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Eren was sat on the magnificent four-poster bed in his borrowed room when Marzia sashayed in carrying a tray laden with various assorted foods.
'I hope you have lots of questions,' she yawned, setting it down on the bedside table. 'I sure are am bored. Here, have some food.'
He shook his head. 'I'm not hungry.'
'Right, sure. So ask away.'
'Is- is it true?' He began this strange Q&A session with. 'That he's a vampire?'
'Yeah. Head of London, but I suppose you already knew that. Everybody in this house is a vampire, apart from you and the other subjects. I know it's hard to get your head round it at first, and round all the stereotypes about blood frenzies.'
'How old is he?'
'Hard to say. I think he's about twenty-five, but he's stuck at around eighteen or nineteen.'
'Does he have any relatives?'
'Never seen or heard of any.'
'Not even a girlfriend?'
She paused, looking very thoughtful. She was treading careful ground here.
'What?' He frowned. 'Did I say something wrong?'
'No. It's just that, well, I kind of question whether he likes girls at all.'
'You mean to say he's- he's gay?'
'Well, you've seen him. He wears leather pants. He may be constantly surrounded by hookers but despite his flirtatious nature, he shows no real interest in them ever. So we all thought he was at first, but maybe it was more that it stopped us being so annoyed that he didn't pay us any attention. But then we realised that he's just incapable of any human emotion other than anger and amusement at other peoples sufferance. Pity, I would have very much liked to be his Paramour.'
'Oh, it's nothing. Just a silly story we like to tell. It's basically that each vampire has their own true love, whose blood sings to them. There's no truth to it. Well, that is quite enough knowledge for today. I have to get back to my job now.'
'I'm his maid. Why do you think i wear this ridiculous outfit? I promise I'll look after you as much as I can for as long as you're here. I know how scary it is to be human around him. Heck, he's scary to me even now.'
When she left, Eren wondered how she had ended up here. She didn't look any older than 16, although she had the air of somebody far older. He stared at the grandfather clock and found himself wishing completely against his logic that Levi would come and find him. At least it might give something to while the hours away. His fingers subconsciously crept up to his neck to feel the soreness of the skin there. He rose and looked in the mirror on the dresser to see that there were two bruises either side of his neck, one for each time he had been fed from. How many of these marks was he to receive in his indefinite stay here?
He literally had no idea what to do until he was fed from, seeing as that appeared to be all he was there for. And he really needed a change of clothes too, because his favourite blue t-shirt was now stained at the collar with his own blood. He should have asked Marzia for something to wear. Presumably they'd have something somewhere in this house he could borrow. If he was going to stay here for more than two days, he was also going to need to shower and brush his teeth and stuff. And he needed to contact his family! Ugh, this was so inconvenient.
He almost laughed aloud at himself. How was he being so rational about this? Being imprisoned and fed on by a sadist vampire and threatened with death, and all he complained about was the lack of entertainment and fresh clothes. He didn't know why he had accepted any of this so easily as he had.

Levi knelt on the floor, sifting through the papers. He was sure it was here somewhere.
'Karim, have you seen that cheque I need to give to Raùl?' He asked the maid dusting his fireplace.
'No. Check behind your desk,' she advised. He found what he was looking for and thanked her, ordering her to take it to Raùl immediately.
'Now?' She raised an eyebrow, plucking it from his outreached hands. 'I'm not insured to drive the company car.'
'Take my car. Bring Marzia and that redhead, I forget her name-'
'Meredith, yes. They both have errands to run.'
She nodded, curtseyed deeply, and skipped daintily away.
He sighed and stretched his arms over his head. He finally had the house to himself. He'd sent every member of staff off on some wild goose chase he knew for a fact that Raùl was Ireland sorting out some kind of uprising. Now he had his prey to himself with no chance for interruptions or people getting in the way. It would be rather time consuming should he have to rip anybody's head off. He prowled the corridor until he found Eren staring vacantly at a wall in some bedroom.
'Levi,' he stammered when he looked up and saw the imposing figure standing over him.
'Don't look so excited,' Levi grunted. 'I need to work up an appetite.'
He was lying again; he was parched, but he was also enjoying his new toy far too much to end the game just yet. He lolled on the bed, his arm hanging off the side.
'Come here,' he ordered, and Eren obediently sat next to him, looking very awkward.
He sat up and cupped the back of the younger boy's head, staring lustfully at his neck. He brought his lips to it, feeling the pulse intoxicate him and his canines extending. He pressed them firmly against the skin, not quite piercing, just teasing. He accidentally scratched it a little, and a bead of blood sprang up. All this was really trying his patience. If he wasn't careful, he'd end up exsanguinating the poor boy completely. The temptation to rip into his throat was a heady drug that sent him reeling every time he came close. He'd never been this drawn to somebody's blood before; it sang to him. He needed to learn to exercise some self control. He pulled his head away reluctantly, forcing himself to wait it out a little longer. It would only serve to better the experience in the long run. Eren looked a little wounded, and in pain since he did have a small gash on his neck now. The venom only happened when he fully bit down. It took a few seconds to stimulate as well, meaning the first four or five seconds of feeding was always painful for the human.
'This just isn't doing it for me,' Levi shook his head, hiding his fangs by turning his face away. 'I don't feel anything.'
Eren looked about ready to cry at the idea of not being good enough.
'I'm sorry,' his lip trembled, terrified that this was where he would meet his end; a lamb at the mercy of a lion.
'Oh it's such a shame, everybody else is out on errands,' Levi feigned disappointment. 'And just when I really needed their services. It's no good, I'll have to feed off you.' He moved with the caution of a stalking predator, slowly pushing Eren back onto the bed, knees either side of his stomach and hand on his throat. He put pressure on it, marvelling at how his eyes widened in fear and he choked under the grip.
'I can't-' Eren coughed out. 'Breathe!'
He felt his vision swimming, but nothing was more in focus than the terrifying look on Levi's face- it was that of a scientist conducting a fascinating experiment. He saw black spots appearing round the fuzzy edges of the room, but the hand round his throat was too strong to move.

Levi realised suddenly that Eren wasn't quite as strong as himself, and eased up. It was no good to end the game in such a miserable fashion, without having received any pleasure himself. But the blood was pumping so fast to the area where his hand was that he felt almost delirious. He leaned down, his hair tickling Eren's nose. His canines were undoubtedly protracted now, and he accidentally bit his lip. The skin parted like butter, and he hissed in pain. The blood oozed down his chin, and he felt dizzy. He brought his face within millimetres of Eren's, close enough that he could hear just how shallow he was breathing. He hovered there for a moment, unsure how to proceed. He almost kicked himself- why was he worrying about this? He was the damn King. He could do whatever he pleased. He smashed his lips against Eren's and let the blood run down both their chins. He made sure not to let his fangs get in the way. The boy stiffened, taken off guard. Then his hands were pushing against Levi's face, trying to shove him away. He could taste the blood in his mouth and it was weirding him out.
'No,' he whispered. 'I feel sick...'
Levi looked mildly offended.
'From the blood... I can taste it,' he explained, not quite mentioning that actually he would have rather enjoyed pursuing the kiss. It had felt right to him, unlike the many times he had kissed the girls at school. He'd had his suspicions for a while, and those few moments had kind of confirmed them. But Levi was the wrong person to be discovering that with. This guy was a completely psycho. He sat up and spat the blood out, wiping it off his face with his sleeve.
'You're mine,' Levi growled, pulling him forwards and kissing him possessively. 'I tasted your blood, now you can taste mine.'
Eren tried to pull back, but found he was stuck fast by the hands locking into his hair. What more could he do? All that remained was to allow it. He tried to ignore the metallic liquid seeping into his mouth and concentrated on happy thoughts. He felt cool fingers sliding under his shirt, caressing the skin softly. He felt so completely controlled by this terrifying King; the lamb trembling before the grinning lion. He was slammed violently downwards in an act of passionate fury, Levi irritated by his earlier attempts at rejection. He ran his lips down the boy's neck, marking it as his own by sucking on the base of his throat.
Despite his reservations about the whole being kissed by a bleeding (male) vampire who had pretty much just attempted to murder him debacle, Eren whined like a kitten. He allowed his shirt to be pulled over his head, succumbing to the King's every wish and want. It would be no good to disobey him unless he wanted to be killed. He half closed his eyes and tilted his head back to bare his veins. He just wanted that feeling once more... That would make this all feel better. Levi noticed, and moved upwards, supporting himself with his muscular arms.
'What do you want, brat?' He spat.
'I want you to bite me,' Eren breathed.
'What was that?' He dropped his head lower, his face tantalisingly close. The wound on his mouth had already healed- yet another perk of being supernatural.
'B-bite me!'
'With pleasure,' Levi sank his teeth into the pale skin of his throat, and felt the hot rush of blood trickling between his lips. He sighed with contentment and just let it flow through, retracting his teeth and sucking the blood from the pinprick holes. While one hand gripped his neck, the other snaked down to hold the boy's slender waist. This had all been completely worth the wait. The feeling of having the warm, sweet fluid flowing down his throat was unparalleled by any other.
Eren went completely limp, overcome with ecstasy. He couldn't even keep his eyes open; perhaps it was because it felt so dreamlike. To any witnesses of the earlier violence it might appear to be a nightmare, and he supposed in that sense it was. But all that pain and terror faded away when the waves of rapturous delight washed over him, drowning all rational thought. All his fears of the King dissipated within seconds, replaced by a warm fuzzy sensation spreading across him. Some part of him that had been dulled by venom was still fighting against it, desperate to run. This is wrong, it tried to break through the fugue. This guy just tried to kill you. Who knows what he can do?
But in that moment, there was nothing he could do, and so he allowed himself to become an object to use and play with. He gave over every inch of his independence to the King because it seemed like the easiest thing to do. He would adhere to his every wish.

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