Chapter 7 ~ We what?!

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Chapter 7 ~ We What?!

"Wake up." A whisper came from my right. What the hell happened last night, I don't recall falling asleep. 

"Wake up!" The voice said more urgently. Mumbling I turned away. "Don't say I didn't warn you muffin." I heard footsteps walking away. Finally Some peace. I was just about to slip into sleep when something cold and wet was flung on my face. 

I gasped and shot up into sitting position. I rubbed my eyes free of water and opened them. I spotted Logan with a water bottle in his hands. I glared at him feeling a headache forming. 

"What happened last night?" I asked. I looked around and saw that I was in a room. "So. . .? You gonna tell me?"

"Oh yeah well you fainted." He said looking slightly amused. 

"Why?" Maybe from the alcohol.

"Well we kind of kissed.." I choked. What?! "I mean I knew I effected girls but wow I didn't know that much." 

"Egotistic much?" I said sarcasm dripping from my voice. Wow, Logan and I kissed, who would've thought. I wander how it felt with his tongue in my mouth, hands roaming my body. 

Okay seriously Haydee, get your shit together. He's staring at you, you were probably drooling. 

I lifted my hand and checked for drool, none. Few, that would've been awkward. 

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." He suggested with a wink. I rolled my eyes, faggot. "What'd you say, muffin?" Oh shit, I said that out loud. Cue face-palm.

"Hmm? Say what? I didn't say anything." I said a little to fast and stood up. Logan was taking long strides to me when I finally looked at him. Oh shit. "I'm gonna go this way, um bye!" I pointed to the right, turned and walked away quickly, where? I don't know. Let's try find the kitchen.

After roaming around I finally found the kitchen which was occupied, by someone that was naked... Definitely didn't see that coming.

"Oh morning, what would you like for breakfast?" The naked man slurred, okay so he's drunk, at 10 in the morning. No judging here. Mind you he looks like an older Logan, speaking of Logan where is that sex god on legs. Oh look there goes my hormones again. 

"Mason, put some clothes on." A voice said. I turned see Logan rubbing his face. 

Mason crossed his arms and stomped his foot like a stubborn child. "No! Bro, mind introducing me to this beautiful girl?" He gestured to me. I looked back at Logan, he sighed glancing at me. 

"Mason this is Haydee, Haydee this is Mason." I smiled a Mason, before I knew it I was being hugged, by a naked man. Well that's something I thought would never have thought would happen to me. 

"Hi-" My greeting was interrupted by Logan.

"Mason get off her and put clothes on, please." Logan sighed. Mason pulled away and pouted then ventured out of the room to go put clothes on. 

I looked at Logan and smirked, "You have an older brother." He nodded. 

"So we kissed.. and then I fainted, really?" He nodded again. I sighed.

"I'm baaaaaack." Mason sang, a little more sober than before. I giggled. "What'd you guys want for breakfast?" 

My face lit up. "Bacon!" Mason smiled.

"Bacon it is." He said gathering the bacon. 

"You love your bacon don't you?" Logan asked. I beamed in response and he chuckled. God his chuckle is sexy. The delicious smell of bacon hit my nose and I sighed happily. Mason sat a plate of bacon in front of Logan and I. I mumbled a thanks and dug in. I moaned in delight as the crispy bacon entered my mouth making Mason and Logan laugh. 

"God this is heaven." I moaned again, what I love my bacon. 

"Don't talk with food in your mouth, baby." Logan smiled. 

I tried to say don't call me baby but it came out more like "doon't cwall meh bwaby." Logan laughed. I huffed and continued eating. 

I learned a lot about Mason, he plays in a band called Freaky Love and he's the drummer and sings a little back up. He looks a lot like Logan but unlike Logan's deep chocolate brown eyes, Mason has  dark blue ones. Mason pretty much has the same personality as Logan but less cocky and egotistic. 

"Let me drive you home, muffin." Logan whined for the third time.

"No, I am perfectly capable to walk home by myself." I demanded crossing my arms over my chest. I saw Logan look down and smirk. What in the world? I looked down and saw that crossing my arms made my cleavage more visible. My arms dropped to my side with my checks tinted pink.

"Yes I know but you don't know the way home from my house." He argued looking satisfied. I sighed I guess he's right.

"Fine." I agreed. Logan grinned showing the dimple on his check that I loved. 

We got in the car and started in the direction of my house. 

"Are you doing anything for the long weekend?" Logan asked breaking the comfortable silence that surrounded us. I thought for a moment. I was going to stay at home and watch reruns of Friends and How I Met Your Mother while eating Nutella but maybe doing something with Logan might be fun.

"No, why?" I asked looking at him.

"Well some of my friends and I are thinking of going camping, you wanna come?" He asked side glancing at me. I was shocked, Logan wanted to camp with me? No he was probably just being nice, he probably doesn't really want me to go. "I mean if you want to?" He suddenly said. My head snapped up and I looked at Logan, he looked nervous. Oh god Logan, don't you start getting nervous on me it's to darn cute. "Haydee?" 

"Huh, what, oh um yeah that'd be nice. I won't be the only girl, right?" I asked flushed. 

"No, no my mates girlfriends will be there." He reassured me. I nodded and the comfortable silence came again. The car came to a halt in front of my house. I thanked Logan and walked up to my door giving him a small wave before entering my house and locking the door shut behind me. I couldn't get the fact that Logan and I had kissed out of my mind. 


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Nothing really interesting happened in this chapter it was more of a filler chapter but yeah :D

Sorry for any typos

4 more votes for the next chapter please 

Thank you so much for the votes and reads xx



~Brittany xx

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