But Things [A Jacob Black Sequel] Are Gonna Change: Chapter 3

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I awoke with a startling pain in my abdomen; a small squeak escaped my lips as I tried to sit up, the pain becoming even more unbearable and awful.

            I groaned. “Carlisle? Edward?”

            It surprised my when Emmett appeared at the doorway, his large build blocking it like a huge, impenetrable door. A wide grin spread across his face at the sight of me—although, I was still screeching in pain, my hands gripping my stomach with fear—and he hopped towards me, smiling goofily like a little kindergartener.

            “Summer!” He chuckled. “You’re looking awful right now—er, no offense.”

            “Emmett…” I warned, but I was cut off by a short stab of pain up in my chest.

            My glance wandered down to my stomach—which yesterday was only a small bulge—that was now a large bump, making me look like an actual pregnant woman. I heard a loud snap echo throughout the room, and I felt part of my chest hurt—horribly, more pain than I’d ever experienced in my life—and then throb with numbness.

            Emmett made a face, like he was disappointed. “Darn—thought we’d maybe have a chance to chat.” He leaned back. “Carlisle!

            Then, everything seemed a bit more under control; the trusted doctor appeared, scooting Emmett out of the way, and began to talk to me in his cool, soothing voice, as he worked on my body.

            Once again, they injected a doe of morphine into a tube, connecting it to my body quickly; the pain left a little slower than last time.

            “Carlisle,” I huffed, a little out of breath, “Why am I so…pregnant? It’s been a day!”

            “Yes,” Carlisle exhaled loudly—out of excitement or relief, I don’t know—and began writing things down on a thick paper. “Like I mentioned before, the baby is growing very swiftly.”

            I frowned, eyes wide. “I didn’t think you meant days—”

            Carlisle shook his head, and I fell quiet. “No, no—you have a couple more weeks, maybe a month and a half before this baby is born.” He paused, gave me a strange look, then continued. “Right now, it’s just growing physically—kind of like a werewolf does when vampires first arrive. Their physical bodies jump much farther ahead of their minds, and grow fairly large. Then, their minds began to expand afterwards—for example, their strategic ideas and general know-how—and that’s how your baby will grow.

            “Of course, this will take a while—I’m assuming a couple more weeks—and you’ll only be getting larger.”

            I stroked my large belly. “Bigger? Doc—I don’t think that’s gonna happen.”

            Carlisle stepped towards me, his hand outward. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a look at your stomach. Maybe, we can do a scan and see the fetus…”

But Things [A Jacob Black Sequel] Are Gonna Change [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now