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Eren couldn't believe what he had just been told. Levi, a vampire? Vampires didn't exist- a ridiculous notion serving only to scare him into submission. So why had everybody been referring to him as a snack earlier? And nothing could explain the way that Levi's teeth had actually extended in front of his eyes. He felt sick... He clamped his hand over his mouth, desperate to keep his lunch in his stomach. He couldn't vomit, not now of all times. He'd been in here for an hour just trying not to have a panic attack about his being trapped. It was really really getting to him and he was worrying that he might never get out when Levi finally returned. He was carrying a tray with two glasses of water. He set it on the floor as he locked the door again, then handed one to Eren, taking one for himself.
'It's a lot to take in,' he acknowledged, taking a long drink of water.'But I tell you- I'm the head of the London vampires. You think an eighteen year old just has this kind of money and resources lying around?'
'N-no, but vampires don't exist!' Eren sipped at the water gratefully, calming down a little.
'I think I'll have to kill you right now. I was hoping maybe I could make you understand and let you go on the condition of being a subject.'
'A subject?'
'Basically a personal blood-bag for me. If you don't agree to that, I think I will kill you.'
'But I don't want to die!'
'There's your answer. Lie down, little lamb,' Levi's voice softened into a more sultry tone, and Eren tensed up. Was this really happening? Was he about to become a vampire's subject? But he would rather that than death. Wouldn't he? Yes, without a doubt. Death was far less intimidating than Levi, but at least this way he'd still be able to feel fear. Fear was a better prospect than oblivion.
'You can't kill me, you won't!' This was more to comfort himself.
'Eren, I've lost count of how many people I've had killed or killed myself to get to the position I'm in today. Most were vampires, some were humans. They were all in my way. So I'm warning you not to repeat their mistakes.'
Eren's heart skipped a beat. It skipped about ten beats. This boy was ruthless... No mercy for anybody. Just death, building a pile of bodies high enough that he could reach a position of power. He saw people as pawns, just ploys for power.
Levi watched Eren's delightful realisation of just how brutal he was, and he just couldn't contain himself any longer. He lunged forwards and pinned him onto the bed, crouching over him.
'You are so very fascinating, lamb,' he soothed, not wanting him to put up too much of a fight. A little might be fun, but this game had taken too long now. He just wanted to get his fix. He pressed his lips against Eren's throat, feeling with his tongue for the vein. While he did this, Eren breathed a satisfied sigh. Levi brought his head up, raising an eyebrow in surprise.
'You enjoyed that?' He hadn't realised that he might see it in a more passionate sense than simple feeding. Well, it felt like that to Levi too. He usually just bit the wrist as it was far easier. He disliked the neck because it felt a little too sensual, if he was with somebody he did not want to have falling in love with him as they always seemed to. Did this mean he wanted Eren to fall in love with him? No. But he was marvelling at how his new toy was reacting to his touch. His skin was warm and flushed, and it smelt of aftershave and fear. An intoxicating combination that sent Levi's head reeling. He sucked on the base of his throat, not yet biting down. Finally, his canines extended just a little and he sunk his teeth down into the skin. Hot, sapid blood flowed into his mouth and he closed his eyes, relishing in the succulence of Eren's taste.
Eren felt the sensational pleasure overwhelming him, and soon he was clamouring for more. He had never experienced anything as wonderful as this. He tilted his head back, curling his hands into Levi's hair. All too soon, though, it was over and he felt the sensation fading. Levi climbed off of him and straightened out his creased clothes. There was a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead and sticking his hair to his forehead. He swept it away in a grand gesture and smiled, his teeth still decidedly long and pointed and coated in a dark red fluid. There was a dribble of blood running from the corner of his mouth down his chin, which he wiped away nonchalantly.
'Was that so bad?' He smirked. Eren couldn't answer; he felt as if he had been drugged. Had there been something in the water?
'I didn't roofie you. You felt it yourself- the feeding produces an endorphin that causes intense pleasure. It makes it a lot easier to feed if we don't have to battle with a shrieking human.'
He turned towards the door, not looking back as he said,
'I'll be back for you later, lamb.'
before walking out and leaving Eren alone once more.

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