention.

"Are you even listening? I have had it with you! And you Mister," My mom pointed a finger at Logan, "need to go." He nodded sending me a look that I didn't catch and walked out the front door.


I was lying on my bed blasting some Frank Ocean when I felt my phone vibrating. I lazily rolled over to get my phone out of my back pocket I answered the call,


"Hey Haydee, it's Lucas."

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Wanna go to a party?"

I frowned, "I don't know, parties aren't my thing."

"Oh come on, please it will be fun." He urged.

"Fine." I groaned loudly.

"I'll pick you up in 20, bye!"

"Bye Luke!" I smiled, might as well.

With that we ended the call. I looked at the time, 6:30.

I got up from my comfy bed and trudged over to the bathroom to shower. When I finished I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and lose top and white converse. I left my hair wavy and put on a small amount of mascara.

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