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Eren Jaeger received the invite three weeks after his 17th birthday. He couldn't comprehend why he of all people had been invited to one of the infamous Levi Ackerman's parties. The boy was a hazard, that much he knew. He was in the year above, and one to watch in all respects. He had a gang of bodyguards with him at all time and was never seen without a pretty somebody on his arm. It was a different one every week.
Eren had heard so much about the parties at his mansion, and how everybody who returned from them remembered nothing at all simply because of the sheer amount of illegal substances available at them. Word had it that he was a drugs dealer, and that was where he got the money. He didn't have any parents, as far as anyone knew. But nobody was really close to the boy referred to as 'King of the school', so it was mostly hearsay that gave them the limited information. He had turned up out of the blue a year ago, and immediately rocketed to the top of the hierarchy- word on the street was he could even control the teachers.
Whatever the reason, Levi ran the school. He had a terrifying air of authority and a murderous bedside manner than sent everybody within a five mile radius running for cover.
Eren wasn't sure he wanted to go to the party- it wasn't his kind of thing.
'Don't be a loser,' his friend Connie enthused. 'If I got invited, I'd go. No question.'
'I don't know...' Eren shrugged. 'I don't really like partying. Besides, I won't know anyone. I'm the only lower sixth invited.'
'Weird!' Mikasa, his other friend, commented. 'I think you should go. I know I would.'
'Free booze and drugs,' Connie winked.
'I don't really do any of that. I have no idea why I'm even invited- I've never spoken to him before. Not to mention he's scary as hell. Him and his bodyguards...'
As if to prove his point, they saw the King in question crossing the playground, flanked by five burly men.
'Why does he even need them?' Mikasa whispered.
'Son of a drug baron. Or a mafia boss. That's why nobody's met his parents- mum's a whore and dad is in Mexico smuggling cocaine,' Connie repeated the same rumour everybody had heard a million times already.
'You can't honestly believe that,' Mikasa rolled her eyes. 'Anyway, let's get away from here. I don't like being close to him. You know what happened to Kevin McIntyre.'
Kevin had been beaten up last week for coming too close to Levi, asking him about a homework. What a stupid, rookie mistake. Kevin was new- he didn't know how this school was.  He'd been in hospital for three days with a suspected broken rib. That was what happened when the mood took the King.

Levi watched the tide of students parting before him, pleased to see the expressions of terror etched onto their faces. He also noticed a few girls whispering, their eyes sliding down his body appreciatively. He couldn't help but smirk, knowing that his provocative wardrobe wasn't the only thing causing their hot flushes. He knew he was something to look at, so he chose to flaunt it. He had his shirt unbuttoned halfway down and his hair uncombed, perfectly framing his chiselled features. He stretched his arms above his head, allowing his shirt to ride up and give everybody a glimpse of his toned torso. The muscles rippled as he walked, and he could see the girls almost faint with excitement. Plenty guys were also staring with intense jealousy. He knew what they were thinking- why can't I be the one with money, good looks and all the girls? Well, there was a quite simple reason. They weren't the vampire head of London. Levi was. He had fought his way unashamedly to the top, and he was going to stay there. Many people rivalled him, but he had them disposed of before they could pose any serious threat. That was part of why he had bodyguards; if he was ever caught off guard by an attempt on his crown, he wanted to be prepared. He squinted under the sun, shading his face with his hand. It sure was hot for early April. He was having a party that night; perhaps he could host it outdoors. That could prove interesting. The guests he had invited were some of his favourite in the precinct, ones that he could rely on to entertain him without stepping out of line or cowering in a corner. And not a single human in the mix, meaning he would have to deal with requests for snacks. He would not be providing any, as he was tired of sharing. A few would no doubt beg him to allow them to bring their subjects along, but he would decline. He detested the stereotype that all vampires just craved blood and flew into a frenzy every time they were near a human. If that was true, mankind would be finished because about 10% of the population were vampires. In reality, blood was to them exactly how food and drink is to humans. Necessary to survival, but not all the time. To put it plainly, a human walking down a street who is hungry won't attack and kill somebody who is holding a cheeseburger just so they can have it. And if they see food somewhere, they don't just take it. Smelling food doesn't drive them crazy enough to want to steal it. Vampires are exactly the same. Being around humans made no difference, regardless of how hungry they were. They'd just wait patiently until their next opportunity to feed, like any polite person would.
The lack of food at the party meant more room for alcohol, which was one thing he very much enjoyed. Vampires could also eat and drink any human food or drink, it just had no value- rather like eating cardboard. Nutritionally void. But the taste was still the same, so they endured the mild stomach cramps they occasionally got if they ate too much fresh fruit. They couldn't survive without at least three pints of blood a day. Alcohol still had an effect, as did drugs, although it was very much dulled because of the general acuity of reason within a vampire's mind. Levi had a very impressive liquor tolerance, as the alcohol was burnt off very quickly within his supernatural blood. And no hangover either, which was a bonus. It meant he could drink pretty much whatever he wanted as often as he wanted without any consequences.

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