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Levi texted Archer ahead to ask him to leave him alone for the night, hoping he'd get the message and wouldn't decide to walk in at completely the wrong moment. He put his car into gear and began driving home, one hand on the steering wheel and the other casually holding Eren's.
Eren's leg was bouncing uncontrollably, something that always happened when he was anxious, and he couldn't stop thinking that Levi was also aware what they were about to indulge in. The previous time, it had been out of the blue and unpremeditated. This felt different- it was different- and he realised that the last time he'd been really drunk and it had all been fuelled by a passionate anger and a result of longstanding sexual tension. What if he was terrible this time, and it had just been the pleasure of something so forbidden? And he no longer had the haze of alcohol skewing his vision of what was a good idea and what wasn't; he also didn't have that same Dutch courage. Levi seemed to sense this, because he squeezed his hand reassuringly.
'We don't have to, if you don't want to. We can just talk or... whatever you think normal people do,' he didn't move his eyes from the road ahead, since they were going 80mph and one glance on this painfully twisting road could wrap them round a phone box.
'I want to,' Eren's cheeks burned. 'I'm just nervous, that's all.'
Levi nodded understandingly and didn't press conversation any further until they reached his house. Meredith was waiting outside to inform him of some legal document or other that needed signing.
'Oh, hi Eren,' she waggled her fingers at him. 'Just sign it in the morning, then.'
Levi thanked her and curved an arm round Eren's waist, and in no more than three seconds they were in his room. Levi was about to kiss him when he noticed something on his nightstand. He left Eren standing for a moment, going over to investigate, and suddenly burst out in laughter, his shoulders rocking with hysterics and his eyes lighting up in the most delightful way. Curious as to what could possibly be this entertaining, Eren checked it out for himself. Sat there on the bedside table was a condom and a note from Archer that read,
'Have fun and please don't make me listen to you all night this time - A'
Eren found himself giggling too, and was even smiling when Levi kissed him voraciously, their tongues locking immediately in a battle for dominance. Eren was no competition, and so he was content to allow Levi to guide him completely.

Eren fell back onto the bed, panting and exhausted. Levi kissed him tenderly and snuggled into his chest, feeling how quickly it rose and fell. The erratic heartbeat resonating through his mind warmed his heart and made him drowsy. The way his own heart reacted to this terrified him; everybody he'd ever loved he'd either completely corrupted or they'd betrayed him. The urge to run away could only be heightened as the attraction grew, and that was the worst part- every time he let Eren in a little more, the nicer and more secure their relationship was, the more likely he was to want to flee.
'Are you upset?' Eren looked down at him, his brows knitted together and eyes shining with fresh anxiety.
'No,' he shook his head, and while this wasn't a lie, per se, it wasn't the whole truth and he owed him that. 'I'm really, really happy, I just don't want to lose it.'
'You'll never lose me, if that's what you mean,'
'What if I get bored of you? I always get bored of everybody and force them to leave.'
'What about Archer?'
'He's... different. I hate him sometimes, but I'm never bored of him,' now that he thought about it, Levi realised that it was probably the same for Eren. He had never been bored of him, only angry at times. 'No, I don't think I will ever get bored of you.'
In that moment, it felt like they had embarked on some new plateau of their relationship, having expressed openly that they didn't want to lose each other.
'You know...' Eren reached over and checked his phone. 'We have the whole night ahead of us. Another round?'
'I'm a 220 year old man. My libido is not so high as yours,' Levi flicked him on the ear.
'Owwww!' Eren squealed and flicked Levi back, and soon they were locked in a battle to the death, rolling round the bed and laughing uncontrollably. They somehow ended up falling off the side, but before they had hit the ground Levi managed to catch Eren in his arms so that he was holding him like a child. They remained motionless for a short infinity, the both of them stunned by their proximity and the beauty of each other's faces.
'Breathe, moron,' Levi whispered in Eren's ear. 'Or your heart is going to explode.'
And it was true, Eren was so in awe that he had forgotten to breathe- added to that, his heart was still racing from messing around and obviously, having sex. Without any forewarning or idea of what he was doing, he threw his arms round Levi's neck and hugged him tight, kissing lightly down his neck and mewling softly.
'If you don't stop that, I'll pick you up on your offer,' Levi growled, putting him down and trying to be the sensible one in the situation. It was made even harder by the fact that neither of them were actually wearing clothes. Eren decided to have a little fun with this and tease him. He wrapped his legs round Levi's torso, still impressed that he could hold him up, and rolled his hips against him.
'Fuck it,' Levi smirked and slammed him down onto the bed. 'Don't blame me when you can't sit down tomorrow...'

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