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I change my mind to update everyday.I've plan that i update only on weekdays Monday to Friday.I tell you the reason.

First:Weekends is my busy day and that day my parents are home,of course in weekdays that is their work days and in weekends i make them happy.
Second:In sunday's we always go to church and always go to mall.
Third:I try to update in weekends anyways.
Fourth:I'm or we always go in other place,or we always visit some of our friends.
Fifth:Weekends is our family day.
Sixth:The other time's is my chance to get freedom,well weekdays always my freedom ㅋㅋㅋ

I end it there i hope you understand guys.Thank you.I hope this story gets some attention.And will be succesfull.

My plan in this story is to make it into 60+ chapters or 50+ hahaha.Yes that's my plan ≧﹏≦.

You can share this story to your friends or Baekyeon fans.That will really help me to make this story into a pocket book i hope my parents will agree hehehe.

Ok that's all i wanted to say and thank you to give some attention to this story it really makes my heart melts again Thank you To all of you friends. π_π ⊙▽⊙ ●︿●.

고마워요 친구'스, 예 아이 릴리 돈트 너 섬 코리얀 월드, 미안해요!! ㅠ.ㅠ

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