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I’ve always heard that planning a wedding was hard work. I’m sure it would be if I was actually planning it, but Vlad had a team of planners working on all three of the ceremonies. Something about not wanting me to stress over something that shouldn’t be stressful for me, I already have enough stress in my life.  So I’m sitting here reading Atlantis Rising, which is turning out to be quite a good read. But still, I could be helping, if only Vlad would let me. I say this because ever since I was brought back to the house he has been even more over protective of me, that’s saying something since he was already super way over the normal over protective of me to begin with. Now he’s worried that I could be kidnapped again, he refuses to leave my side for anything. I haven’t done on single thing by myself since I arrived back and woke up. Er—since I arrived back, Harold told me he didn’t leave my side while I was unconscious either. Even now, as I sit safely in the library of our home, he sits with me.

“Don’t you get bored with watching over me 24/7?” I question him.

“I will never tire of watching you my love. I could watch you for the rest of eternity, which as long as there are threats out there I will. Why, my love, does it bother you?”

He had to go there; he just had to go there. Of course I don’t mind being the center of his attention at all times, I’m pretty sure even when he’s sleeping he’s somehow watching over me. But that could just be because he has me in his iron tight grasp all night, his comfy iron tight grasp. That I adore. But there are some things I would rather do alone, like oh I don’t know use the restroom and –well that’s about it, because the showers and baths with him are rather wonderful. Everything about him is wonderful.

“I just wish you’d allow me to use the loo alone. That’s all I ask, please.”

“If you wish. Nothing can hurt you in there. Thought I will miss the—“

“Oh no, the baths are quite alright by me.” I quickly cut him off. Those baths must stay.

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