chapter one - crying & meeting the bad boy

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A/N: This was my first time writing so it is pretty crap, that's why I'm editing it. I might make a few changes here and there but nothing too dramatic or nothing that will change the storyline. I'm so, so sorry if it doesn't make sense but hopefully it does. Just bear with me and all will be good in the end.

picture of logan ------->


There is one thing that every single person has in common, one thing that people share the same hatred for; and that is school. It hasn't even been first period and I'm already in the girls toilets crying like a kid that has had his candy stolen. Gosh, this is so cliché.

Earlier that morning

Today I came to school earlier than usual, hoping I could avoid running into a certain someone. As I walked through the school gates I kept my head low and clung to the straps on my backpack. I entered the glass doors and hastily stepped into the building. I looked left and right searching a certain blonde head of hair, so I could avoid bumping into Megan Smith. One day she decided that it would be fun to make my life a living hell, and so she has.

Once I reached my locker I fiddled with the lock and swung the door open. Much to my surprise water balloons fell out onto my head soaking me with freezing cold water. I just stood there frozen in my spot as the water dripped down my body. I heard faint laughing and goosebumps rose on my skin.

"Oh my god that was hilarious," a high pitched voice giggled.

"I can't believe you got it on video too!" Another voice that was equally as high screeched before laughing.

I let out a shaky breathe and shut my locker. Once I could finally move my feet, I shuffled quickly in the direction of the girls toilets shivering the whole way. My eyes pricked and I could feel tears forming.

Just as I swung the door open the first tear fell and I couldn't stop the rest from rolling down my face. Angrily wiping at my cheeks I walked into a cubicle, slamming the door shut. The tears kept falling and I sat on the toilet, hiccuping and sobbing. My heart ached suddenly, wishing my mother was here comfort me but instead she was busy sleeping around trying to forget my about my father and his death.

After controlling myself after god knows how long I cried for, I got up and walked to the sink.

When I saw myself in the mirror I wrinkled my nose. God I'm a mess. My eyes are puffy and bloodshot from all the crying. Sighing I tried to comb through my hair with my fingers which was not at all successful, I probably just made it worse.

Once I looked as good as someone who just had a break down can look, I scurried out of the toilet and down the empty hall, I'm guessing everyone is in class. I opened the door to exit this horrid building people call a school and bumped into a very hard wall. Or rather, a very hard chest.

"Sorry." I whispered.

I looked up and met the chocolate brown eyes of the school's bad boy; Logan Nicholas. To say he is hot is an understatement, this guy is a freaking sex god on legs from sex god land-

"Watch where you're walking." He snapped obviously in a bad mood. Well what climbed up his arse and died. It's really sad that such a sex god has such a bad personality. "What's wrong with you?" he frowned.

"You'll find out eventually." I muttered remembering that Megan go it on video. With that I just walked away not wanting to socialise with undeniably attractive yet rude Logan.

I walked quickly out the school gates and started down the road home. There is no way I am going to school after the incident with the water balloons.

I locked the front door behind me and threw my house keys in the little bowl near the door with a sigh.

I walked upstairs to my room and fell face down on the bed. I just lay there thinking when my stomach make an inhuman noise which I'm pretty sure sounded like a dying whale. I got up and jogged down the stairs to the kitchen to satisfy my stomach's needs.


As of this moment I am sprawled out on the couch with a jar of Nutella in one hand and a spoon in the other, dressed in my grey sweats and a baggy t-shirt watching Friends, my all time favorite show.

Shoving a spoon full of Nutella in my mouth I heard my phone ringing. Retrieving my phone I saw the caller ID was work. Sighing loudly I answered.


"Hello Haydee, do you mind coming into work today?" My boss, David, asked.

And cue inward groan.

"Sure, what time?"

"Is 4:00 good?"

I glanced at the clock on the wall, it read 3:00 exactly, "Yeah that's fine, see you then David."

"Okay thank you see you."

And with that said we both hung up. My job isn't really that bad, I work at a coffee shop and it pays pretty well so that's good I guess. I started getting ready since I have to take the bus.

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