But Things [A Jacob Black Sequel] Are Gonna Change: Chapter 7

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            “I warned you.”

            I flinched. “Jacob—don’t yell.”

            His lips twisted up into an amused smirk. “I’m whispering.”

            I closed my eyes, shaking my head. “Whatever. Shhh.

            He snorted, then muttered, “Here. Drink some coffee.”

            When I’d awoken this morning—1:30 in the afternoon—Jacob had driven me out to Forks, to a small café that had good coffee, in hopes I was one of those people who felt better as soon as they had a good meal and some coffee in their systems.

            I guess I wasn’t one of those people.

            “Thanks,” I croaked, slowly grabbing the white ceramic cup, hauling it up to my lips; at first, the heat burnt my lips, but then the warm liquid ran down my throat, and I smiled. “Mm. Coffee. Augh. Why’s is so bright in here?”

            Jake sighed. “I shouldn’t have let you drink that much.”

            Moaning, I laid my head on the wooden table. “It’s my fault. Not yours.”

            “I probably should have stopped you after you lost your ability to speak.” He smiled. “Sorry.”

            “No, no, it’s fine,” I mumbled, my voice hard to hear because it was muted by the table. “I’ll be fine. Really. I’m feeling better already.”

            His eyebrows lifted, and a smile appeared on his lips. “Really?

            “Yeah—really.” I glanced at my coffee, then back at him. “Hey—don’t give me that look. I know you don’t believe me.”

            Jake snorted, then glanced at the clock on the wall. “Oh, shit—we’re late.”


            A funny smile appeared on his face as he gazed down at me. “We gotta go pick up the baby.”

            I snorted.

            “Can’t let Rose babysit forever.”

            I stood, then bit my lip. “Is it bad I forgot we had a baby?”

            Jake shrugged, tossing a twenty on the table. “You’ve forgotten a lot of things.”

            I frowned; for some reason, his words kind of stung.


            “Just tell me.”


            I sighed. “Jake, tell me.”

            “No. You have to meet the baby first.”

            “Just tell me if it’s a boy or a girl!”

            “Only like, thirty more seconds until we see the baby. Relax.” We were going up the Cullen’s drive. “Besides, it’d ruin the surprise if I told you.” He winked.

            I mock punched his arm. “You’re an asshole.”

            “Funny—last night, you were telling me how much you loved me.”

But Things [A Jacob Black Sequel] Are Gonna Change [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now