Chapter 21 ~ Morning cuddles & The Beach

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Chapter 21 ~ Morning cuddles & The beach

I groaned and rolled over. I must of fallen off of the bed because I landed on the floor tangled in the sheets. I groaned again and rubbed my eyes. Logan's head popped over the edge of the bed. He grinned at me.

"Morning Muffin." He said cheerily.

"Why are you so happy so early in the morning?" I asked trying to get up, I managed to sit up. The sheet fell from my chest and a cool breaze hit my chest. What the? I glanced down and saw I had no shirt on, I blushed as the memories of what happened last night flooded my mind. I pulled the sheets around me and glanced at Logan. He smiled.

"It's 10 in the morning, it's not that early." He replied. I glared at him.

"Well it's early for me." I grumbled, I was never a morning person.

Logan rolled his eyes and got up. I blushed when I noticed he was also naked. He pulled on a pair of boxers and then threw me my underpants and one of his big shirts. I blushed more, if that was even possible, and pulled his white shirt over my head and then tried to pull my underpants on with out exposing anything. Logan just chuckled and helped me up. He fell onto his bed and pulled me down with him.

"Let's just cuddle for the rest of the day, yeah?" Logan asked, pulling me into his chest and kissing the top of my head. I smiled, he's such a cutie.

I looked up at him, "What about food?" I asked.

He smiled. "You really love your food." He said shaking his head. "We'll go down and eat soon okay?" He said grinning down at me.

I pouted, "But, Logan, I'm hungry now." I whined.

"No amazing morning sex or anything?" He teased grinning, I blushed and hit his chest. "Fine, let's go." He said getting up. I jumped off him.

I stuck my tongue out at him. Which he maturely returned. I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen. Logan strolled in a second after.

"You're making breakfast." I said and plopped down on a stool. Logan groaned.

"But I made breakfast yesterday." He grumbled.

"Yeah well I made dinner last night . . . which we didn't eat, since we um .. you know ..  bumped uglies." I finished the last part quietly while blushing a deep shade of red. I looked down and heard Logan laugh. I looked back up at him and glared.

"B-b-b-bumped. . .u-uglies." Logan got out through his laughs. He was now clutching his stomach and I swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek. I scowled.

"Are you done?" I asked annoyed.

"Ok, ok I'm done." He said then looked at me and let out a chuckle. I raised an eyebrow.

"Well get cooking." I urged, my tummy rumbling. Logan huffed.

"Fine, what would you like, Muffin?" He asked leaning against the edge of the counter.

I tapped my chin thinking. "Hmm, bacon." I grinned.

"Of coarse, but what's the magic word?" Logan smirked.

I sighed. "Please?" He shook his head. "Please babe?" He shook his head again. "Please sexy?"

His smirk widened, "You know me so well." He joked before turning to the fridge to get bacon.

While Logan was cooking I couldn't help but watch as his back muscles flex whenever he moved. My hands itched to run down his smooth skin. Last night was. . . amazing.

"Done checking me out?" Logan's voiced broke through my thoughts of last night and I blushed. All I seem to do is blush these days, what has gotten into me. Logan smirked and continued on cooking. 

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